mage's dating rules

Chapter 59 Inadvertently planting willows and willows

Chapter 59 Inadvertently planting willows and willows

As soon as the Duke finished speaking, the door of the headquarters opened.

Xiaobai came in wearing a small white skirt.

Apparently when Elizabeth was her height, she didn't have such obvious secondary sexual characteristics, so the dress seemed to fit well.

She glanced at the jazz in the room: "Sure enough, there is no meat here, but fortunately, there are candies from a good mother-in-law."

After speaking, she took out the candy and threw it into her mouth.

Everyone was silent when they saw her action.

The Duke coughed, and then raised his airs: "People of the forest, report your name."

Wang: "Her name is Xiaobai."

Elizabeth reached out and pulled the mage's sleeve: "Here is the official name, and the nickname is not good."

Xiaobai: "The wise man over there is right. My name is Xiaobai. My real name is too long and it's too troublesome to call it."

Wang dutifully served as the commentator: "The names of the werewolves are longer than the names of the Solace people of the Northland, so even they tend to use abbreviations."

Following the king's explanation, everyone looked at Merlin, the old butler of Langdon's leader, who was in the room. He and his wife were from Solace.

Bruce nodded: "Okay, since that's the case, we respect the customs of werewolves. Then, Xiaobai, you killed Morgan, the leader of the valley last night..."

Xiaobai interrupted vaguely while pouring out the sugar in his mouth: "I didn't kill him. He has stone skin on his body. It should be that he was seriously injured so that he couldn't cast spells. Healing should be able to save his life."

Wang: "The archmage is an old man. In the current Langdon collar, the healing technique has weak side effects. Young people and even middle-aged people are basically fine, but the scabs on the wound will be more obvious. But the old man can't stand it anymore and needs to be removed. disease."

Xiaobai: "I know, you told me. None of the priests are ready to remove the disease?"

Bruce intervened in the conversation: "That seems to be the case. After all, the River Valley Army came for a short-term decisive battle last night, so they all prepared team-type buff magic. If it was for a long-term decisive battle, they would probably prepare to remove the disease for diseases such as malaria.

"You also killed the Commander-in-Chief of the Hegu Army last night..."

Xiaobai: "You mean the one who kicked my ham?"

The scene became very awkward again.

Bruce is worthy of being the appointed successor of the old fox. He said in a very serious tone: "Yes, it is the one who kicked your ham. You killed him and made great contributions to us quickly defeating the River Valley Army. So I decided to award you the title of baron .”

Xiaobai looked at Wang suspiciously: "What is a baron?"

Wang: "You will have a territory in the future, and most of the food on the territory will belong to you."

Xiaobai: "You human beings are really troublesome. The chieftain has to give you the territory. Whoever is more powerful among our werewolves will own this land."

At this time, the old butler Merlin came out with the title deed of the territory, the proof of the lord's power and other documents.

So Bruce walked up to Xiaobai, first took a large medal tied on a ribbon from the butler, and hung the ribbon from the wolf girl's right shoulder to her left belly.

The jazz watched this scene, and many showed envious expressions.Many of their titles are inherited from their ancestors. After all, Langdon has not fought a war for 60 years.

Many lords are looking forward to adding a few fiefs to themselves this time.

This fief was given to a werewolf druid who didn't know where he came from.

Xiaobai picked up the medal suspiciously when Bruce turned his head to get the title deed, and then bit down on it.

The werewolf's sharp teeth drew clear scratches on the surface of the medal.

Bruce was shocked, and the hand holding the title deed stopped immediately.

Xiaobai spat out the medal, took a few sips, turned to ask Wang: "You are very clever, what's the use of this? There is no magic smell on it!"

Wang: "That's a piece of iron that has no value apart from the symbolism. It's not even gold."

Elizabeth hurriedly corrected: "There are gold and silver components, but not many."

Wang immediately changed his words: "Xiaobai, you can sell it for money."

Elizabeth and Bruce shouted together: "Don't!"

Wang: "My lord, I know that you are awarding honors to boost morale. After all, the emperor still has more than 2 people. Even if our pastor was excellent and rescued many people last night, the loss should not be small.

"I estimate that there are less than 1000 professional soldiers in the city, including the mercenaries of the chamber of commerce, which are only in the early [-]s. The rest are urban militias.

"You need to keep your morale high."

Bruce was stunned: "You're right. Although I confidently said that the emperor will lose just now, our crisis is not completely over yet."

Wang: "It's over. My left eyelid twitched. Last night should be the biggest experience."

The knights and jazz in the command room looked at each other and talked a lot.

Bruce looked at Wang suspiciously: "What do you mean? Why is it okay if the left eyelid twitches?"

Wang: "A twitch in the left eyelid is a good sign."

Bruce looks confused.

Wang also looked confused: "Yesterday my right eyelid twitched. I issued an early warning because of this. What happened later confirmed my early warning, didn't it?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and someone said loudly: "If the right eyelid twitches, it's an early warning? Isn't that a bit too nonsense?"

"Yes, it must be a coincidence!"

Bruce raised his hand to stop everyone's discussion, and asked seriously, "Have you warned?"

Wang looked surprised: "I told Malika and Cassander. Didn't Cassander report to you?"

Cassander cleared his throat in embarrassment: "I... just mentioned it in one stroke. I didn't emphasize that this was a warning. I thought it was not important. After all, it was just an eyelid twitch."

Wang: "This is very important. I am a mage of the prophecy department. I didn't choose it myself. My teacher forced me to choose it. I just chose to oppose the protection department.

"My teacher said that I am the darling of fate. This is not a good word, because all the gifts of fate are secretly marked with a price. The last time my right eyelid twitched, my little uncle's soul was severely injured. So far, I can only rely on memory crystals to assist me." Keep your own records.

"Fortunately, I am a prophecy mage, so every time the gift of fate comes, it will give me an omen. This is why my teacher asked me to choose the prophecy department."

Bruce looked Wang up and down: "Your left eyelid twitched today, so the hurdle passed? But I don't think you paid any price?"

Wang responded solemnly: "Why not. First of all, in Tang's office yesterday, Irwin raided us. He is a powerful mage who can use the finger of death. He chose to use the finger of death on Elizabeth at that time. It was our team. The experienced dwarf priest on the road tricked Erwin with aid.

"Otherwise, your resurrection scroll can only be used to resurrect your sister.

"Nevertheless, your subordinate, Four Rings mage Ferney, died. And your other subordinate, the rogue, also died in Don's office. I forgot what it was called.

"Then after Elizabeth teleported out, she was immediately attacked by the enemy. When I changed into a dragon to find her yesterday, I saw that her sleeve was gone. It was obvious that she had cut the sleeve to treat the wound. She must have been in danger yesterday."

Elizabeth nodded: "Yes, if it weren't for the defensive wristband Mrs. Mei Li gave me, I would be dead."

Wang continued: "Also, I went to attack the Hegu army after untying Elizabeth's siege last night, but I suffered a six-ring dissociation technique. If I hadn't been in the dragon form at that time, I would have disappeared directly. Then in the ground fight, I got a lot of injuries."

Bruce: "But it doesn't matter if you die, doesn't it? Your teacher will resurrect you, and then your uncle will bring the demon army to kill you."

Wang: "Yes. But from now on, I must be separated from Elizabeth. Maybe I won't be able to see her again until I have the ability to travel through planes and time and space. I don't want to do this. No, I reject such a fate!"

Elizabeth's feet were weak, and her brother Wayne was about to give her a hand because of his poor eyesight.

Wang is still saying: "And my teammates. This is the first time I have made friends on my own. The dwarf is an experienced priest, very reliable and interesting. Although Gotrick looks silly, I feel that he He is a person with great wisdom. Misha Sarah always tells pornographic jokes, and Xiaobai acts on instinct all day long. I am very much looking forward to the adventure with such teammates!
"I don't want to be separated from my friends! Not for a moment!"

The mage's words resounded loudly.

Elizabeth was speechless, anyway, she stood up immediately and said "thank you" to Wayne.

Bruce was stunned: "I understand that your value judgment on things is quite different from ours. But, as you said, what happened last night was indeed a huge crisis. It's just that we, with our wisdom and courage, And a little bit of luck got over it."

Xiaobai: "I understand. But, what about gifts? What's the matter if you don't give gifts after taking the price?"

Wang: "Think about your ham."

Xiao Bai suddenly realized: "Oh, indeed."

Wayne looked at his sister meaningfully.

At this time Bruce coughed, focused on himself, and asked solemnly: "So this morning, your left eyelid twitched, and we have passed the most difficult difficulty, haven't we?"

Wang: "Yes. At least my friends and I will not be in danger again. And we have no intention of leaving Langdon Land during the emperor's attack, so the emperor will fail."

Wang's powerful words once again aroused a lot of discussion.

Everyone in the command room had smiles on their faces.

Bruce had the happiest smile, and even laughed out loud. He looked back at the joyful crowd, reached out and patted Wang on the shoulder: "I know you didn't mean it, but... oh my god, I always have a kind of you to be my partner." Prime Minister, there is a hunch that Kuusaniya can replace Monrovia."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly closed his smile, turned around and shouted: "But don't be careless! You must be prepared to defend the city!"

At this time, Wang said: "Actually, there is an easier way to end everything. The magic weapon I got can change into a dragon once a day. That means I can change again 24 hours after the last change."

Bruce was overjoyed: "Are you going to surprise the emperor tonight?"

"No, no, the attack effect of the camped army is relatively poor. Tomorrow noon, they are almost approaching Langdon City, and when they just form a marching column, I will come for them once."

Wayne took a step forward: "We can cooperate with the dragon and launch a cavalry charge."

Bruce: "No, no, the cavalry will be spotted by the light cavalry of the Amur mercenary regiment when they leave the city, and the emperor will be warned. The dragon is different, the dragon flies fast, and the cavalry has no time to warn. That's the decision. Now let's award the honor The ceremony is over."

Wang: "I don't want territory."

Bruce: "Then exchange it for equivalent gold. Mages should need gold a lot."

Wang thought for a while: "Indeed."

Xiaobai: "Can I also exchange for gold! I want gold! And meat!"

(End of this chapter)

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