mage's dating rules

Chapter 57 Flip the ham, the morning light falls on you

Chapter 57 Flip the ham, the morning light falls on you

After a long night, the morning light seemed extraordinarily bright.

The battle in Landon City was basically over. The city guard put down their weapons and began to organize young and middle-aged men to put out the fire.

Smart people are already picking off the enemy's armor, ready to sell it for a good price when things are over.

In the direction of the port, the fleet of Hegu Ling had already left the port and left the port downstream, leaving a bunch of stranded ships burning.

As for the light cavalry and cavalry infantry of the Amur mercenary regiment who arrived outside the city yesterday, without siege weapons, they had no choice but to shoot arrows at the high walls of Langdon City in order to be worthy of the commission they received.

All these information were collected in several places in the city - one of them was of course the command room of the Duke's barracks, and the others were the headquarters of the major chambers of commerce, the espionage points of each leader in Langdon City, and so on.

Many carrier pigeons took off with urgent mail and flew far away, and some druids may be mixed in among them.

Soon, the whole of Kuussania, and even Monrovia in the distance will know that the Langdon family has survived the nightmare catastrophe and gained an advantage.

Wang woke up from his sleep and shouted: "I finished my project! Teacher, I finished it!"

Then he found that there was no soft magical light source in the mage tower in front of him, and the light shining on him came from the window of the room.

Then he saw Elizabeth sitting by his bed, peeling an apple with a knife in her hand.

I don't know why the placket of Elizabeth's skirt is so low today that Wang almost couldn't look away.

"Good morning." The princess smiled, "The apples haven't been peeled yet. What's a project?"

It was only then that Wang realized that what he said just now was an imported language that the teacher had imported from a certain plane, and this word did not exist in the common language of this plane.

Wang: "It's the task assigned by the teacher. After solving it, you have to write a report and give him a grade."

After speaking, Wang carefully looked at Elizabeth: "Are you okay? My eyelids twitched yesterday. Last time, something big happened to my eyelids twitching, which even caused my little uncle's soul to be injured. This time I didn't encounter any major incidents. I thought something was wrong with you."

Elizabeth was shocked: "You almost died, so it's nothing serious?"

"As a result, I didn't die. And there are no sequelae... How can I have no sequelae later?"

Wang raised his sleeves and carefully looked at the regenerated left arm.The arm looked like a normal human arm, with no tumors like those in cats and dogs.

Elizabeth: "Maybe you're lucky?"

"I understand," Wang clapped his hands. "It's a secondary restoration technique. The secondary restoration technique not only restores my severed limbs, but also restores the side effects caused by the positive energy."

Elizabeth looked at the ceiling, a little helpless: "Well, I knew you weren't asking me, and my opinion is not that important."

Wang: "Indeed."

Elizabeth gritted her teeth hard, and stuffed the apple in her mouth angrily.

Wang: "I thought that was for me to eat."

"Cut yourself." The princess said angrily.

Wang picked up the apple, wiped it casually with his hands, and ate it with the skin on.While eating, he looked at Xiaobai who fell asleep with the ham on his pillow: "You didn't give her another ham either. That ham is dirty."

Princess: "I tried, but she won't let go of the ham. So what's the matter with her?"

Wang: "Our new teammate. A very powerful Druid, who may have four or even five rings."

Elizabeth turned her head to look at the werewolf girl with disbelief.

Wang continued: "After I was hit by the disintegration technique of the enemy mage, she attacked the mage by surprise, and then beheaded the enemy coach next to me. Although I don't know how she did it, I did see it last night. There was a battle under the banner of the enemy's coach, and the dragon's eyesight was very good, and his position was high.

"After the short battle, the Hegu army fell into chaos, and some people shouted 'our army is defeated'. It should be Xiaobai who killed the enemy commander. I reported the situation to your second brother yesterday."

Elizabeth looked at the werewolf girl who was sleeping soundly with the ham on her pillow, and said, "So you dragged her into the gang?"

"No, it was before that. She also wanted to investigate the crisis of annihilation, and druids hate any unnatural changes, so they are our allies."

Elizabeth put down the half-bitten apple and looked at Wang with a determined look: "Do you... want to do business with her?"

"Ah? There is no such thing as kung fu business now. Oh, you said my teacher's criterion for judging love, don't worry, there is no. I kind of want to do business with you."

Elizabeth's apple fell to the ground, and she bent down to pick it up. When she picked it up, she found Wang staring at it.

Her first reaction was to block it, but she changed her mind halfway—it won't lose a piece of meat, right?

At this time Wang said: "But look, you don't meet the first condition. When my eyes are not disturbed, then I may like you."

Elizabeth looked helpless.

Wang: "Okay, I'm fully awake, you can leave quickly, I'm going to prepare for today's spell."

Elizabeth said firmly, "I won't go!"

"Hey, you're going to interfere with my concentration."

"You should be your test."

Wang thought for a while, then nodded: "Alright, then you stay by the side, and I will prepare the spell."

Having said that, the mage turned up from the bed, checked the robe on his body, then retrieved his dimensional bag from Xiaobu's waist, took out the spell book, sat down at the desk facing the window, and opened the book.

Elizabeth looked at the back of Wang's head, and suddenly had a bold idea.

She hesitated for a moment, but she was still ready to put the idea into practice, so she took a step forward——

At this time, she suddenly found that the werewolf girl had woken up, and was looking at her with a look on her face.

After meeting her eyes, the werewolf girl pouted frantically and gestured: Come on!I am so anxious!Come on!fuck him!

Elizabeth sighed, with the werewolf girl beside her adding to the chaos, she didn't even have the interest to play tricks on the mage.

Wang didn't notice what happened later. He always had a high level of concentration when preparing spells, so this time was also when he was most vulnerable, and a sneak attack could kill him.

But now he already has teammates who can trust his life with confidence.

After preparing all the spells, Wang put away the spell book, stood up and turned around, just in time to see Elizabeth and Xiaobai pulling.

Xiaobai: "Come on! What are the ink marks!"

"I can't interfere with his spell preparation!"

Wang: "What are you doing?"

Elizabeth immediately squeezed out a smile: "It's okay, we are..."

Xiao Bai: "She is going to fuck you."

Elizabeth: "I didn't!"

Wang: "That's it. In fact, although I am a mage, my physical training has not fallen behind. After all, my teacher is a master who likes to use Tansen's transformation technique to go up and solve the enemy in a physical sense. Therefore, the princess will take a fancy to me. The body is also normal."

Elizabeth was awkwardly in place, and she seemed to realize that the mage was not thin—in fact, the mage was 1.8 meters tall and had a well-proportioned figure.

It's not a shame to accept it?

However, the next moment, the king himself shattered the possibility of the princess admitting this, he said: "It's a pity, then His Highness won't fall in love with me."

Elizabeth: "I don't want to fuck you! I don't want to! I warn you, don't make such unscrupulous jokes in the future!"

Xiao Bai sniffled: "But this is indeed..."

Elizabeth covered her mouth and said in a low voice, "Fuck with me, I'll make sure you have enough meat in the future."

Then she let go of Xiaobai's mouth.

Xiaobai: "Okay! I won't make any trouble for your love. You have to take care of the meat."

Wang looked back and forth between the two: "You seem to have reached some kind of agreement? Is the princess's love... the object is me? But I can't fall in love with her. This is destined to be a tragedy. Wait for that. I want to be with her." His Highness will be sad when the merchant's girl appears."

Elizabeth: "Never mind, shut up."

At this moment, someone knocked on the door, and Ms. Mei Li's voice sounded outside the door: "Several, Your Excellency the Duke hopes that some of you can go to the command room to discuss matters as soon as possible."

Wang: "Come in."

Ms. Mei Li immediately came in with a group of maids.

They looked as if they were not affected by the war at all, they were still calm and did not insult the dignity of the Duke's family.

As soon as Ms. Mei Li saw Xiao Bai, she immediately exclaimed: "Oh, dear, you are too dirty. What's the matter with this rag-like dress?"

Wang: "The druids like this, they are closer to nature."

Xiaobai: "Actually, I'm poor."

She turned all her pockets inside: "Look, I don't have any!"

Mrs. Meili seemed to have aroused all her sympathy. She hugged the little girl with heartache, and patted her on the shoulder: "Leave it to me. I haven't thrown away the clothes His Highness used when he was a child. Just change it." I put it on for you, and your little face is full of dust."

Wang: "She ate ham."

Mrs. Meili turned her head and looked at Wang seriously: "The duke is waiting for you, please go with your highness quickly. I was ordered to dress up the little girl in a way that can be seen, after all, I will award honors to all of you later. Hurry up go."

(End of this chapter)

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