Master of life in the last days

Chapter 305 Arid World 107

Chapter 305 Arid World 107
It took Lingxue a month to plant the entire farm. When the last field was planted, the wheat in the first field had already produced ears.

In order to prevent them from lack of water, Ling Xue watered them every day, and the water was green flower spring water.

We must know that this kind of green flower spring has the effect of promoting the growth of plants, and coupled with the effect of Ling Xuemu's ability on the growth of wheat, so Lingxue controls the maturity time of these wheat within one and a half months.

Of course, normally grown wheat will mature within two months or two and a half months under the watering of green flower springs.

Ling Xue doesn't care too much about the fact that the wheat she planted will mature ahead of time. After all, she has a reputation for being more talented in planting than ordinary people, so the fact that the wheat she planted matures early will not arouse suspicion at all. .

Besides, there are unexplainable things like flower springs now, and it is not an unexplainable problem for someone to have a talent for planting.Besides, who said that it wasn't the reason why Lingxue's green flower fountain was more effective?
Aunt Zhang and the others have already gone back. Lingxue has troops garrisoned here, so there is no security problem. She just needs to ensure the green spring water needed by the crops every day.

Because the wheat is about to be filled, Ling Xue has been very careful with these crops recently, for fear that something might go wrong.

Shi Yuankai and some people from the Ministry of Agriculture under him also came to study the crop planting situation after the drought. Of course, Ling Xue welcomed them with both hands.

But they didn't live here with Ling Xue, they contacted the nearby garrison to live in their barracks.

Because Ling Xue is also a key protection target of the West City, the garrison has long received an order to protect the safety of Ling Xue's village, so Ling Xue is also in contact with the garrison.

Even if there is no order, they will protect the farm next to them. God knows how depressed they are facing the barren land all day long. The sudden appearance of a land with lush green crops next to them really cheers them up.Who doesn't know how important the crops are at this time, they will certainly not let these crops be destroyed.

No, today they sent a small team to patrol, and sent an alarm to Ling Xue by the way.When there is danger, as long as Ling Xue presses the alarm, they can quickly rush to rescue.

The team leader also specially taught Lingxue how to use the alarm: "See, the biggest red button is for the alarm, just press it. Don't press the smaller button next to it easily. It will emit a high-voltage current, which can help you fight against the enemy in an emergency, so use it carefully!"

There is also this kind of surprise, this kind of siren can be said to be a more practical weapon.

In this country with strict regulations, ordinary people have no right to use such dangerous weapons.

However, Ling Xue's situation was special, so she was allowed to take advantage of it.

No matter whether Ling Xue uses this or not, she is very moved at the moment: "I have more of you, I will be cautious and practical."

Seeing Ling Xue's cautious appearance, the captain of the team left with satisfaction.

It would be much easier for the protected people to have a sense of danger. Unlike some people who have a lot of things, the danger is often brought by themselves rather than from the enemy.

Lingxue played with this alarm a few times and then took it to the safe house. Let's talk about it when it is really used!

(End of this chapter)

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