mage's dating rules

Chapter 53 Night falls

Chapter 53 Night falls
At this time, Xiaobai is eating in the restaurant downstairs of the study.

The Duke's attendants brought out the steak that the Duke hadn't finished eating this afternoon, together with various fresh fruits and bread, in a basket. As a result, the werewolf seemed to have not seen the bread and fruit, and gnawed on the steak.

She gnawed and complained: "Why do you take out such a small amount of food, and another piece of meat! This is not enough to fit between the teeth!"

The two servants looked at each other, and then looked at the cook together.

The cook sighed and opened the door to the pantry.

Xiao Bai's nose moved, and then she jumped up from her seat with the steak in her mouth, dodged behind the cook, squeezed through the gap between the cook and the door frame, and rushed into the pantry.

"Oh oh oh!" She exclaimed in admiration at the huge ham hanging in the pantry, the meat in her mouth fell out!
The werewolf volleyed and bit the falling meat, jumped onto the table in the pantry, and took down the entire ham hanging from the ceiling.

She stretched her neck to swallow the meat in her mouth, and gnawed down on the ham.

Then the werewolf showed a happy expression, flicking his tail.

At this time, the duke's speech faintly heard from outside ended, followed by the earth-shattering dragon roar.

The werewolf's ears stood up, and the hairs on them stood upright.

"Dragon!" she yelled, carrying the ham and ran to the window of the pantry to look out, "A real dragon! This is the first time I've seen a dragon! No druid elder in the tribe has ever seen one!"

As she spoke, she dropped the ham, and in the blink of an eye, she turned into a large vulture, grabbing the ham that hadn't landed and trying to rush out of the window.

As a result, the ham got stuck sideways on the window.

The vulture struggled outside for a while, but couldn't pull the ham out, so it had to get back again.

The werewolf who changed back to human form picked up the ham, threw it vertically out of the window, and then changed into a bird and flew out.

The waiter and the chef rushed to the window, only to see a bald eagle the size of a man intercept the ham falling to the ground, grab it with its claws, and flap its wings to rush to the sky.

At the same time, the giant dragon on the city wall spread its wings and rushed into the night.

Instantly transformed into a dragon, the king knows how to use his natural weapons: claws, wings, and tail with weights and spines.

Of course, he has also mastered all the skills of taking off and exhaling, just like a real adult dragon.

The king flapped his wings and took off from the city wall, but because of his unskilled flying skills, the tip of his wings hit the wall of the tower next to the city wall, scraping off a big brick.

Flying into the air, Wang found that the dragon physiology he had learned before had certain errors.For example, dragons can see better in the dark of dawn than they learned in the course.He can see every detail of the city below like an eagle.

He saw the appearance of the giant dragon, causing many Steyr collar soldiers who were looting to stop, staring at the sky dumbfounded.

Some soldiers started to turn around and run away.

He also saw townspeople not just sitting still, but organizing barricades in an attempt to protect their homes.

At this time, Wang suddenly found a bald eagle holding a huge ham.When the other birds were all away from the dragon, the sea eagle actually flew towards the dragon, as if it was going to pay the dragon the ham it caught.

Wang probably knew who this was.

He ignored the sea eagle and concentrated on searching the ground.

He first found the Gallows Square, and found that the neighborhood around the square was already in flames. The Steyr soldiers ordered the Papa Mouse tavern, and the gun on the opposite side was still there, but the people inside were dragged out and thrown away randomly. In the square, it looks like a large pile of white maggots from the air.

However, there were not many dead Steyr soldiers in the square, so the king speculated that the princess's team had escaped from the square.

He soon found a road with many Steyr corpses, which he guessed was the direction from which his friends fled.

Along this road, searching towards the inner city, Wang soon found his friends who were resisting the enemy in the square.

The enemy gathered a considerable force and lit torches, preparing to attack the barricades of wagons and miscellaneous logs.

Wang took a deep breath—a dragon takes a deep breath before it exhales, and when it exhales, expels the jet that has accumulated in the sacs next to its lungs.The words of the black dragon are strong acid, and by the way, the black dragon itself emits a mixed smell of corruption and strong acid.

Wang circled in the air and chose the best point of entry: the enemy was entering the square from two streets, and the troops not engaged in the battle were assembled in these two streets, forming a dense and neat line.

So Wang chose one of the streets and swooped down on it—


The high pressure in the lungs spurted out the strong acid in the sac cavity. Under the light of the fire, the black strong acid smoked when it touched something, and the melted flesh and blood flowed from the gap in the lower body of the armor when it splashed on the top and bottom of the iron can. flow out.

This is the dragon's magic acid, an unreasonable magic creation. People who are spit out are like being hit by a dozen Ma Youfu's strong acid arrows in succession. (*)

Cat people are the first to spot the giant approaching in the air.She stopped shooting, looked in the direction of the sound, and immediately exclaimed:

"Dragon! There is a dragon! This size is an adult dragon! It is coming towards us! There is an inhalation sound! It is about to exhale, and it is about to lie down!"

Marika, who was forced to temporarily pick up the long sword and shield to fight, immediately threw Elizabeth to the ground, and rolled her under the carriage by the way.

The dwarf was still looking around: "Where? Where's the dragon? Oh Caris Newman!"

He fell to the ground, his head in his hands.

The dragon's breath came, and when the dragon breathed out, it would be accompanied by a sharp whistling sound, which was the sound formed by squeezing the air out of its lungs with all its strength.To those lying on the ground, the sound was like the scream of death.

The dwarf got up, lowered his head to confirm that his hands and feet were sound, and then looked in the direction of the scream.

In the enemy's army formation, a "gully" appeared directly, and the people in the middle of the gully could not scream, because all of them were left with only smoldering armor, and most of the people on the edge of the gully were only part of their bodies Contaminated with strong acid, the screams were made by these people.

This is not just as simple as causing damage. The Steyr soldiers who were not sprayed froze in place, completely forgetting that they were about to attack the barricades guarded by armed civilians and town guards.

The dwarf looked up to find the trace of the dragon, but saw an eagle or something, clutching a ham bigger than its body, flapping its wings and flying past.

Everyone on the ground is watching the eagle.

The destructiveness of the dragon's breath just now formed a strange contrast with this thing.

What's the matter, the giant dragon also found a little helper to bring snacks?
As soon as the eagle was out of everyone's sight, the dragon turned back again.

The second wave of breath took a completely different path, so the two ravines formed a V in the enemy group.

A team leader of the enemy shouted: "Rush up and mix with the enemy, the dragon will not dare to spit!"

The enemy who woke up from a dream screamed.

Flint took up position in the gap in the barricade with his shield, shouting: "Get ready! Hodlaine (hold the line)!"

At this moment, the enemy striker stepped on the acid left by the dragon's breath.

Instantly his iron boots were smoking.

He screamed and wanted to stop to look at his JIO, but was pushed to the ground by the people behind him, and had intimate contact with more acid.As a result, his body in full body armor tripped over someone else!

Then the chain falls and stampedes began.

Mishasara shouted while shooting arrows: "Great! Take the opportunity to kill the invaders! Kill!"

Wang observed the situation in the square and judged that he didn't need to care about it anymore.

He also saw an elite squad, led by a paladin, approach the square.The paladin was wearing a mask and was covered in blood, so he couldn't tell who it was, but he was flying the Langdon family's banner, so he should be Elizabeth's eldest brother.

For a moment, Wang really wanted to end his dragon transformation, land next to Elizabeth, and give her a big hug.

But the scepter can only change into a dragon once in 24 hours, which lasts for one hour.He couldn't waste this precious spell like this.

There are still about 10 minutes left to change into a dragon, and Wang decided to see if there is any need for help in other places.

He flew high into the sky, overlooking the entire battlefield.It was soon discovered that the direction of the port was still fighting fiercely.
(*) The combat power of dragons has been strengthened.In addition, dragon magic is very difficult to obtain in this world.This setting is to strengthen the value of the artifact.

(End of this chapter)

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