prisoner in the door

Chapter 379 Chapter 378: "The rise of peasant girls?" 》

Chapter 379 Chapter 378: "Farmer Girl...Rise?" 》

"They are all from the same village and come from the same lineage. They should help each other and support each other. Everyone has seen it and feels that they are pitiful, so let's raise some money to help them tide over the difficulties."

After saying this, Mo Zhenzhen looked at the crying people who came to their house and said very kindly.

"My family really has no money. I can give you more medicine to feed each of you and your family at one time. This medicine cannot be stopped. If the medicine is stopped, the pigs raised will be thinner than other people's pigs."

After Mo Zhenzhen said this, almost everyone fell silent.

There are some things that cannot be settled, such as this kind of disaster caused by not taking medicine according to the 'doctor's advice'. If you really lose the money, you will have constant troubles in the future.

But some things can be done.

For example, if someone's family commits such stupidity, the whole village will be responsible for it. Once this matter is brought to light, for the sake of one's own money, the neighbors will also watch other people, and don't let them mess around. , these families will even become an example, causing people in the village to criticize them constantly. If there are too many people talking about it, it will become a 'shame'.

After all, no one wants to be a man in the village who cannot hold his head high.

This was easier said than done, but Mo Zhenzhen still worked hard to make it happen (she gave the village chief five taels of silver), and in the end every household in the village gave fifty taels of silver.

Don’t underestimate the fifty cents. A pound of rice (rice without shells) only costs nine cents per pound. One cent can buy a steamed bun with plain stuffing. The purchasing power of copper plates in this era is very strong. A strong laborer can go outside. Working part-time, you may go around all day and earn less than ten cents.

Fifty cents per household. After the money was handed over to those families, there were people in the village shouting and scolding almost all the time. Rumors spread everywhere, and they almost pointed at their noses and scolded these families.

Mo Zhenzhen still asked ghost servants to monitor these families. During this period, someone sold Mo Zhenzhen's medicinal powder at a high price, took the powder back to her parents' house and fed it to their pigs.

This kind of thing is inevitable, but when Mo Zhenzhen gave these people medicine (the medicine is freshly prepared and comes every five days), she replaced the original fattening powder with ordinary, ineffective medicine. 'Powder'.

So over time, the size of pigs from each family will differ.

Other people's pigs look the same every day, growing meat every day, but their own pigs eat the same amount of food but grow 'skinny' (actually they grow normally). No one is a fool, so they immediately became suspicious.

Then several families got into trouble again. This time it was a family conflict. The mother-in-law or daughter-in-law took the medicine back to her parents' house, or the man was greedy and took the medicine away and sold it.

These people were noisy for a long time at home. Mo Zhenzhen, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, interceded and said that this was human nature. Just don't do it next time. This medicine must be used by your own family first, and then wait. After your family makes money, they will definitely think about their in-laws.

Mo Zhenzhen was very good at saying nice things and coaxed all these people back. She felt that Mo Zhenzhen was very nice (she changed the medicine, which was the culprit). Mo Zhenzhen even asked them carefully and took it out. She said that she was willing to give more medicine to their family. After other people’s pigs were released from slaughter, she was also willing to continue to provide them with some medicine so that they could raise their pigs in the same way.

The mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law who were accused cried like tears, and I couldn't say enough words of gratitude.

As for those that were sold, Mo Zhenzhen seemed a little cold.

Mo Zhenzhen told the clan chief, village chief and clan elders that no matter what it was, it would be worthless if it was too much.

With so many pigs raised in their village, they can stagger the sales time in the future, or drive the pigs to other cities for sale.But if the prescription is leaked (the medicine is replaced by Mo Zhenzhen) and other people start raising pigs, then this is no longer an exclusive business. Others will definitely compete with them, and may even do it with the intention of destroying their village.

In an instant, the scene that had been warm and tender just now turned into a meeting of criticism and struggle. Those who took the medicinal powder to sell thought they had made a profit, but they did not expect that at this time, they would first be criticized, then ask for help from the family, and finally kneel in the ancestral hall.

If these people's wives, children, parents and brothers were not innocent, they might have been kicked out of the clan.

After this incident, the people in the village were obviously much more honest, and Mo Zhenzhen's position became more stable.

It's just not enough.

The first pot of gold in capital is inevitably muddy, and the fight for rights is equally unclean.

At least Mo Zhenzhen is indeed cruel.

Mo Zhenzhen plans to build a road in the village, and the road to be built is not the road in the village, but the road from the village to the official road.

The road is very long and not wide enough. It can only drive an oxcart at most. The road surface is uneven and full of potholes. The roadside is full of weeds and gravel. Sometimes the weeds are too lush. The weeds are too tall and have grown onto the road. Wild dogs have been lurking inside, and there have been incidents of wild dogs attacking children.

Mo Zhenzhen wants to build this road, widen it and make it smoother.

Just like Mo Zhenzhen said, with so many pigs, even if there are four or five nearby villages, their village is not far from the county seat, but it is not enough to digest so much pork.

So they need to build the road first and then transport the pork out.

Road construction is something that must be done, but she cannot be taken advantage of. She needs status and voice. This matter can also become a ladder for her to quickly gain power.

So Mo Zhenzhen created some accidents.

First, the bullock cart that was going out encountered an accident. A wolf was ambushed on both sides of the road.

This wolf should be an old wolf that left the pack. It was skinny but fierce. It just came to attack people. Many people were bitten by this wolf.

The situation at that time was very dangerous. The people on the bullock cart were all women going to the market. One of them was even bitten through the shoulder. Such a serious injury was only caused by someone helping to kick the wolf that jumped on it and let it go. There was a deviation in the direction of the bite. It was originally aimed at the neck.

Although the wolf was killed, too many people were injured. After returning, the whole village was filled with crying and howling. Qing Zhuang went out shouting with a stick and carefully checked the grass near the village and the road.

Mo Zhenzhen, on the other hand, looked concerned. She first looked at the wounds of these people, and then called for a doctor. She even gave a dozen taels to the person who asked for the doctor, telling him to tell the doctor to bring enough. After getting the medicine, she must have paid a lot of money for the doctor's consultation and medicine.

The young man holding the ten taels of silver had his hands shaking, and then he nodded heavily to Mo Zhenzhen, and then ran away with the wind at his feet.

(End of this chapter)

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