mage's dating rules

Chapter 14 The Morning of the First Adventure

Chapter 14 The Morning of the First Adventure
The next morning.

The tavern built by Bob has accommodation rooms, but because of the particularity of the tavern, these rooms are not open to ordinary guests, but are used as dormitories for the princess's servants.

The mage was allocated a house facing north, and the north wind was blowing into his windows throughout the night.

However, this did not affect Wang's sleep.

In the morning, the energetic mage began to prepare the spells to be used today with great interest.

The first step in preparing your spells is to make a list of the spells you expect to cast today.

Today's main activity is to enter the sewer to explore, and it is predicted that a battle may occur, so Wang increased the proportion of combat spells in the list.

The second part is to open the spell book to review the elements of the spell according to the determined spell list: spells, gestures, spell-casting materials, and the underlying principles of spell operation.Wang always liked to omit this step before, and then he was severely scolded by the teacher.

"Don't trust your memory too much!" the teacher said, "Just check the spell book carefully! Otherwise, you will lose your life because of trusting your memory too much one day!"

Since then, Wang has carefully read the spell book every day to prepare spells.

His spell book is full of spells, from the first ring to the ninth ring, and even some legendary spells. All the spells that mages can cast may have been recorded in this book.

If this book was seized by other mages as spoils of war, the mages would definitely die of surprise and sudden death.

Of course, with Wang's current strength, he could only cast third-level spells.

After confirming that his memory was correct, Wang began to prepare the materials needed to cast the spell today.

He opened the spellcasting material pouch, which was a composite pouch with five internal compartments.Wang first poured out all the materials in the bag, and then took out the dimensional bag of equipment materials.

Then he produced a stack of brown paper.

He sorted out the materials needed for each spell and wrapped them in kraft paper, each of which was just enough to cast a spell.Finally, he put these paper packets into different compartments according to the type of spells.

There are also equipment for casting spells, such as the wooden archery target model used to cast Strike Strike, the mage put all these into categories.

When ready, the mage re-pinned the material bag to his belt.

In order to support the weight of the material, the belt is made of leather that is as thick as the forearm, and when placed on the waist, it will tilt towards the direction of the spell-casting material bag.

Wang looked at himself in the dressing mirror, and suddenly thought of a question: "His Royal Highness hangs the material bag, can you use the support point of the upper body to avoid this tilt?"

He thought about it and decided to ask the princess about it later.

Then he put away the materials on the table that were not put into the material bag, and stuffed them into the dimension bag together with the magic book—yes, the king basically doesn't read the magic book when casting spells, so he is not like other mage apprentices, Hang your spellbook where you can always access it.

After getting ready, he glanced at the hourglass, and found that this time he completed the spell preparation in only four or ten minutes.

"Not bad." He muttered, turned and opened the door to leave the room.

When the mage walked into the place where the group met yesterday, the dwarf was already sitting there holding the oak cup.

Wang was very surprised: "Don't you need to prepare spells?"

"Meditate," the priest corrected. "That's what I'm doing now."

Wang: "Meditate while drinking strong wine?"

"I am the priest of Kailin." The dwarf answered seriously.

Wang: "I see. But your full body said yesterday that you made that armor yourself?"

"Yes, when I was 113 years old, it was built with all the blacksmith skills I mastered. It used to be my glory." The dwarf looked at the oak cup and said so.

Wang: "It sounds very vicissitudes. If I had a better relationship with you, would you tell me?"

The dwarf laughed: "That will take a long time."

"I know," Wang sat down across the table, "the friendship between dwarfs and humans is usually laid from the generation of human grandfathers. My teacher told me so."

"Your teacher is right. I have half-elf friends, elf friends, and of course dwarf friends, but I don't have any human friends."

Wang: "Then why did you appear in a human city?"

"I followed Kailin's guidance and embarked on a journey to find good wine. After your little play house is over, I will take my share of property and continue to search."

"Looking for fine wine?" asked the mage.

"Not exactly good wine. You are not a divine spellcaster, you don't understand. Your god gave you a revelation, you couldn't understand it, and then you spent the rest of your life completely searching for the meaning of divine revelation."

Wang: "I am very good at Bliss language, maybe I can understand it."

The dwarf stared at Wang and said with a smile, "Do you not understand metaphors and other rhetorical techniques at all?"

Wang: "Uh... I don't know. After all, I haven't encountered many metaphors. People in the mage's tower like to speak directly."

The beard around the dwarf's mouth twitched.

Wang: "Should I not disturb your meditation?"

"No, it's over just now. I have prepared enough protective spells, which should be able to ensure the smooth implementation of your plan."

The mage's plan was the one mentioned yesterday, with the rest of the squad on full defense and letting the drow rogues take out the enemies.

Wang: "You actually trust your fate to an elf."

"Drows are different from elves. This is one. Second, I am different from other dwarves. Other dwarves like to stay in their own community and are hostile to everything outside. It is just a habit for them to respect elves. Because in the Second Era, the Mountain Kingdom used to fight side by side with the elves.

"That was all hundreds of years ago. Dwarves live long and are stubborn, so traditions formed hundreds of years ago are traditions of yesterday to us. Not to mention that the grandson of the High King of the Mountain Kingdom is still alive , the king of the forest kingdom who fought with his ancestors, is still the co-lord of the elves.

"Sometimes I envy you human beings. Look at Langdon Land. The duke who established this duchy was only a man 200 years ago, but you can only remember his great achievements through songs."

Wang: "If human beings want to live longer, they must either become liches, or be like my teacher."

Dwarf: "The archmage seems to live for many years. When I was a child, there was a gray-robed wizard who often visited the city-state where I was, and brought news from far away to the city-state council. At that time, he had a big beard. .

"Later, when I had the same beard as his, he still visited my city-state frequently, and it looked the same as before."

Wang: "Grey robe? Is it a gray cloak? Is there such a mark on the knot of his cloak?"

As he spoke, Wang dipped some tea and drew a simple figure on the desktop.

"Yes, there is such a sign."

Wang: "Then he is a wizard of the Arcane Federation. In addition to letting mages share the latest discoveries, the Federation is also keen to adjust the situation in the entire world. He should be the special envoy sent by the Federation to the dwarf city-state."

At this time, the rest of the team appeared, yawning.

"Oh, the dwarf drank alcohol early in the morning!" The catman jumped up to the dwarf, "Is this also your god's will?"

"Of course. Stay away from me, cat people, you are too lively!" The dwarf made a gesture of repelling with one hand, and protected his wine glass with the other.

Mark: "I've oiled my sword, today will never be like yesterday."

"High!" the barbarian roared.

At this time, Zall also appeared, so that the whole team was left with Her Royal Highness the Princess who hadn't escaped yet.

Wang: "I'm not familiar with the living habits of nobles. When will she be able to get in a carriage and teleport out?"

"If there are no accidents, it will be around nine o'clock in the morning." Drow replied.

Wang: "It won't be long, let's have an exciting round..."

The closet door opened, and Elizabeth Langdon stepped out through the portal.

"Everyone! I asked Marilyn. It was my second brother who told her that goblins eat cats!"

Wang nodded: "That's right. So today we are underground, and we can ruthlessly clean up your second brother's ambush. did you come so fast?"

"Because I found a new excuse, I came out early!"

Wang: "What excuse?"

"I'm going to ride a horse in the countryside, so I have to start early, otherwise it will be almost noon when I arrive at the racecourse. Don't worry, Marilyn and Mrs. Mei Li will cover me."

Wang: "Who is Mrs. Mei Li?"

"The nanny who has been taking care of me is now the head maid of the Duke's Mansion." Elizabeth said with a smile, "It's the riding skirt she wore for me."

(End of this chapter)

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