mage's dating rules

Chapter 450: Meeting the Profanity Type Again

Chapter 450: Meeting the Profanity Type Again

After Wang finished speaking, he turned to look at Gaines: "No matter what, let's find the traces of the person who set the fire first."

Gaines: "What are you looking at me for when you say that?"

Wang: "You are the one with the strongest investigative ability here, so please!"

As he spoke, he made a gesture of invitation.

Gaines was speechless: "Let me explain first, bards do act like rogues or even rangers from time to time. Some bards are simply members of the Harp Alliance, but I am not from the Harp Alliance. I am... He’s a relatively normal bard.”

Xiaobai: "You said when you came here, you can defuse traps and find clues."

"I can do it." Gaines spread his hands, "And I'm very good at it, but not as good as Marika."

Wang: "He is stacking his shield. Come on, even if we can't find it, we won't say anything. After all, it's just a burned village. It is estimated that there will be many such villages in the future."

After speaking, Wang frowned and touched his heart with his hand: "Strange... Is this feeling the so-called melancholy?"

Xiaobai: "Let me smell it, maybe I can smell the melancholy."

As she spoke, she leaned closer to Wang and sniffed hard.

"I can't smell it, you're not sad." Xiaobai said and patted Wang's thigh.

"Are you sure?" Wang looked unwilling, "If I can distinguish this kind of emotion that is difficult to describe, it means I have made a big step forward."

Xiaobai: "Okay, I just said this to comfort you. Now it seems that you don't need to be comforted. Yes, your expression just now looked a bit melancholy."

Wang touched his cheek and asked seriously: "Why? Is it because many people's homes are about to be destroyed?"

Xiaobai: "Look, don't you know this very well?"

"You two!" Gaines, who had just started looking for clues, had already walked a long way. He shouted from a distance, "Come and take a look at this!"

Two people and a jellyfish immediately approached.

Gaines, who was squatting down, was even smaller than Xiao Bai's waist. He pointed at the ground and said, "Look at this! The footprints. And they're still very new."

Xiaobai looked around: "The air is very dry. It shouldn't have snowed recently. How can you tell if it's new?"

The dwarf smiled: "Experience. Even if it doesn't snow, the mountain wind will blur the footprints. The edges of the footprints are so clear, it won't be too long. I think they were left the day before yesterday or even yesterday."

"A person like this can't go very far in the valley. In addition, there are very few roads to choose from in the mountainous areas. We can catch up quickly."

Wang looked back at the ruins and asked Xiaobai: "You said from the smell that it hasn't been burning for several days, right?"

"Yes." Xiaobai nodded.

Wang: "Then let's catch up. Maybe this person knows what's going on with the fire."

Xiaobai immediately turned into a griffin and flopped on the ground with his hooves.

Wang got on his horse, reached out and grabbed the air jellyfish and stuffed it into his belt.

Gaines: "Are you helping the jellyfish or not me? Can you see if I can climb on the back of a gryphon by myself?"

Just as Wang was about to go down and pick up Gaines, the griffon picked up the dwarf in its mouth and threw it back.

Gaines: "I hate you!"

The king caught the dwarf in the sky and joked: "It's a pity that you are not Kailin's priest, otherwise Kailin would like this development. How about... you think about it? Anyway, Kailin also protects the bard."

Gaines shook his head: "No, Flint complained to me when he was drunk. After listening to it, I felt that he must not become the priest of an unreliable god like Cailyn."

Wang: "Actually, Kailin just seems unreliable, but when it comes to the critical moment, he is still very reliable."

"You are Kailin's pastor, of course you say so." Gaines was unmoved. Xiaobai ran two steps and flew up, and the wind from his wings blew up a lot of snow.

Wang: "Is the direction of flight correct?"

Gaines: "Fly along the valley. Unless he wants to commit suicide in this season, he will not leave the main road. In addition to towns on this road, there should be small hotels opened by hunters to rest."

As if to echo Gaines's words, Xiaobaifei called out after ten minutes, and then looked back at Wang.

Wang immediately realized that she had found the hotel, so he looked forward and saw a small house vaguely in the snowfield.

"Land! Ask for directions. Maybe someone has seen the person we are chasing."

Xiaobai dived and lifted up, landing lightly in front of the hotel.

At this time, Wang discovered that there was thick snow on the roof of the hotel.

In places like this where it often snows, people regularly clear the snow from their roofs, otherwise the house may collapse under the weight of the snow.

Wang turned to the ground and took out the materials for the invisibility spell and held it in his hand.

Gaines: "You should take me down!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiaobai returned to her human form, and Gaines slid from behind her to the ground.

Then Xiaobai looked at the bag around his waist that hadn't shrunk strangely: "What's going on?"

When a druid transforms, the clothes and other things on his body will transform together to adapt to the new form. Situations like this without transformation are very rare.

After a brief hesitation, Xiaobai opened the bag and released Franka: "Forgot!"

Franka: "Eh? What did you forget?"

Well, she didn't know that Xiaobai had just transformed without releasing it.

Wang held the invisibility material and stood in front of the building without moving forward. He turned to Xiaobai and said, "You start."

Xiaobai turned to look at the dwarf: "You take the lead! Diplomacy should be the job of a bard."

Gaines slapped the snow off his butt, walked to the room, and knocked on the door.

no respond.

Gaines: "There's so much snow on the firewood pile next to me. There hasn't been anyone alive here for a long time. I think it's better not to be polite."

As he spoke, Gaines took out the lockpicking tool and pried open the mechanical lock on the door in three strokes: "It's actually a dwarf mechanical lock. This place is not closed as expected."

He opened the door as he spoke and then immediately stopped.

The door was full of mycelium, and several people - several humanoid objects were sitting around the dining table, all wrapped in mycelium, looking like mummies.

Gaines: "Okay, now we know why no one is clearing the snow. Why the mountains? It's not so rampant in the cities outside, right?"

Wang: "What nonsense are you talking about? Have you forgotten Yi Songzuo's capital? But..."

He walked into the room, stretched out his hand and grabbed a large handful of mycelium, brought it to his nose and smelled it: "There is no smell like the Catalan Church, and it seems that the human shape of these signs is better maintained. .”

Gaines: "It means that the people who made this place like this have better skills than the Catalans who came to the state to teach, right?"

Wang shook his head: "I don't know how to judge which technology is better. Maybe the better technology is the wilder growth of mycelium. However, it is not the Catalan state religion that made this place like this, that's for sure. "

He paused and said, "I think we may be encountering another prostitute."

(End of this chapter)

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