mage's dating rules

Chapter 81 On the way of adventure, night raids are commonplace

Chapter 81 On the way of adventure, night raids are commonplace

Wang looked at the rabbit meat sizzling on the iron stick, and suddenly said, "Don't you think it's too quiet?"

Malika looked around: "No, the buzzing of insects is normal."

Wang: "I mean, no one is talking, it's very quiet. Even Flint doesn't talk much anymore."

The dwarf took a puff on his cigarette, exhaled a smoke ring, and said leisurely, "I talk a lot when I'm drinking or fighting. Don't you think I don't talk much when I'm riding a horse?"

Wang: "Are you sure it wasn't because you were afraid of biting your tongue?"

Shorty: "I'm just not used to riding a horse! I'm not afraid!"

"Then your frightened tone must be acting." Marika said while tearing off the rabbit's right hind leg and handing it to Xiaobai, "You eat the biggest one, and you catch the rabbit."

Xiaobai was overjoyed: "Ahaha! Give me more spice!"

Marika grabbed the spice and rubbed it on the rabbit's leg.

Elizabeth: "Druids actually like roasted rabbit legs with spices."

Malika: "Druids are masters of using natural spices. The Druids I met before are very good at cooking. They can even make elephant mastiff into delicious food."

Wang frowned: "Isn't that a magical beast?"

Malika: "He even claims he can cook shifters."

The mage was ecstatic: "I hope to meet this very insightful master, and I think that if I tell my teacher this news, he will be very happy to invite him to be a visiting professor in the mage tower to teach us cooking magic beast."

Malika didn't expect this topic to go in this direction, she opened her mouth and thought for a few seconds and said, "Okay, I will definitely introduce you to him when I meet him again."

Xiaobai was concerned about another matter. While chewing on the rabbit leg, she asked, "What does the elephant mastiff taste like?"

Malika frowned: "It's quite unpalatable, it depends on the druid's spices to cover up the stench."

Xiaobai: "You just said it's made into gourmet food."

Marika: "That's a...uh, rhetorical."

Xiaobai didn't care too much, it seemed that she lost interest in this topic after knowing that the elephant mastiff was not tasty.

Marika began to share the rest of the rabbit with everyone.

Elizabeth seemed to be in a bit of a bind holding the rabbit meat.Wang, who was next to him, began to tear up the meat and asked curiously: "What's wrong with you? Are you allergic to rabbit meat?"

"No!" Elizabeth sighed, "I'm not used to eating meat like this without a knife and fork."

After speaking, she also began to try to bite the side of the rabbit's leg, trying to tear off a piece of meat.

However, as soon as she exerted force, the roasted fat dripped from the slit and landed on her secondary sexual features.

"Ah!" Elizabeth cried out in shock from being burned.

Xiaobai looked at the oily legs in her hands, as if wondering why she wasn't burned, then she looked down.

Xiaobai: "Hahahaha! You are a burden!"

Elizabeth took out her handkerchief and wiped it desperately, but the hot oil had left a red spot on her skin as white as her hair.

Wang stared at the red spot, and suddenly snapped his fingers: "I understand! This is using contrast to strengthen the impression! My understanding of the iridescent pattern has deepened!"

Everyone else stopped and looked at the ecstatic mage.

Elizabeth was very wronged: "You... I was burned so painfully, you just miss your spell?"

Wang: "It will be of great benefit to our adventure if I master the spell of the fourth ring as soon as possible. Of course, we must seize the time to increase our understanding of spells. We still have a world to save."

Elizabeth: "Me!"

Because what the mage said was right, she couldn't refute it!
Flint: "It seems that the majestic mage tower didn't teach our mage what it means to be sympathetic."

Wang: "I know what sympathy is. But this is just a burn. A rejuvenation technique will leave no trace. Maybe it will recover naturally tomorrow without the rejuvenation technique."

Xiaobai held the rabbit's leg: "If I were you, I would bite him!"

Elizabeth opened her mouth, as if she really planned to follow Xiaobai's advice, but in the end she didn't say anything, but turned her attention to the rabbit's legs.

Wang: "And through what happened in the past, my perception of Elizabeth has changed. She is not a silly white sweet warlock, but a responsible and brave noble woman. I think it's just a burn, and she will not hesitate. beyond the past."

Elizabeth's mood improved in an instant, and she even smiled: "You are right, it's just a burn. I don't care at all. Look, just wipe it off! It's all because I'm inexperienced and don't know how to eat Meat."

As she spoke, she held down her secondary sexual characteristics with one hand, stretched her neck, and tore off a piece of flesh after making sure that she would not get burned again.

She chewed the meat carefully and swallowed it before saying, "Marika, this meat is very delicious."

The king was still very proud: "Look! I'll just say it! You think Elizabeth is too delicate! She is a saint who stands on a carriage and fires a hot line to protect the people! It's just a drop of oil, what a big deal! She's seen big winds and big waves!"

Elizabeth's mouth was grinning to the base of her ears, but now the mage was telling others about Elizabeth's bravery, so he didn't notice.

Wang: "And at the water gate during the day, I didn't even think that I could launch the angry crew! This is a blind spot in my thinking! Looking back now, I should be able to think of it. Elizabeth's approach has benefited me a lot! "

Malika looked at the princess and blinked: "Your Highness, you can laugh if you want."

Elizabeth: "No! He said too much, how can I be so good. Hehehehe, it's too exaggerated! Give me another piece of rabbit meat."

Malika pulled out the dagger, cut a piece of meat that could be eaten directly, and stabbed Elizabeth with the dagger.

Elizabeth ate happily, as if her appetite had increased a lot.

The mage returned to the topic just now: "Although the princess's secondary sexual characteristics have always attracted my attention, the red dot just now doubled this attraction!"

Elizabeth choked and shouted, "Water! Marika, water!"

Malika hurriedly gave her the water, and at the same time dropped the work of dividing the meat and ran behind her and patted her on the back gently.

Seeing this, the savage immediately took over the burden of dividing the meat, and he dismembered the remaining rabbits with skillful skills.

Wang was still saying: "This doubling effect can obviously be used in the four-ring spell of the iridescent pattern. I am sure that when I am strong enough to cast the four-ring spell, the effect of my iridescent pattern must be very strong."

The dwarf took the meat offered by the barbarian, took a bite and chewed, and said, "To be honest, if it wasn't for your magical rainbow fart that made Miss Langdon feel better again, I would feel sorry for her."

Wang: "Her behavior now is just a manifestation of pure physical desire. If she really likes me, it will be really pitiful."

Elizabeth: "I don't want to fuck you!"

Wang: "Come on, even though I'm not familiar with these things, physiology doesn't lie. Unless you're not a human female."

Seeing Elizabeth's mood slipping to the bottom again, Malika quickly changed the subject: "Speaking of it! I think the mage felt quiet just now, mainly because we don't have bards. Bards can play the piano and sing some songs at such times, and then we can talk about it." Talk about anecdotes and strange things from all over the world, so that everyone's life will not be so boring."

Wang: "Your idea is very reasonable. It's a pity that we are famous now. When recruiting players, we must be careful about spies. I guess we can only add new players through various coincidences in the future to minimize the possibility of being betrayed." .”

Marika: "Agreed."

Barbarian: "High!"

Dwarf: "You can also try to find my old friend. I know a very good bard, a half-elf. He is very experienced, maybe he can recognize the place of the picture frame directly."

Wang: "Very well, do you know where he is now?"

Dwarf: "He's settled in the halfling Shire. That's the only way he'll be accepted. He's a half-elf, after all, and as much hated as tieflings in many places."

Wang: "Didn't you really say that to go to the Shire Hills to drink the strong wine there?"

"Spirit is also the reason. But my half-elf pals do live there." The dwarf shrugged.

Wang: "Well, if we don't have bards at that time, we'll go to Shire to see."

At this time Elizabeth finished eating the meat in her hand and yawned long.

Malika: "Hurry up and go to sleep, we have to go on the road tomorrow. It's all mountain roads, so it's going to be bumpy all the way, it won't be good."

Elizabeth turned her head to look at Wang: "Do you... need a knee pillow?"

"Then you won't be able to sleep? Malika put you on the bed last time." Wang shook his head, "No, no. And this time we have sleeping bags."

Xiaobai: "I don't like sleeping bags, I want to sleep on rocks."

Wang: "Yes. You have to stay close to nature, I understand."

After speaking, Wang also yawned. He ate a few mouthfuls of the meat he had just distributed, and said, "I'm sleepy too, so good night."

As promised, Marika is in charge of tonight's vigil.

Around midnight, Xiao Bai, who had been lying on the bed in a large font, suddenly turned over with a grunt, scanning his surroundings vigilantly.

Malika was about to react when she suddenly heard the noise from the alarm trap she had set up.

The drow yelled, "Enemy! Get up!"

The mage reacted very quickly, got up directly, touched the dimensional bag before opening his eyes.

The next moment, he took out the glow stick.

Malika had expected it long ago, and she turned her head to avoid the direct light of the stick.

The attackers were not so lucky.

The sudden bright light directly blinded their eyes, causing all bows and arrows to be shot crookedly in the first round.

An arrow landed in front of Wang's feet, and the crisp sound immediately woke him up completely.

Then he decided to cast invisibility, and within seconds the material was revealed: a blob of gelatin, with Elizabeth's beautiful eyelashes inside.

But he immediately remembered that he was holding a luminous stick. Invisibility is no better than advanced invisibility. This luminous stick will definitely break the invisible in his hand.

Throw away the stick, it will float beside you again, like a road sign, and people can shoot arrows according to it.

Wang threw away the gelatin and began to cast the mirror image spell. Although this spell may be won by people, it is not as straightforward as the invisibility spell, but it is worse than nothing.

Other mages may choose to protect arrows or something. After all, it is clear that the enemy's main attack method is bows and arrows, but the king - he can't use the protection system!
As soon as the mirror image appeared, one of them was immediately covered up. If it weren't for the fact that many archers have not recovered from the strong light, the situation might be dangerous.

Seeing this, the giant bear who was beating the enemy turned back into a human form and cast a wind wall to cover the mage.But the wind wall can only block attacks from one side!
Wang decisively turned to the other side without the protection of the wind wall, raised the scepter, pointed it in the general direction, and activated the dragon breath ability of the scepter.

Attack is the best defense, before the enemy kills the phantom, it is safe to kill the enemy!
Strong acid sprayed out in a fan-like manner, covering almost all attackers on this side.

None of the attackers had acid protection, and only two people on the edge of the jet escaped the deadly jet by rolling.As soon as the two got up, they heard the screams of the other companions. They turned their heads to see the blood and flesh of their companions melting, and they immediately turned and ran away.

At this time, the dwarf and the barbarian also got up, and the dwarf shouted: "Recall!"

And so his armor returned to him, as if it had never been taken off.

Then the dwarf rushed towards the enemy, shouting.

His shout attracted the enemy's attention, and countless bows and arrows shot at him, all of which hit the steel armor.

"This is a steel armor made by myself!"


The barbarian rushed to the enemy on the other side, firing his brand new battle ax continuously.

Marika dropped her dagger for the time being, and shot with a short bow.

Finally, the enemy started to run away and disappeared into the forest in no time, leaving only the wounded man lying on the ground moaning.

Wang: "See if anyone looks like a boss. Leave the rest alone, save the healing spells!"

At this time, Elizabeth got up and looked around sleepily.

The moment she saw the blood, she suddenly woke up: "What did I miss?"

Wang: "A night raid, that's all."

(End of this chapter)

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