mage's dating rules

Chapter 38 Emergency Situations

Chapter 38 Emergency Situations

In an awkward atmosphere, Wang said: "But, can we really trust you, 'Tang' from the Wanderer's Guild, you attacked me in the street."

The chunky man laughed: "It's reasonable to doubt. I have received news that you are a very rational and logical person, and I like to deal with people like you. Because people like you can use logic to convince .

"I want to explain the reason for testing you at that time. At that time, I didn't want Her Royal Highness to suddenly gain the ability to cause trouble in the war of succession..."

Wang: "You don't know that the eldest prince is already a paladin? Your intelligence network is not very reliable."

Bruce immediately looked at Humpty Dumpty with a disdainful expression, making no effort to hide his mockery.

Tang took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his brow: "This... the old duke is an expert in manipulating intelligence. He personally manipulates and deceives. I don't know, but it's normal. After all, you see, everyone here has been tricked by him .”

Elizabeth: "I knew from the beginning that my elder brother was a paladin, but you guys don't know..."

"This is also part of the subtle deception." The leader of the Wanderer's Guild looked at Elizabeth, "After all, you..."

Elizabeth: "It's a vase, right?"

Humpty Dumpty nodded, and then immediately turned to Wang: "There is one thing that surprises me. I got the news that Her Royal Highness's mage directly judged that His Royal Highness is a paladin yesterday. May I ask how you did it?"

Wang: "Logic. The Duke felt unwell immediately after taking stomach medicine yesterday. According to the eldest prince's narration, he did not lose consciousness immediately. But when the pastor and doctor of the church arrived, the old man had already lost consciousness. During the period, the eldest prince Must have done something that aggravated his symptoms.

"Then I thought about the growth caused by positive energy that I have seen underground, turning humans into monsters. Our priest also just said that healing spells cannot cure parasites, lesions caused by microorganisms, because the treatment will strengthen the parasites and microorganisms, so use to remove disease.

"And the paladin's list of divine spells does not remove diseases. He can only use lay on hands on his father. Lay on hands are actually channeling positive energy from the gods to replenish vitality."

Wayne Langdon lowered his head guiltily: "I didn't know positive energy could kill people, I think it would be good to add a little vitality."

As soon as the words fell, the bishop of the Lancelot Temple said: "I can't be sure that's the case, this is just one side of this mage! Although he is a disciple of a legendary mage, medical skills are not the mage's strong point. I think we should wait until we catch him." What is that, Awen..."

Chunky Don: "Erwin."

"Yes, Erwin. Wait until you catch him and figure out what he's doing! Maybe then the truth will be revealed! Until then, I can't accept that positive energy is actually harmful to people! Never! As a servant Priest of the Lord of Life, I deny such slander!"

The bishop's words caused a lot of whispers, and it seemed that the nobles present didn't quite believe that positive energy could be harmful to human beings.

At this time, the new duke, who had not officially held the succession ceremony, said, "In fact, many people don't even believe that you are the disciple of the legendary mage, after all, they didn't see you molesting the court mage.

"Of course I believe it completely, because I can see the reaction of the court master. He didn't dare to tear the scroll of the Banshee's Howl last night because he was afraid of you. And I speculate that the reason why he was sure that the scroll was the Banshee Howl, also because you showed him part of that magic. Should it be one-ninth?"

The new Duke's words sparked a murmur again.

In this situation, it can be said that the new duke has endorsed the king's origin, and it would be ignorant to raise doubts publicly.

The Bishop of Lancelot pursed his lips and his face was gloomy.

After all, to say that positive energy may be problematic is tantamount to blasphemy, and Lancelot is the master of life.

After the new duke suppressed everyone's doubts, he continued to stare at the king and said, "Let me tell you the truth about the current situation. Your Majesty the Emperor—Duke Steyr is preparing to launch a war. He has a standing army that has withstood the test of the Southwest War." , a full 4000 people!
"He still has more than 1 conscripts and at least 1000 mercenaries. On our side, the Duke's own standing army is only [-] people, and it will take at least a month for the conscripts from all over the place to gather."

The so-called standing army is the knight lords and their retinues. These people are basically out of production, usually do nothing but military training, and are well-equipped, most of them are equipped with heavy armor and horses.This is the most capable unit in the hands of the Duke.

Others, such as the self-police regiment and the city garrison, are basically served by urban civilians in rotation. It's just that during the period of being a soldier, they are off-duty for training, and they still have to work to make a living after returning home.

As for the conscripts in the countryside, they were originally farmers, and they only trained during the winter slack period. If they really fought without breaking up, they were already well-trained.

Of course, the earls, viscounts, and barons under the duke also have their own standing soldiers, but because of the limitation of their territorial income, these troops are not as elite as the duke's standing soldiers.

Moreover, there is a problem with the use of these troops: as the saying goes, my vassals' vassals are not my vassals, and these standing soldiers only serve their lords and do not accept the command of the duke.Therefore, these troops are naturally inferior in command efficiency.

Wang frowned and asked: "That is to say, the emperor has concentrated [-] troops? How did you know about such a large-scale concentration of troops?"

"We have known for a long time that Langdon City has expanded the city guard and self-police regiment, and the standing armies of the barons have also made preparations and arrived immediately." Bruce shrugged, "Although they were originally prepared to participate Seizing the heir. The old fox has already reached this point. What he missed is that the emperor really dared to do something."

Wang: "How to say?"

Bruce put his hands on the edge of the sand table: "There are a total of twelve electors in Kuussania, not including six of us who support our current emperor. If the emperor attacks us, our six allies will raise the flag of rebellion together Yes. The old fox determined that the emperor would not dare to move, and the massing of troops was only a deterrent.

"And look at the time, it's spring now, and the conscripts are going home to farm. In fact, we have been receiving conflicting information, saying that the conscripts have not been disbanded, while spring plowing has begun in Steyrland. The old fox is in Choose one of the two and choose the latter.

"Now we know that he was wrong, and the emperor is going to teach us a lesson with the short-term superiority of troops."

Bruce paused, and continued: "Of course we are not completely without advantages. First of all, we are much richer than the emperor. I have already sent out employment invitations to several famous mercenary groups. But they need time to arrive.

"Secondly, our own strength is stronger than that of the emperor. We don't have that many standing troops, but we have enough conscripts. These also take time to gather. Especially now, spring plowing has started for a long time, and farmers are taking care of their crops .”

Some of the barons said: "The emperor really can't think about it. He must kill us, otherwise his Steyr will suffer a famine next year. If he kills us, he will also suffer a famine, but he will have enough money to buy food for disaster relief."

Bruce: "All in all, we are now racing against time. It is estimated that the news of the Steyr army's invasion of the country will soon come. We are going to rely on Langdon City to defend. The preparations for the defense of the city have already begun. At this time, we will draw No troops are needed to encircle and suppress a large number of goblins and kobolds underground."

King: "I see, so let's decapitate this Irwin and take that artifact. This way we can also order goblins and kobolds to attack the Emperor's army."

Bruce: "It's best like this. Of course you won't be the only ones to go, my team will go with me, and Don will also send his men."

"Then who will protect you?" Elizabeth asked suspiciously.

"Me." The eldest prince Wayne said, "As a paladin, there is no better bodyguard than me."

(End of this chapter)

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