prisoner in the door

Chapter 70: Chapter 70: Building 25

Chapter 70: Chapter 70: Building 25

After leaving the unit door, Mo Zhenzhen raised her eyes and looked into the distance.

Over there is the legendary building No. 25. Although it is broad daylight when the sun is in the sky, the shadow covers most of the building No. 25.

Mo Zhenzhen's rented room is directly opposite to Building 25, but there is a small garden with a fountain and a square between the two buildings, and they are facing each other from a distance.

After only looking at Building 25, Mo Zhenzhen looked away, walking in the sunshine, her steps were not too fast or slow.

Mo Zhenzhen went out this time and came home in the evening. She put all her shopping in a tricycle, and the driver was a middle-aged woman who Mo Zhenzhen hired for 50 yuan.

This aunt has a lot of strength, but she is very cautious. She wore an old man's vest and a worn-out sportswear outside. Her exposed skin was flushed red from the sun. She didn't talk to Mo Zhenzhen all the way. .

It wasn't until the aunt brought the things Mo Zhenzhen bought upstairs one after another, and when Mo Zhenzhen gave the aunt an extra twenty at the checkout, a smile finally appeared on the aunt's face.

Mo Zhenzhen, who was holding a parasol, smiled and took out a pen and paper and handed it to the aunt, speaking in a gentle tone.

"Leave me a call. If I still have work to do in the future, I'll find you."

Upon hearing this, the aunt quickly responded, took Mo Zhenzhen's pen and paper and carefully left her phone number.

After watching the auntie leave on a tricycle, Mo Zhenzhen was about to go upstairs.

Just before entering the corridor, Mo Zhenzhen subconsciously glanced at Building 25 hidden in the shadows.

There seems to be a person lying under this building...

The distance was too far, Mo Zhenzhen should not be able to see clearly, but she did see a person lying under Building 25.

The man moved under Mo Zhenzhen's gaze, then stood up stiffly.

Just when Mo Zhenzhen wanted to see the real thing, a ray of light suddenly refracted over and just shone on the figure, and then the figure disappeared like a hallucination!

Mo Zhenzhen raised her eyes and followed the light to find it. It turned out that the windows on the fourth floor of Building 24 were open for ventilation!

The windows in this era are still the ones that are pushed out, and she can see the figure of a person in the window through the open window.

In the end, Mo Zhenzhen took another look at the place where the refracted light from the window was shining, and instead of rushing to check it, she entered the corridor before the sun set.

No matter what happens, your life is the most important thing.

In case of trouble, you should gather your strength first, instead of putting yourself in danger.

Mo Zhenzhen went upstairs to her room and locked the door, then looked from room to room, and after confirming that it was safe, she began to pack the things she bought today.

First of all, daily necessities, pots and pans, toothpaste, toothbrush, towel, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, skin care products, cosmetics... a lot of bits and pieces.

After that, clothes, bags and shoes, and incense paper money for fruits, vegetables and meat...

There were a lot of things, and it took her a long time to sort them out.

The owner of this house is not in the city, and the house is rented out by an intermediary. It is a type that can be moved in with a bag. The basic furniture of the house is readily available, including refrigerators, TVs, and washing machines.

After tidying up the house, Mo Zhenzhen started to cook again slowly, fed herself first, then took a shower, changed into the newly bought pajamas, washed the new clothes by hand and hung them on the balcony, and then slowly took them out Skin care products for skin care, putting on a mask and sitting on a sofa with a sofa cover watching TV.

Mo Zhenzhen's behavior is too normal, normal like a real woman living alone who rents a house here.

In fact, Mo Zhenzhen is not interested in the programs on TV, what she is thinking about now is the cold feeling that seems to be enveloped around her.

This feeling of coldness is not strong, it is three points weaker than what Li Sanya gave her before, if Mo Zhenzhen hadn't been paying attention to the changes around her, she might not have been able to notice this difference.

If there is no accident, she should be being targeted, and the figure that disappeared from the refracted light should not be her illusion, but Mo Zhenzhen doesn't understand a little bit, why is she being targeted?
Is there anything special about her performance today?

Or as a player, as long as you get close to Building 25, you will be targeted?

Mo Zhenzhen couldn't figure it out, so she stood still.

After applying the mask, she rinsed her face with *haha pure water, applied another layer of essence to replenish water, and completed her daily maintenance. When she was about to go to bed, her eyes suddenly glanced at the paper money piled up in the corner.

Those were prepared by Mo Zhenzhen who wanted to try to enshrine Li Sanya.

Although she got the information that the world inside the door is not connected, every time the door is opened is a new world.

But the resemblance on the notes convinced her to give it a go anyway.

If it was really possible, then she would not be so passive.

Thinking of this, Mo Zhenzhen had an idea, then turned a corner naturally, and walked to the two big bags containing incense sticks and paper money.

Mo Zhenzhen stretched out her hand and put it on one of the bags, she felt the cold breath fluctuate for a moment.

Instantly Mo Zhenzhen understood.

Mo Zhenzhen from the previous inner world knew that there are different types of ghosts.

Some ghosts were honored in life, and after death, there are younger generations offering incense continuously.

Some died early, and were unknown to their families, so they could only get some offerings during the festivals.

Of course, the last and the most are the lonely ghosts wandering in the world and no one worships them.

This ghost haunting Mo Zhenzhen most likely came because of these two bags of joss stick paper money.

Do you want to try to enshrine Li Sanya now to verify your guess?
Mo Zhenzhen hesitated for a moment, then picked up the two bags and stuffed them into the cabinet.

Don't act rashly.

It’s fine if the two worlds she experiences are connected. Although Li Sanya is weak, she represents the entire Li family ancestral hall, and there are quite a few ancestors in it. She doesn’t worry that she will be killed by lonely ghosts. Grab incense.

If it's just that she thinks too much and the two worlds are not connected, then her worship will lose its target, and the scattered incense can easily be taken over by lonely ghosts and even replaced by the person she worshiped.

After all, she couldn't see anything now, even if she was replaced by a ghost, she wouldn't know it!

Mo Zhenzhen didn't intend to take any risks, so she went to bed after putting away the paper money from the incense sticks.

Even though she knew that there was a ghost by her side, she still fell asleep. It wasn't because Mo Zhenzhen had a big heart, but because she was used to having people watching while she was resting.

Su Zhenzhen has many sub-personalities, it's like many people living in the same house, even if these sub-personalities live in their own world, they can still feel each other's existence.

So Mo Zhenzhen was used to this kind of thing, she went to bed as if she didn't notice anything unusual, and fell asleep very quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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