Chapter 74

The next morning, as soon as Wang entered the ladies' room, he saw water stains on Xiaobai's bed.

Wang: "Do you still wet the bed?"

The hair on Xiaobai's head stood up, and he roared angrily, "It's saliva!"

Elizabeth yawned and said, "She had to drink water to rehydrate yesterday because she kept drooling, which made me dream of being a monk next to the waterfall in my dreams."

Wang: "No, no, monks don't just practice by the waterfall. They have to sit inside the waterfall to exercise their state of mind and expand their energy."

While saying this, Wang's eyes naturally moved to Elizabeth, and then he froze.

Elizabeth just remembered that she was wearing a nightgown, and she wanted to block it with something when she exclaimed, but she decided not to block it halfway.

Xiaobai looked at the sorcerer, then at the sorcerer, changed the direction of the meat, and drool more diligently.

With an expression of understanding, Wang spread his hands together: "I don't mind, anyway, it won't develop into a relationship. As long as you take good measures, this is also a brand new experience, which is just good for accumulating experience."

Elizabeth: "I mind! I don't want to fuck you at all!"

Wang: "But according to my observations and the knowledge I have, you are obviously..."

Malika dragged the mage who wanted to continue talking, and threw him out of the door: "Next time I will set a trap at the door, and if you don't knock on the door to come in, go to the dwarf and ask him to use the restoration technique. Oh no, we The priest can only use second-level recovery now, and probably can't repair such a serious injury."

After finishing speaking, Malika slammed the door shut, and came to hug the weeping Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: "What should I do, I'm so disappointed, my love is over..."

Malika: "Don't give up! An idiot's head will open up one day! He can't always take the teacher's teachings as the golden rule! Growing up is a process of gradually becoming equal to the former idol!"

Elizabeth didn't answer, but buried her face in Marika's arms.

Xiaobai sat on the bed with his mouth in his mouth, and asked vaguely while drooling: "So what are you guys struggling with? Fighting for the initiative? It's okay to do this kind of thing, anyway, he can't feed the cub after it comes down, You still have to bring it."

Malika turned her head to look at Xiaobai: " do you speak so maturely? How old are you?"

Xiaobai patted his chest: "I have experienced 24 seasons of reincarnation!"

Elizabeth raised her head in surprise: "Are you so big? I should call you sister!"

Xiaobai raised his head and wagged his tail back and forth: "Hmph!"

Elizabeth: "You're bigger than that idiot, too."

Xiaobai stopped, with a suspicious look on his face: "How is it possible. Dashui is so smart, how could he be younger than me? Are you kidding me?"

Marika explained next to him: "Druids don't have an education system, they mainly rely on feeling nature, so generally speaking, the older the Druids, the more powerful they are, because the older they are, the deeper their feelings will naturally be. So this guy probably applies this set of rules. Experience to understand the mage."

Xiaobai: "Don't mages obtain spells by feeling books? Then the old mage read a lot of books?"

Elizabeth had almost recovered by this time, and she explained to Xiaobai with a serious face: "This thing is different for everyone. Some people just can't forget it, and they read it very quickly and understand it quickly. Others read it for a long time. None of it matters."

Xiaobai nodded: "Well, that's it."

Suddenly, Xiaobai's wagging tail stopped.

The next moment, she stretched her neck and ate the meat in her mouth.

Then her tail started wagging at just three times the speed!

Xiaobai: "I'm starting to get hungry! This bean isn't that hungry! I want to eat meat!"

As she spoke, she picked up the water bottle beside her, gulped down the rest of the water in it, and jumped out of bed.

Marika: "I'm starting to worry about our supplies in the future."

Xiaobai patted his chest: "Don't worry, I'm too lazy to hunt now. Anyway, I still have meat to eat. When I finish eating the meat on the boat, I will go hunting by myself. At that time, not only the meat I eat is guaranteed, but also the meat I can eat You also eat."

At this time someone knocked on the door.

Malika: "If it's the king, wait a little longer."

Elizabeth: "I want to change!"

The mage outside replied: "Remember not to change the ones that are not easy to move. Although we may meet the nobles of the River Valley today, considering the possibility of a battle, we must be prepared. Xiaobai also prepares spells today, let She carries at least one rejuvenation spell."

Xiaobai let out a mournful cry: "It's broken, I just remembered to meditate to prepare spells! I'm so hungry now, how can I meditate!"

Elizabeth: "Eat quickly, and meditate after eating. The battle should not happen so soon."

Xiaobai stared at Elizabeth for a few seconds: "No, you are very clever, but your prediction is not reliable. I'd better meditate."

As if to protest the brain's decision, her stomach made a moderate gurgling sound, and it seemed that the whole day of fasting yesterday really made her stomach very hungry and thirsty.

But Xiao Bai sat back on the wet bed made by her saliva very firmly, closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Elizabeth and Malika looked at each other, and Malika whispered, "Let's change clothes quietly."

Xiaobai: "No, I'm super focused. You guys change boldly."

Just then, there was another knock on the door.

Marika said slightly angrily, "What are you doing?"

Wang's voice came from outside: "It is recommended that Elizabeth should not wear a wide open front, and should be more tightly covered."

Elizabeth frowned and objected loudly: "Your spellcasting will not be affected by this at all, and I have never seen you fail to cast spells!"

Wang: "Isn't this just in case? After all, I have new knowledge today. What kind of material is that nightdress? It looks like silk from the East. It's so soft and can fit the curve perfectly."

Elizabeth's face was completely red, and so many years of court etiquette training could not resist her shame at this time.

What annoyed her the most was that outside, the mage already had the tone of an old farmer picking up carts and horses in the market.

She was about to speak, Xiaobai took a deep breath, and roared, "You guys are so noisy! I'm meditating!"

Four or 10 minutes later, Elizabeth wore a thick warlock robe and boarded the deck of the Star Chaser with other girls.

Seeing her dressed like this, Wang asked casually, "Aren't you hot?"

Veins immediately appeared on Elizabeth's temples: "Who told me to pack it tightly?"

Wang: "It's me. But this is too strict, and you will suffer from heat stroke later. After all, the early summer is almost over, and the midsummer is coming soon. We are still going southeast, and it will get hotter and hotter."

Elizabeth said angrily: "Then next time, can you specify what I should wear?"

Wang: "Is that okay? Then I'll have a look at all your clothes later, don't worry, I'll pick a robe that's cool and won't overemphasize your secondary sex characteristics."

Just when Elizabeth was about to be stunned by the idiot, Malika intervened and said, "Actually, there is a good way. We drow sometimes have sisters who have similar troubles, so they have a way of suppressing things that are too obvious." characteristic approach, the trick is..."

Wang: "Cut it off? I only know that some barbarian tribes will do this, but I don't know that the drow also have this custom. Even if they lose the ability to feed their children, they still have to fight for the tribe. What a respectable woman."

Gotrick: "High!"

Malika gave Wang a blank look: "No, the trick is to wrap it up and use cloth strips. As long as the cloth strips are breathable enough, it will be very refreshing."

Elizabeth looked terrified: "Wouldn't it be difficult to breathe? I can't stand the waist alone. I don't think it's stronger than that..."

Malika: "This requires a special technique, and I happen to be good at it."

Wang: "Then execute it quickly. She is still dark red in her current body, and she will absorb heat especially in the sun. I am afraid she will suffer from heat stroke. We need the firepower of a warlock."

When Elizabeth heard this, she stopped being angry for a while, but immediately became even more angry: "I'm just a siege crossbow, right?"

Wang: "No, the siege crossbow is stronger than you, at least for now."

Malika dragged Elizabeth, who still wanted to say something, down.

The dwarf said sympathetically at the side: "Our eldest lady is really pitiful, she likes an idiot like you."

Wang: "She wants to fuck me, how could she like me? Xiaobai, have you finished preparing the spell?"

Xiaobai was gnawing on a duck leg, and he just nodded when he heard this sentence.

"Come on, give me the rejuvenation technique."

The werewolf girl changed the chicken leg to her left hand with all reluctance, stretched her neck and swallowed the meat in her mouth, freeing her mouth to cooperate with her right hand to gesture and cast spells.

The dwarf looked at the Gentle Wrapping Mage of Rejuvenation, and muttered, "Why use Rejuvenation? Isn't mine also good for treating minor injuries?"

Wang: "Because you can only treat minor injuries once."

The dwarf was shocked: "Why, how many more times do you want to try?"

"Of course, in order to ensure the credibility of the experimental results, it is of course necessary to take the average value of multiple experiments." While saying this, Wang picked up the dagger placed next to him, opened the lampshade of the wind and rain lamp, and carefully roasted it with a burning wick. The blade of a dagger.

Then he stroked his hand lightly, carefully observing the healing process.

Wang: "Experiment 1, the healing speed of the arm was normal, and no scab or other hyperplasia was observed. Next, Experiment [-] will be carried out to increase the depth of the wound."

At this time, Xiaobai, who was eating chicken legs next to him, asked curiously, "Why don't you try to catch a bird or a fish?"

Wang said seriously: "Because I have never observed the healing process of birds or fish. I only know my own."

Xiaobai: "I have observed it. You can ask me."

The scene suddenly became very embarrassing.

The dwarf laughed loudly: "Hohohohohohohohahaha!"

Wang put down the knife in embarrassment: " are right. I was negligent. Then, Mr. Druid, please help catch a bird."

Xiaobai: "I want to eat."

Wang: "This is of great significance for dealing with the crisis of annihilation. Through this experiment, we can determine the scope of positive energy influence, and then figure out whether it is necessary to go through the ritual of slaughtering cats and dogs..."

Xiaobai: "Wait until I finish eating."

Wang: "The boat is moving forward, and we have just entered the river valley. If the change in positive energy also affects this side, we need to determine the range as soon as possible, so that we can know whether recovery is needed to recover after being disabled in battle."

Xiaobai looked at Wang: "I don't understand, is it really important?"

Wang: "It's very important. For example, if we have left the range, and the finger bone is broken, as long as the bone is completely put together along the fracture surface, a rejuvenation technique can almost restore it. But if it is within the range Inside, you need a secondary recovery technique, otherwise there will be strange things that proliferate."

The dwarf chimed in: "I didn't prepare any magic spells this morning, but I just don't know how many secondary restoration spells I should bring."

Xiaobai put his legs in his arms and nodded: "Leave it to me."

 (*) A bit more talk here about why a duke's daughter is a princess.In fact, this involves a difference between the East and the West. Our translation here will distinguish the daughter of the duke from the daughter of the king or even the daughter of the emperor, but in the West, everyone is a princess...

  For example, the famous Princess Sissi in history, in fact, he is only the daughter of the Duke

(End of this chapter)

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