mage's dating rules

Chapter 67 The Day of Judgment

Chapter 67 The Day of Judgment
after one day.

When the emperor first entered the round table conference hall, the expression on his face was full of confusion.

After all, he didn't wait for visits from the various emperor electors, and didn't wait for various deals, but was directly interrogated instead.

After entering the round table conference hall, the emperor stood still first, and then looked around the entire room——

When he saw that the positions of the Duke of Millatheon, the Duke of Vulture Valley, and the Duke of Mountain Eagle were all vacant, he frowned involuntarily.He turned his eyes to the position of his last ally, the Duke of River Valley, and saw the Duke of River Valley's daughter sitting there with a sad and angry expression on his face.

The emperor took a step back, barely standing still with the support of Wayne next to him.

He seemed to be grabbing a life-saving straw, and he grabbed Wayne Langdon with his withered hands and shouted: "It's a crime! Your brother committed a crime! He broke the tradition since the founding of Kuusania, killing For the guests who ate their own salt and grain!"

Bruce said, "Nonsense! Before you were interrogated, we had just convicted the Dukes of Millatheon, Vulture Valley, and Mountain Eagle for treason! They actually conspired to overthrow the country's legitimate hereditary Duke, Elector Langdon. Hou. They have already subdued the law!"

Of course they didn't "submit the law" just now, they died last night.

But as long as the records of their subjugation are written in the minutes of the meeting, it is there, and the authority of the Imperial Parliament is supreme.As for why the family members and entourage of these dukes died, it was naturally because of resisting arrest and armed resistance.

How reasonable.

Emperor: "Liar! Lie! Sir Wayne, would your Light allow such a lie?"

Wayne touched the holy emblem, and the holy emblem burst into light.

"It seems that the Lord I serve doesn't like your actions." Wayne said calmly, "After all, my father has always acted within the framework of the imperial law. to obtain the imperial crown legally. This is the favorite course of my lord, who is the personification of the law."

Bruce interjected: "But some people don't want to lose the crown, and they choose to take risks after they can't achieve their goals under the legal framework."

While the younger brother was speaking, Wayne looked at the emperor coldly, without any mercy.The difference between a paladin and a bad guy is that a paladin does not reject "necessary evil".After all, apart from being the embodiment of kindness, the paladin is also the embodiment of law.

Then, Bruce tapped the hammer in front of him: "Sir Wayne, please bring the defendant into the dock!"

Wayne dragged the emperor to the only gap in the round table, and put him in the temporary cage.

The emperor grabbed the iron bars with both hands and shouted: "You will not succeed! Duke Luan! You are not as loyal to the covenant as you appear to be, are you? I can offer you a higher price!"

Duke Luan: "What are you talking about? Everyone here is an elector. We will judge you based on the principle of fairness and justice. If you are innocent, we will naturally release you."

The emperor: "What innocence! I am the emperor, and you don't even have respect for me anymore! This is a conspiracy! Ruth, don't you want to avenge your father?"

Ruth glanced at everyone around the round table, and finally her eyes of hatred fell on Bruce. She gritted her teeth and said, "My father has just been convicted. His Duke of the Valley is now inherited by me. With the help of my fiancé, manage this territory."

Bruce laughed. "You impress me, Ruth. It's only one night. How did you get around this corner?"

Ruth raised her head proudly, and looked at Bruce with contempt: "The people of the River Valley have always been muddling along, but it's different now. The people of the River Valley will have a new commandment, and we will never forget it, never."

Bruce: "Fine, better than I expected. So, shall we begin?"

Duke Luan nodded, and announced loudly: "According to the laws of the empire, as long as two-thirds of the twelve electors are present, the Imperial Parliament can be convened. The Duke of Steyr, who is not counting in the dock now, has a total of eight The presence of an Elector is in accordance with imperial law.

"In addition, the Dukes of Millatheon, Duke of Vulture Valley, and Duke of Mountain Eagle are currently still in their own territories, dealing with family affairs, and cannot be present."

The three dukes and their heirs were cut off, and the remaining heirs were at home, presumably busy with taking over the heir, but couldn't be there just because they were dealing with family affairs.

Duke Luan announced loudly: "Now, the trial of Duke Steyr's attempted murder of Duke Langdon's family is underway!"

After finishing speaking, Duke Luan tapped the gavel: "The first witness, Sir Wayne Langdon!"

Wayne took the witness stand.

Bruce said: "You are a paladin of the god of justice and law. Can you swear by your own god that everything you say here is the truth without any personal affair?"

Wayne: "I can. In the name of my lord, I swear that everything I say here is the truth, without any personal affair. Otherwise, let my lord withdraw his grace from me."

Bruce: "So, let me ask you, the Archmage of Steyr and the Empire planned to use a scroll of Howl of the Banshee on the night of my father's death, when all the heirs of Langdon were present, right? ?”

Wayne: "That's right. And he declared it himself, that's the scroll of the Banshee's Howl."

The emperor grabbed the railing and shook it vigorously: "Lie! He doesn't have that kind of scroll at all! It's a nine-ring scroll, how could he have it!"

Bruce hit the hammer hard: "Silence!"

Duke Luan: "Prisoner! If you continue to interrupt the rhythm of the court statement, we will sentence you to contempt of court! Fifty leather whips will be given according to the law!"

The emperor has such a strong body, if he draws 50 leather whips, others will be gone immediately.So the old man could only keep his mouth shut, holding on to the iron bars with his withered hands.

Bruce continued to ask: "Sir Wayne, why did Your Excellency the Grand Mage of the Empire give up tearing apart the Banshee's Howl?"

Wayne: "Because he was threatened by the mage king, and he was afraid that the king's uncle would lead the army to seek revenge."

"What did he do next?" Bruce continued.

Wayne held his head up: "He launched an attack on us, using his own magic. We lost 11 knights and 25 retinues in the battle, and my sister, Princess Elizabeth's teacher, was also seriously injured. He is a six-year-old Ring Warlock. I was also hit by a magic missile.

"All the apprentices brought by the court master participated in the battle and were all wiped out."

Bruce: "Do you think he did attack with the intention of killing us all?"

"I think so." Wayne held his head high.

Bruce: "Now, then, show your light. Prove that you have not been abandoned by your god."

Wayne raised his right hand flat, palm up, and the soft law light appeared from his palm, like a torch.

Bruce: "You can go now."

Duke Luan: "Bring witness No. [-]! Master apprentice, king!"

According to Bruce's request, Wang entered the witness stand with the magic glow stick.Then intense, indiscriminate blue-white light dazzled everyone's eyes.

Bruce: "I ask you to temporarily put away your scepter."

Wang: "Oh, good."

He put the scepter back into the dimensional bag, and threw the dimensional bag away, and the bag disappeared and returned to his pocket.

Duke Luan: "Can you swear that you are telling the truth in court?"

Wang: "I swear. And I will present irrefutable evidence to prove that what I say is true. Evidence and logic do not lie."

Bruce: "Very good. So, can you be sure that the scroll that the Imperial Court Archmage is going to use that night is the Howl of the Banshee?"

"I can. Because I used this scroll in the office of the leader of the Rogue Guild afterwards, and killed Erwin, a seven-ring mage, a guild leader of the Rogue Guild, and a large number of goblins and kobolds..."

At this time, the second floor of the Three Wild Boars Tavern.

Elizabeth said to the assembled team members: "We must leave now. The war is over and we don't need to stay to protect the people. This is our last chance to go! My second brother will not let my natural The marriage materials just ran away! Look at how he used Ruth, who just became his fiancée!"

Flint was fiddling with his dwarf pipe, and raised his head when he heard Elizabeth's words: "Use? How else can he use it? He must marry you into the Wizard Tower."

Elizabeth looked at the dwarf seriously: "This is the problem. Bruce knows that idiot stubbornly thinks he doesn't love me. He knows that I can't marry into the Mage Tower, at least not now."

"Oh." The dwarf raised his eyebrows, "So he will detain you and marry someone else later?"

Elizabeth sighed: "I should have been married at this time. Daughters of noble families are usually engaged at the age of 14, but I am a warlock, which is quite special. So my father didn't rush to get me engaged. Warlock daughters are more precious. Understand You can sell it at a higher price."

Misha Sara looked thoughtful: "Wait a minute, if we leave now, we won't be able to get the scroll of resurrection. Brother mage still expects to use that to resurrect Erwin, and then inquire about the situation."

Elizabeth: "This is my second brother's method! He took that scroll just to prevent us from leaving. Yesterday he had already started a killing spree and killed all those who opposed him. Now he is sure of winning, why didn't he just yesterday?" Give us the scroll?"

Flint: "Maybe it's just a fear that we revived Erwin and couldn't handle it. That's the Mage of the Seven Rings."

Elizabeth: "No, definitely not! My second brother is a cunning guy, he..."

Both Mishasara and Xiaobai moved their ears on top of their heads.

Xiao Bai was about to fall asleep lying on the table, drooling a lot, and suddenly sat up straight and looked at the window.

At this time Malika opened the door and came in, and said eagerly: "Cavalry! The cavalry led by Langdon surrounded the tavern!"

Elizabeth: "Look! Let's go underground now!"

"Wait a minute!" Xiaobai said, "Big Clever told me that if something goes wrong, just read his note."

Then the little guy took out a note.

Elizabeth frowned: "Why didn't he give it to me!"

Xiaobai has already unfolded the note, and read the words on it aloud: "Don't worry, wait for me to come back! It says so on the note."

When Elizabeth took the note and read it carefully, the door opened, and Cassander entered the room: "I'm sorry, Your Highness. The boss told me to keep an eye on you."

Dwarf: "Okay, who is the second in command now? Tell me, should we wait or fight out?"

Elizabeth sighed: "Let's wait."

(End of this chapter)

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