prisoner in the door

Chapter 120: Chapter 120: Building 25

Chapter 120: Chapter 120: Building 25

If you ask Gu Cheng if he still likes Mo Zhenzhen, Gu Cheng's answer is yes.

Mo Zhenzhen is very beautiful, even now she looks good playing with bone spurs in a high position, she has a sense of looking down from a fairy, as if a weak fairy has become a decisive fairy official, and she is dressed in a purple Taoist robe and a gorgeous cassock Different and luxurious decorations on the body.

But he also developed a sense of awe towards Mo Zhenzhen, no matter how obsessed he was, this love was cast with a layer of twilight (grey, shadow).

He was afraid of Mo Zhenzhen.

Mo Zhenzhen asked Gu Cheng to calm down, and by the way, looked at the countdown time, and thought about An Qiaozun's possible trajectory of their actions, and then planned the next action.

Mo Zhenzhen doesn't have much time, so Yiyi needs more help.

Mo Zhenzhen looked down at Gu Cheng who was curled up, she asked.

"Is there any useful gang among the ghosts? Is there someone in charge in the gang?"

Gu Cheng flinched, then nodded slowly.

The principal Gu Cheng took Mo Zhenzhen to find was a retired female soldier who had a disability when she was alive, but she will recover after death.

When Mo Zhenzhen was brought by Gu Cheng to find them, their condition was not good.

The tall girl who was the leader was in a state of disorientation, and the people sitting around her were also in a state of swaying spirits. When they saw them coming, the group of people didn't react at all.

This group of people sat here as if they were waiting to die, Mo Zhenzhen made a guess after taking a second look.

"When the living people evacuated, you were the ones who led away the flying dead."

Mo Zhenzhen's words aroused reactions from different people, but most of them were still in a daze.

Before, Mo Zhenzhen always thought that it was the police who lured away the flying zombie. After all, the police had guns in their hands, and hot weapons were still somewhat useful against zombies.

But now it seems that things may not be the case.

Mo Zhenzhen didn't talk nonsense, she took out a bag of Yinmu powder, which instantly attracted the attention of these people.

Yin wood powder is used less and less, but it is undeniable that this thing has an excellent effect on ghosts and other existences.

Mo Zhenzhen only needs to ignite a pile of yin wood powder in front of them, and they will come to absorb it spontaneously. Every time they inhale, their souls and bodies will become more stable and solidified, and their injuries will heal soon All in all, the effect can be called immediate!
It wasn't until the Yin Wood Flour was completely sucked into ashes that it couldn't squeeze out any fragrance anymore, then the tall slender woman in the lead looked at her and opened her mouth hoarsely.

"What are you looking for us for?"

Mo Zhenzhen didn't answer the woman's question, but asked her own question.

"You should know that you can't kill that flying zombie, so why did you do that?"

The woman stared at Mo Zhenzhen twice, then smiled.

"It's nothing special. There are living people among our relatives. We can feel at ease sending them away." That's all, even if the price is to lose your soul.

Mo Zhenzhen nodded, she was noncommittal to this answer, and then she asked again.

"Then do you want to do something else? I have money and can hire you."

"Mingbi?" The woman sneered.

"RMB." Mo Zhenzhen pulled out a bunch of bright red banknotes from her wide sleeve.

Money can turn ghosts, even if they all become ghosts, this group of people who are willing to die for their relatives and friends can fight again.

Especially Mo Zhenzhen is a generous master (the money can’t be taken away after leaving the world anyway), even if there are people who don’t want to get involved at first, just want to hide in peace and wait for their death, looking at the wads of money, They were also very excited.

Still, the money in this period is still very valuable.

Mo Zhenzhen poured out all the money in her storage box and distributed it to these people, and her goal is also very simple, to collect dead zombie corpses, collect blood, brains, internal organs, bones, flesh and blood from zombies... …

The sum Mo Zhenzhen gave was a deposit, and for each additional zombie collected, the money would be calculated according to the level of the zombie.

There are 7000 normal zombies and 15000 flying zombies.

These ghosts also knew that there were people coming in from outside, and they could tell from the continuous gunshots in the distance that those outsiders were fighting the monsters in City Y.

These people are fighting this time, and they must be playing with the 'boots' every day.

When these people summed up, they nodded directly.

It's done!

But while agreeing, these people have a condition.

"It's okay to work for you, but you have to ensure that the money we earn can be sent to the people we designate."

Mo Zhenzhen shook her head after thinking about it.

"I can't make a guarantee, but you can write it down, like writing about the survivors. After you are saved, the people who come in to do the cleaning will come to help you fulfill your wishes."

As for what if this city becomes a ghost town?
Mo Zhenzhen didn't say anything, and these people didn't ask.

After the ghosts whispered for a while, it was the leading woman who nodded and paid attention.

"Okay, we'll take this job."

She took the initiative to stand up and split the money that Mo Zhenzhen took out, then waved her hand and led the people away.

Seeing the group of ghosts walking away, Gu Cheng looked at Mo Zhenzhen who was indifferent, but he still couldn't help leaning over to ask.

"Aren't you afraid that they will take money and do nothing?"

Mo Zhenzhen glanced at Gu Cheng with a half-smile, and then asked him.

"If there was a wad of money on the street to pick it up, would you bend down to pick it up?"

These ghosts can't beat the zombies, but it doesn't matter, the zombies are dealt with by the national army, all they need to do is to pick up the zombies, and then arrange them for money.

The only thing they need to overcome is psychological discomfort. After all, not everyone can do it.

Seeing that Gu Cheng had almost recovered, Mo Zhenzhen asked Gu Cheng with a smile.

"Do you know where the wealthy district in City Y is?"

"What are you doing?" Gu Cheng was puzzled, but Mo Zhenzhen said softly while tucking her loose hair behind her ears.

"Get some money to spend."


The meaning of getting some money should not be the kind he has experienced before.

Gu Cheng reminded Mo Zhenzhen with some difficulty.

"Murder is illegal, and robbery is illegal."

Mo Zhenzhen was amused by Gu Cheng.

"Oh, you can call the police and arrest me."

This is said with a little irony.

Gu Cheng wanted to say something else, but the bone spur had already touched his abdomen, and the sharp touch reminded him of the pain before, and Gu Cheng immediately softened his mouth.

"I know, I know, I'll take you there!"

Mo Zhenzhen smiled and withdrew the hand holding the bone spur, still smiling kindly.

"It's all the better if you want to."

Gu Cheng is riding a bicycle, and Mo Zhenzhen is sitting sideways on the back of the bicycle. This picture actually looks quite beautiful.

If it weren't for the fact that she was holding a curved and sharp bone spur in her hand, it would be fine.

(End of this chapter)

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