mage's dating rules

Chapter 32 Brother and Sister

Chapter 32 Brother and Sister
Bruce Langdon is a smart man. After discussing with Wang for a quarter of an hour, he has already written a long list of items in the memorandum.

Elizabeth watched the two discuss several times and wanted to interrupt, but was blocked back.

Finally, Bruce Langdon put down the quill and looked at the memo on the table: "Well, that's about it. Follow this and you should be able to create a perfect performance."

As he spoke, he picked up the memo and handed it to the mage.

The mage took it over and glanced at it quickly, then handed it to Elizabeth.

While Elizabeth was reading the memo, Bruce stood up and left his seat, went to the wine cabinet next to him and took out a wine and a glass: "Come, let's have a drink to celebrate this memorable cooperation. This is sherry imported from Monrovia. "

Wang took the wine glass and took a sip without hesitation.

Bruce watched from the side, and suddenly asked: "Can the prophecy mage feel that this wine is not poisoned?"

Elizabeth put down the memo and snapped, "He can take defensive action before my wanderer puts the dagger on his throat."

"Your drow?" Bruce raised his eyebrows, "I want to dig him into my camp even more."

After speaking, Bruce took a big sip of wine.

Elizabeth then picked up the last glass Bruce had placed on the table and took a sip.

Bruce: "Cheers!"

Wang also raised his glass: "Cheers."

Elizabeth simply raised her glass in response.

After drinking, Bruce picked up the memo, took out the tinder for the candle from the drawer, polished the flame, lit the memo, and threw it into the fireplace that was not burning.

After finishing this, he turned to Wang and said, "Then let's start. First is your task."

Wang nodded: "I know. I just hold this scroll like this..."

He grabbed the scroll that released the colorful magic aura and held it in front of his chest: "I'll just hold this..."

"No, no, you can't take it. Elizabeth, who is your most trusted maid?"

Elizabeth: "I don't trust any maid except Mrs. Mei Li."

"Really? Let Mrs. Meili come and get it. Anyway, you can't get it yourself as a mage. You have to choose someone who will never tear the scroll." The second prince came to the door of the study and opened the door. Shouted outside, "Cassander, leave the guard to Kellerman. You go and run a messenger to tell Mrs. Mei Li to put down all the work and come to me with 20 maids."

Wang: "So, Your Highness Bruce, you have your own thugs standing guard at all times in your study?"

"Be careful sailing for ten thousand years." The second prince shrugged, "I'm not like my sister, everyone loves me, and I'm harmless to humans and animals. Don't mention these, we have to prepare for the performance before Mrs. Mei Li comes, It must be realistic. Otherwise, Mrs. Mei Li's old-fashioned eyes will definitely see it."

The mage and the princess looked at each other, then nodded together: "We are ready."

A moment later, Mrs. Mei Li arrived with twenty maids.

As soon as she entered the door, Elizabeth said seriously: "Aunt Mei, you are here. We have a very important matter now, and we have to choose an open place in the castle... Uh, tell me, my lord."

Wang's serious interface: "An open space that can accommodate roughly 200 people. There must be enough tables in this space. We also need [-] observers, [-] stenographers, and enough to take care of these people for a week. servants, sufficient food and utensils."

Mrs. Mei Li frowned slightly: "Such a big battle? What are you going to do?"

Wang: "We're going to use a scroll, and the spell in it can go back to Mark—that is, the spy's important moments in the last six months.

"But the trouble with this spell is that it will present a bunch of irrelevant content, and the information we need will be mixed with these content. Someone needs to write down all the content in shorthand, and then carefully screen it."

Mrs. Mei Li glanced at Her Royal Highness, then at the second prince, and then nodded: "Understood, we will do our best to cooperate with you. But it will take some time to find so many trustworthy stenographers. Can you Do you trust the people from the chambers of commerce at the port?"

The Lai Enlan River has a fairly good shipping capacity. Armed caravans crossing the Shield Road will sell their goods here, and the river merchants will take over and send them to all parts of the mainland.So Langdon City has a rather huge port area, just outside the outer city walls, along the Lyon River.

In order to prevent bandits from invading, the Chamber of Commerce in the port area jointly built a low wall to protect the port area, which looks like a tumor growing from the main wall of Langdon City.

Minato has a large number of literate residents who work there as clerks, transaction recorders, cashiers for money changers, and so on.

If we really want to talk about the literacy rate, the port area may be a little higher than the main urban area of ​​Langdon City.

Faced with Mrs. Meili's question, Wang pretended to think for a few seconds, and said, "You can hire them, but you need to find someone with a guarantee. And you need to cross-check to make sure no one has concealed the truth. In this case, the total number of stenographers must be Double, can I leave it to you to do it?"

Mrs. Meili raised her head: "Of course."

"Then take me to find the venue now. It's best to let me see all the venues that may be used. I have to look at the ballroom, restaurant, and chapel of the castle."

Mrs. Mei Li saluted: "Please come with me... Wait a minute, why do you want me to call 20 maids?"

Elizabeth replied: "As soon as we find the place, we will immediately transform it into the state we need. Father has already known about this matter, and it is extremely urgent. You also know that I have encountered danger underground, and someone will harm Langdon."

Mrs. Meili nodded solemnly: "I see. Feel free to order us around."

Wang picked up the scroll, came to Mrs. Meili, grabbed her hand and raised it to chest level, and then put the scroll on it: "Please take this scroll. This is a very precious scroll, and I only have one. Survey the site When I'm in the sky, I'll use the magical aura emanating from it as a target at any time. You have to keep this height and don't shake it."

Mrs. Meili raised her head proudly: "You can rest assured. Leave it to me."

Wang made a gesture of invitation: "Lead the way, Mrs. Mei Li."

Elizabeth said the agreed lines: "I have to discuss other matters with my brother, and I will leave the survey to you, Wang."

Wang turned back and gave a thumbs up.

Then he left with Mrs. Mei Li and a group of maids.

When only the two brothers and sisters were left in the room, Bruce teased, "He put you with me so reassuringly. What would happen to him if I turned into a kinslayer now?"

"I think he probably expected that you wouldn't do anything at all." Elizabeth was unmoved.

Bruce smiled slightly: "You trust him very much. But yes, the drow elves are experienced, but they don't care about things other than protecting your safety. The cat person-named Misha Sarah? The cat person likes you very much, but only Treat you like a little girl. And warriors...

"I used to think he was your licking dog, but he turned out to be a spy. And the barbarian, heh, the barbarian has no intelligence at all. You finally got someone who will listen to your demands carefully and use excellent intelligence for your goals Yes, although this person is a little crazy.

"It's a pity, my sister. If he is in my team, I will make the most of his wisdom. Maybe he can be the prime minister of the empire!"

Elizabeth shook her head lightly: "My dear second brother, you haven't won yet. Isn't it too early to consider competing for the emperor of the empire?"

Bruce sighed: "Sister, you don't know that cavalry raids have been reported many times on the border between us and Steyr. It is probably His Majesty's reconnaissance force."

Elizabeth frowned: "What?"

"That's what happened. The Steyr family doesn't want to lose the imperial crown. Six of the twelve electors support us. This is the result of my father's decades of operation. That old fox wanted to wear the imperial crown a long time ago This time, the matter of the Nelenis ring may be fake from beginning to end."

Elizabeth's face was livid: "You mean, the emperor of the empire is going to use this to attack us?"

"Isn't it obvious? The old fox didn't level the water by distributing benefits, so there will be chaos in the territory when he dies. Unless he sends me to Lancelot's temple as a paladin, marry you, and leave only my brother."

Elizabeth seemed amused by Bruce: "You're still a paladin."

Bruce: "Actually, monks are also fine. Anyway, there is no inheritance right. My sister, if I were you, I would leave this place of right and wrong now. Langdon has led peace for 60 years, and it is almost time for war."

Elizabeth: "You forgot, I still have a crisis to deal with."

Bruce let out a hearty laugh: "Yeah, you still have a crisis to deal with."

(End of this chapter)

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