mage's dating rules

Chapter 23 BOSS will always have 2 stages

Chapter 23 BOSS will always have a second stage
After Wang heard the cat man's words, he immediately began to use the mirror image technique. The moment he pronounced the second syllable, a long sword suddenly pierced his abdomen from behind.

"I remember you can't warn as long as there's no malice, right?" Mark laughed (*).

However, Wang finished casting the spell, and six phantoms appeared around him in an instant.

Mark was speechless: "What an amazing mage, but I know that the one with my sword is the real body!"

As he said that, he kicked the king's ass fiercely and pulled out the sword - at this time the mage fell to the ground directly, rolling continuously, and the phantom and real body were mixed together by the rolling movement.

Mark: "It's useless, the real body will bleed!"

"Mark!" Elizabeth forgot to cast the spell and asked loudly, "Why?"

"This is the original plan." When Mark said this, his eyes suddenly turned to the side of the princess, as if someone suddenly appeared in that direction.

The princess turned around immediately, but there was nothing there at all.

Mark took the opportunity to step forward and hit the princess on the neck with the hilt of his sword.

The princess slipped and fell to the ground like a salted fish.

Catman heard the sound of falling to the ground, glanced at this side, and immediately exclaimed: "Your Highness!"

In a moment of distraction, the enemy ranger shot her in the hand, knocking off her longbow.The cat man wanted to catch it, but the enemy shot another arrow, which went straight to the chest cavity.

She could only dodge to the side, and then watched the longbow fall into the rushing stinky river.

The catman drew out his dagger cursingly, managed to block the newly shot arrows, and rushed towards the ranger.

Seeing this, the dwarf yelled: "Gao! Help me, our side still has the advantage!"

The barbarian who was blown to the ground by the fireball just got up and rushed towards the dwarf again.

The inexperienced master knight cursed and tried to get up, but the warhammer in the dwarf's hand hit his helmet continuously.The crisp sound echoed back and forth in the ground.

When the barbarian arrived, he grabbed the knight's foot, rounded it and threw it into the stinking river.

"In the name of the Duke!" The knight's cry immediately turned into a choking voice.

The dwarves chanted the name of Kailin, held up the holy emblem to guide positive energy, and the healing light fell on everyone equally.As he did so, he yelled, "Ghost thing! You don't come out again..."

Suddenly, the dwarf rolled to the side, his stubby figure barely dodging the stabbing armor-piercing sword.

The enemy assassin finally appeared.

The barbarian's giant ax immediately beckoned the assassin, but was dodged deftly.

The assassin took out the smoke bomb, and at this moment, a flying knife hit her chest, piercing through the leather armor.The assassin looked suspiciously at the throwing knife that suddenly appeared, and fell backwards with such a suspicious expression, and the unlit smoke bomb rolled all the way into the smelly water river next to it.

The drow appeared beside Mark, with a dagger at his throat.

The king who had just rolled on the ground got up, and the positive energy guided by the dwarf healed part of his wounds. Although he was still bent back and clutched his stomach with his left hand, his right hand had already begun to cast spells.

What he cast was a simple magic missile.

Three missiles spewed out from his fingertips, following different paths to attack the enemy rangers who were entangled with the catman.

Magic Missiles automatically hit their targets, even a fast-moving Ranger.The shield spell that can restrain magic missiles can only be added to the caster himself, and rangers don't know this spell.

But the seasoned ranger immediately put his head in his hands and rolled on the ground.The magic missile can't choose the hit part by itself. If you roll in this posture, most of the damage will be hit on the back and buttocks, and it is not easy to hit the vital parts (*).

The next moment, the ranger jumped into the dirty sewage river.

Catman chased to the river, looked down, and shouted: "He ran away!"

Wang let out a long sigh of relief, and said, "Sure enough, the adventure is full of surprises and surprises."

The dwarf scolded: "You fucking almost lost your life, you call this an accident and a surprise?"

Wang: "Isn't this full of trust in the healers in the team? But... my wound is a little itchy, and I think I need healing. When my teacher said that he needed healing, he would call Sani Tower. It is said that he is in a certain plane I learned that people on that plane will indulge in the artificial illusion world."

The dwarf walked towards the king cursing, and began to cast spells in his hands as he walked.

In desperation just now, he channeled positive energy, which is an area-of-care treatment that does not distinguish between friend and foe, so that it can somewhat restore the life of some mages and stop the bleeding by the way (*).

However, for wounds like being stabbed in the stomach, it is more reliable to use a formal healing spell.

When the dwarf had finished casting the spell, he placed his hand, enveloped in light, on the mage's stomach.

After the treatment, Wang squatted down in front of Elizabeth, picked up the girl, and turned her face up.

Catman: "Wake her up gently, mage."

The king slapped the princess on the face.The princess was awakened immediately, covering her face and looking at the mage in shock.

Wang: "Sure enough, it's really efficient. No wonder my brother always beats me after I passed out after concentrating on spellcasting training."

Elizabeth: "My father never hit me!"

"But I think the caster should regain consciousness efficiently now, we are still in danger." Wang said seriously, it seemed that he was about to drop Elizabeth and stand up, but he thought of something in the middle, and then gently put the princess Put it back on the ground.

The princess still covered her face: "I was ready to be thrown just now."

Wang: "Treat women with care, my teacher said."

With an expression of "I'm used to it", Elizabeth patted her butt and stood up, then glared at Mark: "Why is this? I want an explanation!"

Mark suddenly smiled: "You still ask me why? You see, it's only been a few days since the mage came? Two days! Then you can allow him to do something to you, or rather, you're happy to see it happen! Because he is the apprentice of the living legend, and he may be the illegitimate child!"

Wang: "This is incorrect. An illegitimate child is defined as a child born of an extramarital affair. My teacher is not married. Strictly speaking, I can only be his son, not an illegitimate child."

The corners of Elizabeth's mouth rose slightly.

Mark: "Look! This is it! Everyone can see that the mage has been here for a long time, and the princess' heart will be his sooner or later!"

Wang was shocked: "Really?"

Elizabeth's ears were slightly red, but she retorted: "Of course not! I am the princess of Landon Landing, and I will marry in the future."

"It's reasonable. Then I should only be a lover. In novels, the princess always has a lover. When the princess is about to escape, she will help her plan her itinerary, and then watch the princess and the prince head towards a happy future."

The voice fell, and the passage was so silent that only the crackling of the flames remained.

Malika: "We are interrogating traitors, be serious. Mage don't speak yet."

Wang nodded.

The princess cleared her throat: "So you like me..."

"Who can dislike you, Your Highness, the mage is right, you don't need to learn the spell of charm human beings at all. Then look at the new mage..."

"It's unreasonable." Wang interrupted Mark again, "I don't think there will be a traitor behind the scenes who trusts the traitor who turned yesterday so much. No, it won't be like this. You have betrayed a long time ago, and you were placed here by the black hands behind the princess." Eyeliner. Let me make a bold guess that Mark joined after the princess started investigating the disappearance of stray cats and dogs."

The princess squinted her eyes and thought about it for a few seconds: "It seems to be really..."

Malika: "That's right. At that time, I persuaded His Highness that the story about sharing a piece of bread was too clumsy. It was only after Mark showed no suspicious behavior that I temporarily trusted him."

Wang: "How long have you been investigating? I noticed the princess's visit record. The earliest record was three months ago. You must have noticed the disappearance of cats and dogs earlier."

"Yes." Elizabeth responded, "Actually, half a year ago, I found that a stray cat I had been feeding was missing. It would follow the city wall and come to the bottom of the tower where I lived every morning. Then I would bring food and so on. Throw it through the window."

Everyone stared at Mark together.

The soldier laughed loudly: "Since it's been exposed, there's nothing we can do about it, for our great..."

Wang: "Gag! Don't let him swallow or use scrolls!"

The drow immediately followed suit and inserted her hand into Mark's mouth. A second later, she pulled out a small capsule full of viscous liquid.

The dwarf yelled, "I feel... Huh? It feels weird, it's evil, but it's... warm."

Drow: "As a drow, I'm pretty sure this thing is evil, but..."

Before he finished speaking, Mark stretched his neck forward, so violently that Malika didn't have time to retract the dagger.The sharp edge tore the soldier's throat, exposing the vocal cords and blood vessels underneath, and the blood pumped out and sprayed in all directions.

After paying such a price, the warrior swallowed the capsule in one gulp, and even bit off two of drow's fingers!
The drow frowned, and unceremoniously pierced the soldier's heart with the dagger, and then continued to make up the knife, thrusting continuously at an extremely fast speed, destroying Mark's lungs, kidneys, and intestines and stomach.

However, these wounds healed with astonishing speed.

Mark: "This is the power bestowed by our savior! It will make everything that is unfair completely disappear! Everyone will be happy together!"

(End of this chapter)

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