prisoner in the door

Chapter 102: Chapter 102: Building 25

Hou Wenchang never dreamed that he could recite his points like this!

Originally, he just wanted to scare Zhao Hai and let him let him out.

Who would have thought that the policeman in the police station had such sharp ears that he really attracted people by saying something loudly!

"Tell me, how did the two of you get in here, and what does it have to do with him? Do you know that you can't meet the prisoner without permission? As for the ID card, report the ID number."

The old policeman stared at Zhao Hai and Li Xuan who were squatting against the wall with a serious face.

These two people usually deal with ghosts very wildly, but they are cowardly like quails when facing the police.

This is also normal, most of the players in this unknown game are from a society ruled by law, even if they all had their lives in their hands before they came in, they are not crazy people.

Except for the crazy ones, those who look like normal people are more disciplined.

After all, the security forces in the world behind the door are not so easy to mess with. They act aggressively for a while, and then go to the crematorium.

Those who can survive as veteran players in this evil god game can still do the basic assessment of the situation.

Because the two people had a good attitude of admitting their mistakes, the old police didn't make things difficult for them, but they couldn't show their ID cards, couldn't recite their ID numbers, and couldn't even tell where they lived and what kind of relatives they had, which still aroused the old police. The vigilance of the police locked them up by the way.

They were not locked in the same cell with Hou Wenchang, Hou Wenchang was locked on their left side, it was difficult for both parties to see each other from a normal angle, but once the old policeman left and they were locked up, Zhao Hai and Li Xuan were locked in the iron cell. On the railing, his face was squeezed and deformed, and he stared fiercely at Hou Wenchang, who couldn't see over there.

"You loser!"

"Fuck! You actually yelled! I'm going out to kill you!"

"You idiot, it's all right now, I can't get out!"

"Son, I am your father! You grandson!"

The two micked passionately, and Hou Wenchang lay dead on the bed.

Too bad, too bad.

Originally thought that he could get out, who would have thought that the result would be like this.

Hou Wenchang also regretted it this time. It is true that this time the book (world) tends to deteriorate very clearly. The zombies wandering outside are a great instability factor. It is almost certain that the copy (world) will become a composite book (world) Son.

Hou Wenchang considers himself a good person. Although he drowned his companion who also fell into the water because of his strong sense of survival, that person was the one who pushed himself off the bridge and dragged him off when he fell. What's the matter, he can't swim, and when he was dying, in order to survive, he suppressed the culprit who could swim and obviously wanted to give up himself to escape for his life, so what happened?Is there something wrong?
Anyway, Hou Wenchang felt that he was right. Even if he was blamed by thousands of people later, and he was scolded by the black people on the Internet that his phone was stuck and Weibo crashed, and he was hidden by the company for two years as a bad influence, he still didn’t feel that he had wrong.

He feels that he is a good person, so he wants to complete the tasks of this world quickly, and try not to wait until the second-push player enters this (world).

But things backfired, he was imprisoned in the police station and could not get out, and the two idiots who might have taken him out were also arrested.
Hou Wenchang desperately wanted to go out, and desperately wanted to do 'good things', because he was a good man, how could a good man be arrested by the police!


Mo Zhenzhen asked what happened to the policemen in the police station, Zhang Qingyue looked at Mo Zhenzhen with a smile, raised her chin slightly, and said very calmly.

"Of course they are all dead. The seven zombies were still dead in the middle of the night. At that time, there was only one forensic doctor and two police officers on duty in the police station. The rest were busy investigating cases and performing duties."

Without Zhang Qingyue's elaboration, Mo Zhenzhen and the well-informed An Qiaoxun who were present could imagine the tragic situation at that time.

The gentle forensic doctor stayed here to work overtime, in order to heal the wounds of the dead, so that the deceased could walk with dignity.

But who would have thought that when he was concentrating on repairing them, their corpses would rise up...

When the forensic doctor is killed, he will definitely make a sound, and the police on duty will definitely go to check when they hear the sound.

In the police station, it is the overtime forensic room that makes the noise. Will these policemen carry guns?
In fact, the ending is the same with or without a gun, because zombies are not afraid of snatching, unless they are forced to shoot at them with a large-caliber machine gun and beaten into meat paste with bullets, otherwise they can only shoot bullets from holes. can continue activities.

Two policemen without guns went to check the situation, and met the zombies who rushed forward without any precaution...

Zombies don't have any special abilities, all their special points are in their physique and strength, even the zombies that just died are no exception.

Afterwards, the policemen who had spent the whole night investigating the case came back in batches. They were exhausted but still discussing the case. Little did they know that the police station had become a nest of zombies...

You can't think about this matter carefully, as long as you think about it, you can't help but want to scold your mother.

An Qiaoxun fell silent, but Mo Zhenzhen remained calm.

She embedded this news into the information she knew, and the events that happened were quickly formed in her mind, but soon, these pictures froze because they were unreasonable.

"If the police station fell, the city shouldn't be so peaceful."

Mo Zhenzhen guessed that the city's government agencies suppressed the city's anomalies, and they only acted in private.

But now she has overturned this guess, because this guess is also unreasonable.

"The police station has fallen, the basic armed forces of the city have lost their function, and the zombies in police uniforms will cause great panic among the masses."

Not to mention spiritual sustenance and security sustenance, but the meaning represented by the police is different.

They exist at the grassroots level. Children are taught to call the police when they are young. When they grow up and become adults, people will habitually think of calling the police when encountering troubles. It is because they think that the police can help them. , is the confidence to face bad things.

The police are the most special existence in all public service systems. Don’t look at some people clamoring “what are you, little policeman” in real life, when they actually encounter something that cannot be solved, the first thing they think of is to call the police.

Therefore, once the police station falls, people's emotions will collapse in a short time, because they can't find anyone who can help them protect them, and they will be in chaos.

But no, the city is still calm.

Zhang Qingyue raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"I didn't expect that you are beautiful and have a good figure... you are actually quite smart." "Since you have already guessed this point, you might as well guess again. Maybe you are lucky enough to guess it right."

No, Mo Zhenzhen never guesses, her guesses are used to make up news, she always tells evidence and seeks truth from facts.

Looking at Zhang Qingyue who was raising her eyebrows and waiting for her to 'guess' the answer, Mo Zhenzhen almost saw through him.

He is proud of his talents, a bit lofty, likes money, likes beautiful women, but looks down on women, a bit machismo...

But no, if Zhang Qingyue is really just like this, then one of the most important variables is missing from the current situation.

So Mo Zhenzhen looked at Zhang Qingyue and said seriously.

"It's what you did."

The corners of Zhang Qingyue's mouth widened by two points, as if she was happy because Mo Zhenzhen guessed right.

"Then guess what I did?"

Information flowed through Mo Zhenzhen's mind like a stream of data, and what An Qiaoxun said before echoed in her mind.

"Zombies are like tigers. People killed by zombies can turn into ghosts, but this ability is only available to flying zombies, and zombies have no such concept. People killed by zombies will become zombies, and their souls are locked in There is no liberation in the body, until the body is destroyed, the soul will also fly away with it." But there is an exception to this.

"But the Taoist priests have the ability to free the soul trapped in the corpse before it completely disintegrates."

And the one standing in front of Mo Zhenzhen happened to be a formidable and talented 'master'!
Hou Wenchang's behavior and thinking may seem a little weird, he is sick and not in a good spirit.

In fact, those with core skills are more or less mentally abnormal, which will be explained later.

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