Master of life in the last days

Chapter 337 Ocean Survival 21

Chapter 337 Ocean Survival 21
The market has already opened, and Lingxue started to think of ways to earn gold coins.

First of all, all the planting robots are sent out, and all the land that can be cultivated and planted on the island is opened up.Large fields are used to grow food, and small fields are used to grow crops such as vegetables and fruits. The land is used to the limit.

After the land was reclaimed and planted, Lingxue began to tidy up the three heads.

All the shrubs and weeds are removed, and all the trees that can be collected are also collected, and the remaining saplings are kept to continue to grow.

All the cleared spaces were planted with fruit trees, regardless of whether they were from the south or the north.

If it weren't for the fact that the safety island is more precious, it can meet its requirements for the growth of plants in the north and south, so Ling Xue is also very happy.

After the planting robot had planted the fruit trees, Lingxue gave them a spawning technique first, and stopped when they grew to the point of flowering.

Then arrange watering robots to water the fields and hills. The crops and fruit trees are nourished by the green spring water, and they grow extremely fast as if they were fast-forwarded.

The flowering fruit trees quickly withered and bore fruit, and when Ling Xue went to check on it a week later, the fruit had already grown to half its size.The grain in the field was also rapidly ripened. This time, Lingxue didn't watch to harvest it personally, and sent robots to collect it all. Their mobility was also just now, but it was a bit expensive for energy stones.

The harvested vegetables, fruits and food were arranged by Ling Xue to put on the shelves bit by bit, and the gold coins harvested by Ling Xue almost dazzled her eyes.

Fruits of this size, such as apples, pears, and peaches, are not expensive, and they all cost 1 silver coin each. Lingxue has harvested 30 gold coins for this batch of fruits alone.

If vegetables and grains are added, then Ling Xue's harvest will be even greater, but Ling Xue does not plan to sell vegetables and grains alone, she intends to further process them to make cooked food and then sell them.

Don't do anything else, just make a lunch box and sell it to those survivors.

It is impossible for Ling Xue to cook alone, and Ling Xue has to hand over all the cooking to the kitchen robot.Although what the kitchen robot cooks is not as soulful as what she cooks, it is not much worse than the ordinary restaurants in the original world.

Wanting to know how popular these lunch boxes are, Ling Xue quickly became popular in the Seventh District.

In the past, there were some people who didn't know Ling Xue existed, but now all the survivors don't know her.

On Ling Xue's personal homepage, the types and prices of the fruits she will sell that day are announced on time every day, and the box lunch is also the same. ,

However, lunch boxes are not as simple as fruits, and the price of different side dishes is also different, basically one to five silver coins per box.

Lingxue's lunch box is sufficient, almost half more than the box lunch in the original world.

Those with a large appetite can be full, and those with a small appetite can even buy a box for two meals, which is also very cost-effective.

The daily income of box lunch is more substantial than that of fruit. People can bear it if they don't eat fruit, but they can't bear it.

God knows they haven't eaten such a hot meal since they came to Sea World, that's what I miss!At this time, Lingxue launched a boxed lunch set, which is not expensive. Survivors like them are desperate to buy one!

Five kitchen robots make 15-cent lunch boxes every day, which is calculated on the basis of the smallest silver coin per box. There are also [-] silver coins per day, which is [-] silver coins a month, which is [-] when converted into gold coins. huge profits.

(End of this chapter)

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