mage's dating rules

Chapter 448 I chapter is coming

Chapter 448 I (space) come (space) back (space)

Wang: "Since it's such an emergency, let's do this. You stay and guide the airship to continue crossing the world's mountains. Xiaobai and I go straight to the Elf Kingdom."

Elizabeth: "Only Xiaobai?"

Wang: "This is a long-distance flight. The griffon needs to conserve its energy and cannot carry too many people."

Xiaobai: "Are you going to drain me dry this time?"

Flint looked at Xiaobai, as if he wanted to complain, but in the end he did not choose to make dirty jokes at this time - even if it was a follower of Kailin, it was indeed a bit too much.

Wang patted Xiaobai's head gently: "Look at Nini's expression, and then think about whether you should say something that could easily cause misunderstanding at this time."

"I'm sorry." Xiaobai lowered his head.

Elizabeth looked at Wang in shock: "You actually have emotional intelligence. Normally, you should seriously explain how to conserve energy on the road."

The corner of Wang's mouth twitched: "I will also grow. I can use a few magic control spells now, okay!"

Flint: "It's over. This sentence swallowed up half of all the progress you just made."

Wang: "Really?"

Dwarf: "You just swallowed this rhetorical question."

"But I have mastered a lot of magic control spells."

The dwarf just spread his hands.

At this time, Marika said: "It won't work if only two people go over, right? If you are a nine-ring mage, maybe you can change the situation - to be honest, if the nine-ring mage goes over, considering that the opponent is my fellow countryman, maybe it won't work." It will be life-threatening.”

Wang: "The key is information. Nini also said before that the forest kingdom is actually powerful enough to compete with the drow, and you have recognized this. So if you start asking for help now, you will probably suffer the loss of not having information."

"We will send the information as soon as possible, and leave the rest to the archmages and archers of the Forest Kingdom."

Xiaobai: "Can I send it off by myself?"

Elizabeth also agreed: "If you are just sending letters, Xiaobai is enough."

Wang thought for a second and asked the crucial question: "Xiaobai, do you know who to go to for information when you go to the Elf Kingdom?"

Xiaobai shrugged: "Wouldn't it be better to give it to the biggest chief? The elven chiefs must also have obvious symbols on their body, right? For example, a shiny crown, gorgeous feathers, etc."

Wang looked embarrassed at that time, and Gaines turned to ask Nini: "I have never been to the Forest Kingdom, is that right?"

"No," Nini shook her head, "This Elf King actually doesn't like to be too high-profile, but his temperament is very elegant, which is obvious."

Flint: "But elves are all graceful."

Nini: "No, the Elf King is very elegant. Even dwarves should be able to recognize it."

"Hmph, that's really amazing. Even a rough guy like me who works underground can recognize it." The dwarf did not hide his teasing at all.

At this moment, Xiaobai killed the quarrel between the elves and dwarves with one sentence: "What is elegance? Does it mean eating meat with tableware?"

Everyone looked at Xiaobai.

After a full second of silence, Nini said: "How about I go back with Xiaobai..."

Wang: "You are the only person here who has experience in climbing over the world's mountains from the ground. You have to lead the airship there. There is high-end combat power on the airship. In case the information alone cannot help the Forest Kingdom defeat the drow, this ship has high-end combat power. Maybe we can turn things around."

Elizabeth: "...I think this is the most convincing analysis you have done so many times!"

Xiaobai: "Then I should take Wang with me? In fact, it's okay to add another Elizabeth. Even though Elizabeth looks like she has a lot of fat, she is quite light. But the question is whether Drow will abandon her. Your Highness the Princess." Marika said resolutely: "I will never leave Your Highness the Princess. As a warlock, she does not have as many life-saving means as a mage, and she needs me to eliminate threats."

Xiaobai: "Look, after all is said and done, Wang and I can only go there to deliver the message."

Wang: "Without further delay, let's set off quickly. The Forest Kingdom has used long-distance induction magic twice to ask for help. Maybe the situation is very urgent."

Xiaobai turned into a griffon without saying a word.

Elizabeth was still very worried: "It's just that you two will be in danger. Drow elves are all top stalkers and assassins, and killing mages happens to be their best field."

Marika seemed to have guessed what Elizabeth was going to say, and said quickly: "Your Highness, you are planning to let me follow him, right?"

Elizabeth: "Xiao Bai said that one more person can be added, and you should be lighter than me. After all, you are as slim as me in the places where you should be slim, but I have more fat than you. You are very familiar with the way drow move, how do you think about bringing it with you? You are the most suitable."

Marika: "Your Highness, have you ever considered that I am a drow? Is it possible for the Elf Kingdom to trust me? I am an 'enemy'."

Elizabeth still wanted to persuade, the bard Gaines cleared his throat: "Everyone! Have you forgotten that there is a better choice?"

Everyone looked at the dwarf.

The dwarf pointed at himself proudly: "I am a bard, and my long travels have allowed me to master a considerable degree of rogue skills, which can protect me from assassins' sneak attacks.

"I can also pick locks and detect traps. Finally, I also mastered many of the bard's spells. As an all-rounder, I'm suitable for dealing with situations like this, right?"

Xiaobai turned back into a human just to complain: "Are you sure you don't want to go to the Elf Kingdom as soon as possible to broaden your horizons?"

Gaines: "For me, witnessing the first flight over the world's mountains is as valuable as saving the forest kingdom. I accept your arrangement, Captain."

Wang nodded: "Then let's take Gaines and set off together, Xiaobai!"

Xiaobai transformed into a griffin again, picked up the dwarf in his mouth, and put him on the saddle.

Wang turned on the gryphon, and just when Xiaobai was about to take off, he shouted: "Wait a minute!"

The gryphon stopped the run-up that had started and looked back at the king in confusion.

The king pointed at Franka: "Franca, come too! With Furu helping us, we can directly extract the information from the minds of the drow captives to avoid interrogation. I guess there is no interrogation master in the Elf Kingdom who can make the drow speak. .”

Nini nodded: "My hometown really doesn't have much research on the art of interrogation."

Franka: "Me coming too? So I have to hook Xiaobai's saddle with my tentacles?"

Wang took out a big bag from the space bag: "No, you can put it in the bag and hang the bag on the saddle."

"Hey~ I haven't tried to get into my pocket yet."

Franka actually said it without any concern, and immediately got into her pocket.

Xiaobai shouted, started running on the deck again, and then jumped into the air.

Elizabeth watched the gryphon leave and sighed: "Let's hurry up. I hope he won't be in danger."

Flint: "What you said is true. How could he not be in danger? But he saved the day every time."

After speaking, the dwarf looked at Nini: "Don't worry too much, leave it to our captain."

(End of this chapter)

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