mage's dating rules

Chapter 43 Despair

Chapter 43 Despair
Malika immediately understood that Wang really planned to stealthily find a place to tear Banshee's Howl according to the original plan, so she lowered her head to confirm that she had put on the ring she got from Tang—— Banshee's Howl ignores the enemy and us, and they will not leave the king. Don't dare to tear the scroll.

Although Kassander noticed that the mage drank the invisibility potion, he didn't realize what the mage was going to do, and he probably thought the mage had slipped away.

While preparing the spell-casting materials as usual, he gave instructions: "Quick, don't let that man cast spells!"

Mishasha opened the bow and shot. If there is no close combat on the scene to touch the caster, it is the archer's responsibility to interfere with the spellcasting.

However, the arrow hit the protective barrier directly.

"Protect from arrows!"

As soon as Mishasara yelled this sentence, Marika grabbed her and threw her to Elizabeth's feet.

Malika continued to pick up the short priest who was about to charge, and also threw it at Elizabeth's feet.

At this moment, Erwin raised the luminous scepter in his hand: "Dragon's Breath!"

Fernie also finished casting the spell almost at the same time.

The shared protective energy barrier instantly enveloped the creatures defined as "friendly" by the mage.

A fan-shaped spray spewed out from the tap of the scepter, covering most of the room.

The negotiation expert had already hid aside, and the spit didn't even touch his beautiful dress.

Elizabeth shouted: "King! Are you all right!"

Wang disappeared, and no one knew where he was, whether he was breathed or not.On top of that, since Ferney, the caster who shares the protective ward, can't see him, he might not be covered by the ward (*).

Because of Fernie's protective barrier, the acid dragon's breath failed to penetrate everyone's protection.

The enemies standing between Irwin and the team were not so lucky. The dragon's breath from behind stung the back of their heads, and their scalps were melting—literally numb—the white skulls exposed.

Everyone fell to the ground and howled. (*)

Seeing this, the barbarians and dwarves all roared and were about to rush at Irwin's face.

However, Erwin shouted a series of short words, and a large number of mixed troops of goblins and kobolds rushed in through the door they came in, blocking the barbarians and dwarves right in front of them.

Howling, Flint tried to break the way with his shield, but the crowd of goblins and kobolds was too great to push even with dwarven strength.

Not only that, he was pushed back, and the goblin and kobold's little hands pulled his beard desperately.

"Don't pull the beard! My beard! Do you know how expensive the oil on the beard is!"

Kellerman, the rogue of the Duke's team, let out a roar and used amazing skills to step on the heads of goblins and kobolds and rush towards Irwin in the air.

However, Erwin has already made a move: "Fix human beings!"

Kellerman turned directly into a sculpture stepping on the goblin's head, taking a comical striding pose.

Erwin raised his hand and threw the iron bar in his hand at Kellerman—this is the casting equipment for this spell. He obviously didn't prepare any more immobilized humans today.

In the confusion, Malika shouted: "Don't you understand? Get closer to me! Don't rush around! Get closer to me!"

Because the drow are not a race known for their loud voices, her shouts were drowned in the chaotic and noisy environment.

Ferney stood at the original position and cast the spell calmly. He took a small paper bag from the spell-casting material bag. When the paper bag was torn open, a little scale powder fell out. This was the casting material for the wall of fire spell.

When Ferney was chanting the spell, Erwin was also chanting the spell, and let go of the scepter in his hand, so the scepter floated in mid-air beside him as if supported by something.

Erwin stared at Elizabeth with vicious eyes under the hood.

Seeing this, the dwarf threw the warhammer in his hand at Erwin, and the warhammer hit the activated mage armor.

Erwin is still casting spells!
Seeing this situation, the dwarf put his shield against the goblins, pulled out his hand and touched the holy emblem——

"Death Barrier!" While shouting, he let go of his strength and was pushed back by the goblins and kobolds.

He just fell at Elizabeth's feet, and touched Elizabeth's shoes with his already glowing white hand.

The princess was instantly covered in white light, so that all spells with instant death effects were meaningless to her.

Erwin immediately shifted his target and pointed his index finger at Fernie!
Seeing this, Ferney immediately stopped casting the spell, and dodged to the side!
After Erwin finished speaking the last word, a green light still hit the mage.

The mage seemed to be stunned suddenly, and then fell down weakly, the expression on his face was still frozen at the moment when the green light appeared.

At this time, Cassander also finished casting the spell, and threw a piece of carrion at Erwin's feet: "The wall of the swarm!"

Mosquitoes and flies swarmed out from nowhere, buzzing around the area marked by carrion, biting everyone who entered.

Erwin slammed into the text and said, "Grass! That's why I hate druids!"

The next moment, he activated his spell and appeared a few meters away, out of the range of the insect swarm.

Catman: "I didn't see the spell casting!"

"It might be a trigger! Those who know magic are dead and the other is unknown!" Cassander looked at Erwin who started casting spells again, and shouted at Malika, "Whatever you want to do, do it quickly! "

Malika glanced at the rogue who had been overwhelmed by the goblins, wiped off the ring that the king gave her just now, and said the activation words.

Then everyone gathered around Malika, together with the goblins and kobolds who just entered the range, disappeared in a flash of light.

A bunch of people (and evil creatures) fell on the square together.

The barbarian reacted quickly, got up and began to open the kobolds and goblins.

Seeing this, the group of little creatures immediately lost their morale and scattered.

Malika helped Elizabeth stand up and dusted her off.

"I'm sorry." Elizabeth whispered, "I can't cast a single spell. Without him by my side, I seemed to panic..."

Malika: "You should thank the dwarf first, you took a life. But I remember the dwarf - isn't Flint only able to cast the three-ring spell?"

Flint got up: "Yeah, so it's just an ordinary assistance spell, but the visual effect is similar to the death barrier. Obviously this Erwin is not familiar with the priest's divine spell. If it is our mage brother, it is estimated that I figured it out."

When "Mage Brother" was mentioned, everyone fell silent.

Elizabeth put her hands on her chest and grabbed the skin near her collarbone: "Is he... all right?"

"He's the Howl of the Banshee with nine rings." Malika comforted her.

Cassander sighed: "It's useless for us to worry. I will go back to the castle immediately and inform the lord. Be careful."

Saying this, Kassander turned into a swallow, and flew towards the towers of the inner city, where the afternoon sun shone on his beautiful feathers.

Malika and Mishasara supported Elizabeth, who was already unable to stand still.

Catman: "Don't worry, even if he dies, he will be resurrected. And it can also solve the crisis we are facing by the way."

Elizabeth cried: "I know...I know..."

Wanderer's Association, Don's office.

Negotiator: "Your Excellency, haven't you seen through the invisibility spell?"

"Of course I have. But you see, he didn't tear up the scroll of the Banshee's Howl before his teammates teleported away, which means that he knows that I have prepared a solution against the Banshee's Howl!" Erwin took off his pocket hat, revealing the headband on the forehead.

"This headband makes me immune to instant death effects! Your Banshee's Howl is useless to me! Hahahaha!"

The next moment, the sound of tearing the scroll sounded.

There was a sharp whistling sound, as if ten thousand ghosts were rubbing their claws against the steel shield.

All the glassware and pottery in the room shattered instantly, and the fragments scattered like grenade explosions.

The negotiator's monocle was also broken, and the shattered glass penetrated his eyeball, but this injury obviously couldn't cause his seven orifices to bleed.

Tang's important cadres and confidantes fell to their knees on the ground like this, spraying a mouthful of blood three meters away.

Erwin also fell to the ground, also bleeding from all seven orifices, and the scepter that had been floating beside him also fell to the ground, and the light from the transparent scepter flashed and disappeared.

The whole room fell silent.

It seems that most of the kobolds and goblins stuck in the tunnel are dead.

In the silence, suddenly came the sound of footsteps.

"It seems that you are not good at learning." Someone said.

Greater invisibility also hides his figure in this case.

"I was not sure if the Banshee's Howl could kill you because I found that you still have a strong magical aura on your body. I didn't expect it to be just a headband for defense against death. You reported it yourself. From logic Judgment, if you say this triumphantly, this should be your biggest hole card."

Someone trampled on shards of glass on the ground.Apparently the man was close to Irwin, who was lying lifeless on the ground.

"Although the Banshee's Howl seems to be an instant death spell, it is actually a sonic magic. My teacher believes that the audible scream is just the magic creator who thinks it should be. The real lethal is the ultrasonic wave. Inaudible. (*)”

The missing person picked up the scepter that fell beside Erwin, and the next moment the transparent faucet on the head of the scepter emitted an extremely powerful light.

"Wow, that's awesome." The voice said, "It's actually a real artifact, oh ho ho ho ho ho ho, is this what my teacher said, the ecstasy when I seized the awesome loot? Oh no, my face cramp... "

The next moment, the person holding the staff appeared, because his face was cramped, he looked very hideous.

It seems that even advanced invisibility techniques can't hide his smug figure now!

After finally controlling himself, he kicked the dead man on the ground, and continued the sermon he had just interrupted: "The ultrasonic wave instantly destroys your fragile organs, making you die suddenly, just like those glasses.

"Of course, you may not know what ultrasound is, right? After all, you probably haven't studied physics. My uncle said that if you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you won't be afraid to travel all over the world. This seems to be the consensus of mages from a certain plane. If someone revives you with a wish technique, you should study these carefully."

Talking about the new owner of the artifact, he took down the headband that Erwin had just boasted about, and then cast a detection magic item.

"It's only two things." The new owner of the wand confiscated Erwin's spell-casting material package after confirming that there was no more magical aura on him.

Then he turned his head and looked at the other equipment illuminated by the magic. After making sure that there was nothing good, he walked over and recycled the warhammer thrown by the dwarf into the dimension bag, and handed in the material bag of the mage in Bruce's team.

After taking the material bag, Wang wanted to leave, but suddenly raised his eyebrows, turned around, gently closed the eyes of the corpse, and threw the whole body into the dimensional bag—after all, this is a friendly army, although it was only done for less than half a day teammate.

The time in the dimensional bag is stopped, so there is no fear of the corpse going bad.If it wasn't for the fact that the dimensional bag couldn't hold living things, he wanted to try putting Irwin in it just now, and then release it in some place like magma.

After continuing to recover the rogue with appalling corpses, the king heard voices in the tunnel leading to the guild.It seems that someone from the guild finally has the courage to come here.

So he held up the artifact and loudly spoke the kobold language that the artifact gave him.

Immediately, a few kobolds came in tremblingly.

Wang: "Damn it, is there only so much left?"

When they saw the blazing light on the top of the artifact, all the kobolds knelt down and shouted: "New messenger of the Dragon God!"

Just at this time, a group of guild wanderers rushed into the room.

Wang immediately took out the advanced invisibility potion and drank it.

(*) Because this chapter is a battle chapter, there are many explanations, and the author's words can't be put down.Just after the chapter.

The caster can't see his teammates, so the BUFF teammates can't get this.The regulations are like this, but in fact, it is more flexible in running groups.In CRPG games, it is even simpler. By default, stealth and invisibility are invalid for teammates, so you can still eat any BUFF.

When running a group, it depends on whether the relationship between the DM and you is good.Obviously the main character got it here, but Elizabeth thought she didn't get it.

In addition, the common protection energy should specify what to protect when casting a spell. Here, the mage Ferney has rich experience and judged it.

What's more, the protective energy can't completely offset the damage of a dragon's breath, and here it is treated as a full offset.

After the strong acid is sprayed on the guild's rogues, they should continue to stand before they die in the game, but here it is set that the severe pain caused by the strong acid corrosion deprives them of their combat effectiveness.This seems more reasonable.

In short, you understand that the protagonist of the story is a mage, so it is enough for the spell to get BUFF.

The last is the Howl of the Banshee. In fact, whether the anti-death effect can prevent the Howl of the Banshee is really a question, and it will probably take a long time to fight.This is depicted in this book mainly because Banshee's Howl is a Fortitude saving throw spell, so I made some of my own creations on it.When readers run a group by themselves, please ask the DM if they can play like this.

Last but not least, a temporary thought.The scrolls in this book will take effect when they are torn off, but only need to pass a magic item identification, so only the protagonist king and other characters who have been trained as system casters can tear the scrolls, the princess can't tear the scrolls.

When running a DND team, you need to read the scroll to use it, but you don’t need to read it in this book, it will take effect after tearing it.This is to make the action of tearing the scroll different from serious casting.

In fact, this distinction is also what the author is pursuing.For example, the rogues in this book are all stealthy backstabs, and there is no one who stands up and relies on flanking to attack.Rangers generally mainly shoot arrows, but the elf archers who will be added later will also draw double swords.Because the elf archer is Legolas - a different time and space counterpart, and has been favored by the DM.

(End of this chapter)

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