prisoner in the door

Chapter 107: Chapter 107: Building 25

Mo Zhenzhen's ideas are good, but things like ideas are always changing.

She has experienced many things since she was a child, and she can handle the world well, and she has her own rules for dealing with people.

But growing up in a peaceful country, Mo Zhenzhen has never experienced many things.

For example, right now, Mo Zhenzhen is experiencing for the first time what it means to be depressed.

The riot of the ghosts was indeed stopped, but the situation in the city did not return to its original state.

The streets became deserted, and the previously opened stores were closed, and ghosts could be seen standing coldly in front of the window from time to time.

The previously bustling city suddenly became depressed, and a sense of tension pervaded the city.

The worst person Mo Zhenzhen has ever met in her life is Su Zhenzhen's sub-personality, and the biggest crime she has ever encountered is the illegitimate meal following her and stealing her used things.

It was the first time she had encountered such a tranquility before the riot.

And it was much more serious than she imagined.

People who have never experienced it can't understand. The air seems to be sticky, and the skin seems to be pricked by tiny cow hair needles. The feeling of emotional depression and panic is even more uncomfortable than the real disaster.

Mo Zhenzhen only took An Qiaozun to the gate of the community and came back. When she returned home, the gate was closed to cut off the prying ghosts outside. While eating, she took out her phone.

Mo Zhenzhen thought about this call for a long time, and finally made the call.

This time the phone rang several times before being picked up. After picking up, there was only the sound of shallow breathing on the other side.

Mo Zhenzhen waited and did not exchange pleasantries with the other party, but first raised a topic that everyone knew.

"Zhang Qingyue came to look for me."

The person on the other side waited and saw that Mo Zhenzhen didn't say anything else, so the person on the other side spoke slowly.

"It's true that I didn't catch him this time. Don't worry or be nervous. He won't hurt you. I will arrest him as soon as possible."

Mo Zhenzhen laughed, which was a bit cold, and interrupted the other person's next words.

The two of them fell into silence again, and Mo Zhenzhen suddenly talked about something else.

"Daoist, you are a Taoist priest, do you have a Taoist certificate?"

"...We Taoists don't pay much attention to this."

So this is also a Taoist priest without a Taoist certificate, so why didn't they take the Taoist certificate?

Mo Zhenzhen closed her eyes, and started to think about this part of clues in her mind.

What kind of Taoist temple did Zhang Qingyue and this Taoist priest live in?
Zhang Qingyue is a high-spirited person. If this Taoist temple has a deep foundation in everything, he will definitely not give up so easily, leaving Ruo everyone to his senior brother, and then go down the mountain by himself.

According to his identity, this Taoist priest should be called a temple master, but this temple master cooperates with a small funeral shop to earn some manual money...

Through the performance of these two people, Mo Zhenzhen can almost outline an image of a Taoist temple with few incense, dilapidated and poor.

Maybe this image is different from the actual Taoist imagination, but poverty is certain.

Mo Zhenzhen knows what it's like to be poor, so she also knows how far they can go for a poor person.

For example, raising a ghost...

"Master Taoist, I heard that your Taoist temple is quite far from here, at least half an hour's drive away."


Mo Zhenzhen raised her eyes to An Qiaoxun, who was busy planning her fortune, and told the obvious truth, but none of them mentioned it.

"What kind of amulet can protect a mortal from being attacked by zombies for more than ten minutes?"

Mo Zhenzhen had doubts before, but the previous evidence could not prove that there was something wrong with Gu Cheng. The best solution was that Gu Cheng had a treasure that could protect him, and then supported him until Gu Chang and the Taoist rescued him.

But now, in the case of known ghosts, the situation of Gu Cheng can be changed in another way.

Gu Cheng, an ordinary person, was locked at home by the old lady, and stayed in the same room with the zombies for more than ten minutes. When Gu Chang and the Taoist arrived, the most likely outcome of Gu Cheng was not to be rescued, but to die.

Gu Cheng is Gu Chang's only son, and his only son died suddenly, so suddenly, can Gu Chang accept it?
This Taoist priest and Gu Chang are in a cooperative relationship, and the hypocrisy between the two parties is also very shallow. If Gu Chang begs, can this Taoist priest really stand by and watch?

Now, things come back, why doesn't this Taoist priest have a Taoist certificate?
Even if it is not easy to get a Taoist certificate, the country is tolerant of Taoist priests with inheritance. Generally, as long as there are orthodox Taoist priests to recommend, it is not difficult to get a Taoist priest certificate.

So why didn't he?
If this matter were placed in the normal world, Mo Zhenzhen might not care about it, because people have their own aspirations, and people don't like to toss about these things and concentrate on cultivating, and they don't get in the way of other people's affairs.

But now, it is very likely that Gu Cheng is also a ghost. The Taoist priest must have arrived earlier than the police. Gu Cheng, the ghost, is most likely related to that time.

Coupled with the ghosts that shouldn't exist all over the city, and Zhang Qingyue's fellow Taoist teacher, it's really hard for Mo Zhenzhen not to think, is this Taoist temple outside the city really an orthodox Taoist temple?Even if the Taoist temple is orthodox, are they only learning orthodox Taoist theories and techniques?
Mo Zhenzhen was waiting, waiting for the Taoist priest's answer.

It's just that she waited and waited, but what finally came was the beeping sound of the phone being hung up.

The phone, did not hang up!
Mo Zhenzhen paused, and after about 30 seconds, Mo Zhenzhen dialed the phone again.

This time Mo Zhenzhen waited for a longer time before the priest answered the phone again.

It was still a light breathing sound, as if waiting for Mo Zhenzhen to speak first.

He is running away.

After Mo Zhenzhen understood, she decided to go straight to the point.

"Gu Cheng was made into a ghost by you, so Daoist, you should also know the current situation, I don't want to die, there are other living people in the city, and they don't want to die, Daoist, we want to live."

"You can leave."

The Taoist priest said so, but what Mo Zhenzhen thought of was that day when Gu Cheng called her in a panic and told her over and over again not to leave, the city had been locked down.

"The government outside already knows about this, right?"


No need for the Taoist priest to answer, Mo Zhenzhen already knew the answer.

At the same time, she also understood the leader's position.

This priest seemed to be neutral, but he was actually leaning towards his junior brother.

There are elements of cowardice and evasion in his temperament. In his opinion, his junior brother has made such a big mess, and he himself can hardly absolve himself of the blame. He dare not face the government officials and Taoists outside, so he shrinks back here In the city.

In this way, what the Taoist priest said before, that he accidentally let Zhang Qingyue go is also unbelievable.

Mo Zhenzhen frowned slightly, and had a clear plan in her mind.

"Master Dao, I'm just an ordinary person. I don't want to participate in or know more about your supernatural things. I just want to live. Master Dao, can you show kindness and let me leave with the people who are still alive in the city? Just normal people, just trying to live."

Mo Zhenzhen's voice was soft and pitiful, she was begging him.

If at this time Mo Zhenzhen yelled directly and said that Chang is not a thing, the Daoist might hang up the phone directly and ignore Mo Zhenzhen.

But she begged so softly, the Taoist priest's guilt came out.

"You... ugh..."

"Daoist, there are so many people in the city, too many people died here, can you, can you let us go? There are not many people alive in the city now, we, we..."

As she spoke, Mo Zhenzhen choked up.

Her choked up voice was weak but very emotional, and the Taoist priest who was listening over there panicked all of a sudden.

"I'll try, I'll talk to him, I... well, don't be like this, just wait, there's nothing wrong with being a ghost."

Mo Zhenzhen sneered in her heart, but her gentle voice remained on her face.

"Daoist, please, if I can get out alive this time, I will definitely go to the temple to light longevity incense for you, and go to the Taoist temple to set up a longevity tablet for you."

The Taoist priest chatted with Mo Zhenzhen for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Looking at the phone in her hand, Mo Zhenzhen hesitated and dialed the police station.

The phone over there was connected quickly.

"Hello, this is the ×× police station."

Mo Zhenzhen chose to speak directly this time.

"Comrade police, I want to know how many people are still alive in our city, can you send us away?"

The policeman on the wire paused for a moment before speaking seriously.

"Don't think too much, you Ansheng stay at home and don't go out, nothing will happen."

"Comrade police, I already know that the vast majority of people in the city have become ghosts."

"...Don't be afraid, they are the masses of the people, they are also victims, they will not take the initiative to hurt others, you stay at home and close the doors and windows and do not go out, leave other things to us, we will do our best to protect the safety of the people, you... ..."

Mo Zhenzhen closed her eyes and listened carefully to his comforting words before speaking.

"Can you tell me why you don't want to send us away?"

This time, there was a longer silence over there, and it took almost ten seconds before a soft voice came from there.

"Outside the city, there is white fog."

There is white mist outside the city, not that kind of thin mist, but thick white mist.

White mist surrounded Y City, people outside the city could not enter, and people inside the city could not get out.

Even if someone tried to break into the white mist, he would be killed by countless ghosts in the white mist.

At this moment, Mo Zhenzhen was enlightened.

No wonder, no wonder the government personnel surrounded outside did not break in, no wonder the police personnel in the city would rather take the original method of eliminating zombies than actively transfer the masses.

The policeman paused after saying this, and then wanted to explain to Mo Zhenzhen what the white mist was, but he didn't want Mo Zhenzhen to speak up at this time.

"I can lead people through the white fog, comrade police, can you gather the living people in the city to evacuate with me?"

"Little comrade, listen to me, things are not as simple as you imagined, that white mist..."

Love is actually a selfish emotion.For example: love is letting go, love is fulfillment, these sayings are just a kind of "virtue", just like being a gentleman and being kind to others, it belongs to a kind of control and persuasion to the primitive instinct.Love is private, possession, and desire.So when Gu Cheng and Mo Zhenzhen said that, they actually had good intentions.His fear is real, and at the same time, he instinctively wants to keep Mo Zhenzhen, even if it kills Mo Zhenzhen.

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