mage's dating rules

Chapter 4 Conspiracy, of course, there must be a conspiracy

Chapter 4 Conspiracy, of course, there must be a conspiracy

Sensing something, Bruce Langdon raised his head in a vigilant posture, pressing the brooch with his right hand.This brooch is a life-saving item that he obtained after exhausting all his efforts, and the spells stored in it can save his life at a critical moment.

After all, he is not like his sister—although Bruce Langdon is also quite handsome, he is not a warlock and has no spellcasting ability.

Bruce Langdon breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the tall and thin figure coming out from behind the curtain.

"Can't you go through the main entrance? Use your proud disguise." He looked at the figure with a completely relaxed tone, but he didn't take his hand away from the brooch.

"We are companions with shadows, and we are used to it." The figure said softly.

"So, let's get down to business. Have you checked out the mage who appeared at the gate of the city this morning? Is it my father's disciple?"

"No, there is no evidence that that person is the disciple of the court archmage. But many people saw it. He stayed in front of the notice board at the door for quite a long time, and took off the notice posted by your sister."

Bruce Langdon frowned: "Why would a mage accept commissions from that bulletin board?"

On the bulletin board at the gate of the city, only the lowest-level mercenaries will look for tasks there.And the tasks that will appear there are mostly boring jobs such as transporting goods and exterminating rats. Occasionally, there will be a debt collector, who will be snapped up by the muscular hooligans at the bottom.

When Bruce Langdon heard that his sister had actually posted a solicitation on that notice board a day ago, he couldn't believe his ears.

His younger sister, the youngest daughter of the Duke of Langdon, was usually bright and bright, but in this case she acted like a mental retardation.

So much so that Bruce Langdon once suspected that there was some mystery in it, thinking that it was actually a code for someone.

After all, the content on the solicitation notice is also very serious, investigating missing cats and dogs?It sounds like a noble lady playing house.

Although Elizabeth Langdon is indeed the most distinguished noble lady in the city.

Today, it seems that everything has come to light.

Bruce Langdon said seriously: "I see. My lovely half-sister, I don't know when I established contact with a certain archmage. Give her the magic advisor!"

"But," the rogue hiding in the shadows interrupted Bruce, "it was a young man who came out of the portal. When the guards at the city gate checked him, they were pretty sure he had the most. Most apprentices can only cast the second ring. Magic, isn't it a bit too young to be a magic consultant?"

Bruce Langdon frowned: "He may have deceived the guards, through spells such as hinting. Mages are very cunning. In short, my sister may have a powerful wizard assistant now. Be careful about this in the future."

Wanderer: "Actually, the mage left her stronghold shortly after meeting your sister and started wandering around the city."

"Alone?" Bruce asked in surprise.

"No, two, with Mark the swordsman. Also... maybe that drow is nearby."

Bruce pursed his lips and asked after a moment of thought: "Testing his strength...will it be revealed that we did it? I don't want to tear myself apart with my lovely sister so soon."

Wanderer: "Actually, you don't need to be so anxious, because your sister seems to be planning an adventure. We don't know where she is going yet. If she is going to a dangerous place, such as the city's sewers, maybe you can live forever." One less opponent."

Bruce: "Isn't she looking for cats? What's the adventure?"

"Your father just mobilized the city defense army and adventurers last week to wipe out the underground goblin tribe. Wild cats and dogs are the goblins' favorite food reserves living in the city's sewers."

Bruce was speechless. After a short thought, he ordered: "Find a way to release information, implying that goblins have caused the reduction of cats and dogs."

"There is no need to hint, adventurers know this."

Bruce: "My sister is not an adventurer, she's just a little girl playing adventurer's house. Release the information, and it's best not to go through the Thieves Guild, Malika will see that we are trying to lure her."

Wanderer: "Then it's up to you to take action. Maybe you can tell the story about goblins who like to eat cats and dogs to Miss Marilyn, Miss's schoolmate in class?"

Bruce: "I'll let that bard do this. Marilyn is very fascinated by that guy. Go ahead and keep monitoring that mage apprentice. It's best to find out his strength."

The rogue bowed slightly, then retreated silently into the shadows.

Bruce breathed a sigh of relief.

The city's rogue guild has placed its future lord's treasure on Duke Langdon's second son, at least for now.

Bruce knew that the guild was likely to bet so reassuringly because it could threaten his life at any time.

Who knows if the elder brother's strength will be further improved in the future, it is already very difficult for the rogues to threaten his life.

As for the youngest daughter, Elizabeth Langdon, she was a sorcerer, and strangling her now might be as simple as wringing off a baby's arm, but it might not be so in seven or eight years.

What's more, Duke Langdon has hired a well-known old sorcerer to be Elizabeth's teacher. Who knows if the old sorcerer has left any life-saving spells on her.

Looking at it this way, the second prince, Bruce Langdon, was the easiest to handle.

Of course, the second prince will never sit still forever.

He called softly, "Kassander."

"I am here, Your Highness."

A gecko on the wall suddenly transformed into a tall cat and landed on the ground quickly. The druid gestured to his employer: "Everything is normal, the thief has left."

"Let Kellerman take over, you go and see my sister, the new mage companion."

"Understood." Cassander paused, and said after a brief hesitation, "His Royal Highness, as a druid, I have been having nightmares recently. I asked Ferney, and his dream interpretation said that nightmares are warnings from nature. "

Bruce smiled: "Nature, do you want to say that when all parties are staring at the next duke, besides the various forces with their own ghosts, do I have to worry about the natural world?"

"I don't know." Cassander shook his head, "But the disappearance of wild cats and dogs is really strange, and the 'Green Field' druids are also investigating this matter."

Bruce: "Then let the druids worry about everything—and my sister, of course. Find out what happened to that mage."

Cassander nodded, turned around and turned into a sparrow, jumped out of the wooden window of the study, and disappeared under the empty sun.

(End of this chapter)

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