mage's dating rules

Chapter 35 Your scroll is fine, now it's mine

Chapter 35 Your scroll is fine, now it's mine
The holy slash targets the arm of the court archmage holding the scroll.

As a result, when the archmage's long sword touched the arm of the archmage, the triggering technique on the archmage was triggered-it is estimated that the triggering technique itself was set to be activated when a weapon touched him.

The mage's appearance becomes like a statue: Stoneskin!
However, this Holy Slash was so powerful that nothing could stop it. It directly pierced through the stone layer on the archmage's arm. The sword edge did not penetrate the stone skin by about three centimeters, and blood was left from the sword edge with a puff. ejected from the gap.

The Banshee's Howl fell in response, and was snatched by Elizabeth, who had quick eyesight and quick hands.

She turned around and rushed into Wang's arms, shouting: "Quickly find a way!"

Wang quickly took out a scroll.

When Malika saw this, she immediately picked up the dwarf who didn't have a hammer or a shield and could only charge forward with a bench.With sharp eyes and quick hands, Mishasara gave the barbarian a kick and kicked him to the king's side.

The king tore open the scroll, and the teleportation light lit up.

After a while of dizziness, everyone fell to the floor on the second floor of the Three Wild Boars Tavern.

Bob looked upstairs at the sound and nodded to the barmaid.

The waitress yelled: "Closed tonight! Come on, let's go! Don't let me kick you outside and throw you on the floor! Don't wait for me to kick you!"

"Come and kick me!" A few drunken mercenaries leaned over and teased.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside.In the blink of an eye, all the people in the tavern rushed out of the tavern, stood on the street and looked towards the inner city.The explosions continued, and the sky was illuminated orange.

The drunken people who had just come out of the tavern looked at this with blank expressions one by one.

Because Langdon Land hadn't used a weapon in 60 years, the gang vendetta was already the largest violent incident in the city.

The waitress of the tavern looked behind the group of people, and after making sure that no one noticed, she silently closed the door of the tavern and put up a "Closed" sign.

On the second floor, everyone fell to the ground at once.

Originally, Elizabeth was panting, but suddenly realized that her posture was not very good, so she jumped up suddenly.

Then Wang stood up rubbing his waist and legs, and said: "I just used up the last group teleportation scroll. In fact, I took ten of them, but the teacher confiscated nine of them. Anyway, he just wanted me to understand sad."

Just as Elizabeth was about to reply, she suddenly remembered that she was still holding a scroll in her hand, so she handed it to the king, "Here you are. I have snatched the scroll of Howl of the Banshee."

Wang took the scroll and checked it carefully: "Well, this is indeed the Howl of the Banshee. Great, this is our hole card from now on! No need to scare people with the 'Super Invincible Good Morning Scroll' anymore. I thought this might be some kind of Yeluzi scroll."

Elizabeth frowned: "What do you mean? I snatched it from the court archmage, can it be true?"

Just as Wang was about to explain, there was another loud noise outside the window.

Wang: "My crow is cruising above the castle, fighting fiercely."

Flint sat up suddenly, looked down at the bench in his hand, and shouted, "My fucking hammer and shield are left in the castle!"

Wang: "You can go to the closet to get it."

Malika: "I'll go get it. Who else's things are thrown in the castle, I'll go."

Wang took out his own dimension bag: "You take this, if I give it to you, it can stay on your body for twelve hours, you can put things in it, but you can't take it."

Malika nodded, took the dimensional bag and put it in her pocket, opened the closet, got into the portal and disappeared.

Watching the drow leave, Wang slumped back on the ground, leaning against the wooden wall of the room.

Elizabeth immediately leaned over worriedly: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I got a weakening ray in the chaos, and I'm exhausted now. Just take a rest and sleep."

The princess stared at him for a few seconds, then sat down beside him, shoulders together.

Elizabeth: "Go on, why isn't this Howling the Banshee?"

Wang: "This... This is not necessarily the Howl of the Banshee."

Princess: "So I'm asking you why!"

"Actually, it's because of me that the court master dared to tear this scroll." Wang turned his head and smiled at the princess who was close at hand.

The princess looked confused: "What? Because of you? Didn't you stop him?"

"Really. Don't believe me." Wang Si smiled and said, "He didn't plan to use this scroll at first, and he didn't plan to use it until the end of the mission."

Elizabeth raised her eyebrows: "Why?"

"Think about it, the court master only has eight rings, and he has never seen what the howl of the banshee looks like in the spell book. Even if he uses the identification technique on this scroll, he can only see that it is a scroll with nine rings. Possibly another super invincible good morning spell."

Elizabeth: "Your Majesty... No, isn't the dog emperor just trying to destroy us?"

Wang shook his head: "No, no, no, the emperor doesn't want to destroy you all at all. What he wants is an excuse to go to war. After all, there are six other electors who have already joined forces with Langdon. If you go to war without an excuse, you will be punished." Attacked in groups.

"The second prince also realized that the ring of Nelenis is a legendary figure in the first era, and the place where the legend happened is in the river countries, which is separated from here by the whole of Monrovia. That ring is actually passed down Isn't it weird to be here?

"That's an excuse. If his court archmage finds a chance to tear up the scroll because he believes it is the howl of the banshee, then the end will probably be the same as today. The archmage himself knows the emperor's plan, so he has been No scroll."

Elizabeth asked suspiciously: "Then why did he..."

"Because I showed him the real Howl of the Banshee. Although it was only the middle page, it was enough to make him sure that this scroll was really Howl of the Banshee. Have you connected this logical closed loop? But he may be too Excited, so forget about the consequences of killing me.

"That's the Howl of the Banshee. Although he doesn't have enough knowledge and understanding to understand this spell, but after tearing up a scroll and seeing how this spell works, he may be able to succeed when he sees the scroll of the same spell again. Deconstruct the scroll into the spell itself, and copy it into your own spell book. (*)”

Elizabeth: "That's why, so he couldn't wait to tear the scroll, but he didn't expect it... But what if he really tore it?"

Wang: "We should all die, and then my uncle opened the portal in anger. Maybe the Kuusanian Empire will completely change its dynasty."

"And you will be resurrected by your teacher with a big wishing technique." Elizabeth added quietly.

Wang stuttered before responding: "Yes. I will be resurrected, and you will all die. I have a little difficulty breathing. Is this boredom?"

Elizabeth was suddenly happy: "You are actually bored, it's better than I expected."

Wang said indifferently: "It's just a little short of breath. After all, I've only known you for two days. It's far from understanding the 'great sadness' my teacher described."

Elizabeth gave a hearty smile: "Hahahaha!"

Wang's gaze moved towards her involuntarily.

Noticing the sight, Elizabeth pouted.

Wang: "Is it my illusion? Has the range increased?"

"Before, there was either a chain mail or a support made of whalebone. You, cover it up." Elizabeth said angrily.

Wang: "Then let me ask you, which one do you want to be closer to, a person whose body wants you and then carefully hides it, or a frank person who doesn't hide it?"

"I don't want to get close to either of them!" Elizabeth raised her voice.

Wang: "Then you are still leaning on my shoulder?"

"Me! It's not that you've been hit by a debilitating ray, let me lean on you!"

Wang went straight to the other side, and he collapsed on the ground: "I'm more comfortable this way!"

Elizabeth stared at Wang lying on the ground, unable to speak for a while.

However, she noticed that Mishasara and Flint dragged Gotrick from left to right, and they had moved quietly to the stairs leading to the first floor, so she asked, "Why are you going?"

"Oh," the dwarf pointed to the stairs, "let's go down and drink, and we want to drink bee beer."

Wang: "Don't you dislike bee beer?"

Misha Sara: "Ah... He suddenly realized that bee beer is good! No, he suddenly wants to argue with me whether bee beer is good or not! We are going down to argue!"

Barbarian: "High!"

After the three of them were about to leave, Wang shouted: "Don't do this, you are all gone, and there are only two spellcasters who have basically used up their spells. If someone comes, we will be finished."

The three people at the stairs looked at each other, and finally had to come back.

For a while, the scene was a bit awkward.

Elizabeth took the lead in opening the topic: "I never thought that the black hand behind the scenes would actually kill my father..."

"No, it's possible he didn't do it." The king interrupted the princess.

"Why not? My dad used to drink that kind of stomach medicine, but something went wrong today."

"It's possible that the black hand behind the scenes accomplished his purpose today, causing some changes in the microorganisms in the whole city." Wang replied, "Although we don't know anything about the purpose of the black hand behind the scenes and the means to achieve it, but We—I know my teacher well."

"Your teacher?" Elizabeth bent her legs and hugged her with both hands in front of her. "What do you mean?"

Wang: "I know the teacher well. Therefore, through the topics he proposed and the information he gave, we can deduce some things about the mastermind behind the scenes. First, the teacher concluded that I can solve this crisis, and helped me clearly divide the different stages, explaining This incident can be interrupted halfway. If one of the links is blocked, the final situation will not come."

Elizabeth looked down at the master and said, she didn't know what to do and lay down next to him: "And then?"

"Every situation that the teacher said represents an escalation of the situation. According to my understanding of the teacher, this shows that the emergence of each situation means that the plan of the mastermind behind the scenes is close to completion.

"So cats disappeared so often that people would find them, and the investigation team was attracted, which in itself shows that the plan is close to completion.

"In other words, the situation is now moving to the next stage. Do you remember what the next stage is? It is the appearance of cheap healing scrolls and potions. Maybe the enhancement of the abilities of various medicines is also one of the side effects."

Elizabeth said "Oh": "Wait a minute, according to you, my father was taken to death? Didn't the black hands behind the scenes target him at all?"

"It's possible. If your second brother and eldest brother can't find any evidence of poisoning, then it's probably like this."

Elizabeth sighed softly: "Knowing that my father might have died like this makes me feel bad."

Wang just smiled.

Then silence fell again.

Elizabeth asked again: "You...don't your head hurt?"

Wang truthfully replied: "Yes, it hurts. I think I need a pillow."

Elizabeth got up, adjusted her position, and then put Wang's head on her lap: "How about this?"

"I don't like pillows that are so high, it tires out the cervical spine. Also, there's something too distracting in the field of view."

Elizabeth gently pushed the mage's face to the side: "Then you sleep on the side!"

"Oh, it feels okay. I..." The mage yawned a long time, "I'm really sleepy, good night."

Then he fell into a deep sleep.

Elizabeth took a deep breath, and then slowly, slowly let out the breath she had just inhaled.

Mishasara was sitting on the window, her ears were facing the outside, she was obviously on guard, but her eyes were looking inside.

"The princess is in love," she said.

At this time, the mage began to snore slightly and evenly, and he actually fell asleep.

Elizabeth said softly: "I'm not in love. Probably. I'm just unconvinced that he only has chest tightness after I die. It's not fair. I hope that after I die, he will be in pain and sorrow for 100 years."

Misha Sara laughed softly: "Come on, princess, I can see that he is definitely not a simple mage apprentice. Maybe you are really dead, and he pulled you up after five years of messing around."

Elizabeth: "I think so. Then I will wait quietly for him to pull me up, and leave him alone to taste the sadness."

"Your Highness," Flint said, "do you want to do business in a carriage with our little mage now, and travel all over the world?"

Elizabeth: "Of course I want to, but the mage definitely doesn't want to, because his body has thoughts about me. This idiot."

The dwarf let out a hearty laugh.

Elizabeth also laughed, and while laughing, she used her thin fingertips to poke the king's cheeks over and over again.

The mage slept soundly, without realizing it.

(End of this chapter)

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