mage's dating rules

Chapter 45 Riding a Wolf is So Cool

Chapter 45 Riding a Wolf is So Cool

Faced with the druid's request, Wang was speechless: "This... can't be done."

The werewolf girl looked astonished: "Why can't you do it? Wouldn't it be over if you just use the invisibility?"

"That spell allows me to see invisible people, and you can't see me either."

The werewolf opened his mouth wide: "This is the case, then you use a dispelling magic! Then the invisibility and advanced invisibility will be dispelled. (*)"

Wang was even more embarrassed: "I can't cast protection spells, this is my opposite school."

The Druid was silent for a few seconds, and asked, "Are you sick?"

Wang: "Well, my teacher said it was a choice of fate. Let's not talk about it, I will use a flash dust, so you can see my outline."

"Actually, it's not necessary. I can probably tell where you are by smelling it."

Wang: "Smell?"

The werewolf closed his eyes directly, sniffed and made an "empty" sound, and walked in small steps in the direction of the king.

"Don't move! Don't walk!" The girl stretched out her hand and directly poked the mage's stomach, "Here!"

She opened her eyes and said happily: "Look! That's right! I caught your smell in the stench of the stinky river next to it. Okay, who are you, and why are you investigating the kidnapping of stray cats and dogs? "

However, Wang's attention was all attracted by new things at this time, and he raised his hand and began to cast spells.

The druid walked away from him and distanced himself: "What spell are you casting!"

"Detect magic aura!" Wang yelled the spell directly. This simple low-level spell is the name of the spell.

After activating the spell, Wang walked over to study the girl's nose carefully: "There is no magic, how do you do it..."

"I'm a werewolf! Do werewolves understand?"

"But it doesn't look like the nose of a werewolf. The nose of a werewolf should have obvious canine characteristics..."

"What! You called me a dog!" Druid's hair was all blown out, which made her look like a cat with frizz.

Wang: "But wolves are canids, they have similar physical characteristics..."

The druid shook his head like a rattle: "No, no, no, I'm a wild wolf!"

Wang: "Indeed, dogs are actually domesticated wolves..."

"Ah! Wow! Woohoo! Can't hear you!" Druid blocked the ears on top of his head.

Wang showed a surprised expression again (although invisible and no one could see it), he lifted the girl's sideburns and found that there was nothing at all where her ears were.

Speaking of it, Mishasara is the same, but Mishasara is furry all over her body, covering almost all her body features, and her head shape is different from that of humans, and she is more cat-like, so she will not feel out of harmony.

This werewolf girl has fair skin, just like a human being, and even the fine hair is so thin that it is almost invisible, and her face is completely human. Without ears, it would be too scary!
Fortunately, her hair is so thick that it covers the place where there should be human ears.

"You," the girl let her sideburns fall down, and sighed, "are you stupid for learning magic? How can you do something like this to a girl you just met?"

Wang: "I have a slightly different view on this point."

Saying so, the time for the advanced invisibility potion finally passed, and Wang's figure was revealed.

Wang: "According to what I have seen and heard since I left the Mage Tower, all girls have obvious secondary sexual characteristics! You don't! So oh!"

Druid kicked him in the crotch.

The mage crouched down clutching his crotch.

Werewolf girl: "Where did you say that!"

Wang: "Are you... are you really a girl?"

"Why, you still want to confirm it with your own eyes! Sure, you will die after confirming it! And my voice, it sounds like a girl!"

Wang: "Not like. Like a little boy whose voice hasn't changed."

"You! Forget it. Let me heal you first." The werewolf girl began to cast spells. She closed her eyes and began to feel the nature.

Although this is the underground of a human town, the power of nature still gathers through the medium of the werewolf girl, and finally concentrates in her hands.She raised her hand and lightly touched Wang's body.

Wang felt the pain in his crotch relieved quickly, and the abrasion caused by the explosion of the fireball technique just now slowly healed.Itching from skin growths spreads over the wound.

Wang turned his head and saw that the wound from the flying knife on his shoulder had stopped bleeding.He grabbed the throwing knife and pulled it out.

The wound did not bleed, and new white flesh quickly appeared on the edge.

Wang: "Is this the rejuvenation technique? I can't see that you are a very powerful druid."

The girl snorted: "Don't talk nonsense with you, I still have tasks! Who are you? Why are you investigating the disappearance of cats and dogs?"

Wang reported the teacher's name: "I am his disciple."

The girl crossed her arms and looked at the sky: "Who is he? Is he famous?"

Wang was suddenly happy, and grabbed the girl's hand: "Wow, you are the first person I met in this world who didn't respond to my master's name! It means that the old man is not so awesome!"

"Let go! I have a second question!"

"That's right, Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth found out..." Wang explained the situation in a simple and general language.

The girl's eyes widened, and her ears perked up: "You killed the mastermind behind the scenes? And captured his artifact? So the incident is settled, right?"

Wang: "No. I'm about to go to his laboratory to investigate the ritual he's carrying out. After I find out all this, I can confirm whether the crisis of annihilation is over."

"Okay!" The werewolf girl nodded again and again, "It's good that it's not over! Then let's go investigate together! Do you know where the laboratory is?"

Wang: "I don't know. I wanted to find kobolds or goblins to lead the way, but they all ran away."

"You got the artifact, so you also got the ability to command goblins and kobolds?" the werewolf asked curiously.

Wang shook his head: "No, in fact, the artifact can only give me the ability to speak the languages ​​of these two races. After my rough research, the artifact does not have the ability to coerce other creatures.

"But it seems that these two tribes have a tradition of worshiping the holder of this artifact. To be honest, I don't know how this tradition came about."

The werewolf's eyes glowed, and he looked like a puppy expecting a bone: "Can I see that artifact?"

"Okay." The prophecy mage didn't notice malice or greed, so he took out the dimension bag with confidence.

The druid exclaimed: "Dimensional bag! Last time I saw one, it cost [-] gold coins! How much space do you have?"

Wang: "Unlimited."

The druid fell to the ground with a bang, and his voice was particularly crisp: " many gold coins did you get..."

Druids are generally poorer because of their living habits.In fact, druids living in cities are already very rare.

Wang: "My uncle did it."

The werewolf jumped up: "Can you give me one too?"

"Then wait until we see him in the future. This is the artifact that was just seized." Wang took out the dragon head scepter from the dimension bag.

The whole space is illuminated like daytime.

Druid blocked his eyes: "Can't this light be turned off?"

"No, I haven't found a way to adjust the luminosity."

"Let me see!" After speaking, the werewolf wanted to grab the scepter, but suddenly stopped, and then asked politely, "Can I borrow it to take a look?"

"Okay." Wang handed it over, anyway, he didn't feel any malice during the whole process.

The werewolf spat on his little hand excitedly, and rubbed it excitedly: "This must be our druid's artifact!"

The moment her hand touched the scepter, the "light" of the scepter went out.

In the blink of an eye, she flew out with a bang, as if some force forcibly separated him from the staff.

The scepter that landed automatically returned to floating and returned to the king.

The werewolf spread out on the ground: "I... I saw a golden dragon, it asked me why I thought I was worthy of this scepter!"

Wang turned his head and looked at the scepter floating beside him: "Ah? I picked it up when I touched it normally? What dragon? Didn't you see it?"

The werewolf got up and shouted while rubbing his waist: "Really, why should I lie to you?"

Wang took the scepter and checked it carefully: "I'm pretty sure that this scepter is not the kind that will recognize the master with self-awareness. In theory, everyone can use it."

The werewolf yelled: "You got the artifact and didn't examine it carefully?"

"Even if I have enough knowledge, it will take a long time. I just got this scepter, and I can only recognize some of its simple characteristics. Now I don't know what it can do."

The werewolf sighed: "I really can't do anything about you."

Suddenly, the ears on top of her head moved.

"Wait a minute! There is a voice coming from that door."

Wang: "People from the Wanderer's Guild are coming to check what happened again, let's go."

Werewolf: "Are you going to find the laboratory of the man behind the scenes? Who else has moved this scepter besides you and the man behind the scenes?"


"Then this smell is behind the scenes. I can follow the smell to find his laboratory. Let's go." As the werewolf's body changed, it swelled into a real giant wolf, and her clothes followed her shape It automatically adapts to the changes and becomes the saddle on the giant wolf—the wolf saddle.

Wang was stunned: "My God, I have always dreamed of riding a warg! It's still such a big warg!"

The wolf shook its head, and Wang guessed that this meant to let him ride up.

So he happily turned on the wolf.

The giant wolf spread its legs and ran wildly.

The king held the scepter and began to study it on the bumpy wolf's back.


(*) As for whether dispelling magic can dispel Gaoyin, the group I run can generally dispel it.

In addition, the skill of identifying various items is completed instantly in many CRPG games, but in fact it takes a long time to "study the target item" according to the rules.

(End of this chapter)

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