mage's dating rules

Chapter 84 The Caveman Monster

Chapter 84 The Caveman Monster
A quarter of an hour later, Wang Yima took the lead and entered the stone fortress.

"It's quite cool." Immediately commented, "And you can obviously feel the flow of air."

Flint: "Although it is a human building, I have to admit that the ventilation design is half as good as our dwarves."

Elizabeth was relieved.

Marika handed over her leather water bladder, and the princess immediately took it, pulled out the cork, and drank heavily.A few restless drops of water dripped onto her chest.

Wang took out the water bag and took a few sips by himself, then handed it to Xiaobai: "You are drooling so much, add some water."

With a more heroic attitude than the princess, Xiaobai gulped down almost a whole bag of water, then wiped his mouth and exclaimed: "This drink is refreshing. It's still in human form, and I can sweat all over my body."

Wang: "The human form can also use the skin to dissipate heat, of course it is cooler."

At this moment, the iron gate in front of everyone opened, and a brown-haired man with a serious expression came out leading a group of soldiers.The coat of arms of Earl Ximu is tattooed on the man's breastplate, so he should be the earl's son.

He glanced at the crowd and stretched out his hand to the mage: "I'm Ralph, my father has already sent someone to inform that Langdon's special envoy will join us to defend against tonight's attack. Are you the special envoy?"

Wang let go of his hand, and said with some embarrassment: "I'm not. The Elizabeth Langdon next to me is. I'm just the captain of the team."

Ralph looked at Elizabeth suspiciously: "Your surname is Langdon? So it's the Duke's sister? I didn't know the Duke's sister would come to visit us. After all, this is just a dilapidated Earldom that is about to die."

Wang: "Indeed."

The earl's son was stunned, apparently he had never seen Wang speak in such a straightforward way.

But he immediately decided not to care about this kind of thing, but said to Elizabeth: "Your Highness, what are you doing here? If you want to use our soldiers to overthrow the crazy uncle of the Duchess, you should talk to my father. .”

Elizabeth: "Our main goal is to deal with the crisis of annihilation. Specifically, it is to find trouble with an evil sect. We suspect that the caveman's ground attack is related to the sect."

Wang: "There is no direct evidence to prove it. It may be that there are more evil and terrifying things underground that occupy the living space of cavemen. This has happened before. For example, the ogres in the second era were forced to leave their traditional place of residence, because their homeland has been taken over by evil dragons."

Elizabeth pointed to the mage: "That's what he said. You can talk to him directly. Although the special envoy is me, he has the final say."

The earl's son Ralph looked back and forth between the two suspiciously: "What do you mean?"

Elizabeth: "After all, I'm just a silly white sweet warlock in the team."

She paused, and added: "Responsible for emitting scorching rays."

Ralph was greatly shocked, and looked at the mage again with strange eyes: "This is so new... Then who will be responsible for your achievements?"

Wang and Elizabeth pointed at each other: "He/she!"

Ralph: "You've confused me. Forget it, it's not important. In short, it's right to tell the mage everything? Maybe it's because I have met fewer adventurers. This is the first time I have seen a mage. Be the captain of the squad."

Wang: "Let's talk about the cavemen. Recently, the cavemen have attacked the fortress from underground, right?"

"Yes. To be honest, I was not born when we opened up the troglodyte's lair. We have lived with them for so many years. Now they suddenly come out of the cave to attack the surface as if possessed."

Wang: "It looks very much like something terrible has invaded the ground and chased them up."

Elizabeth interjected, "Could it be the order of the Mother of Life?"

Wang: "This is exactly what we want to investigate. If you pre-set the answer before the investigation, you may be misleading yourself."

Ralph: "What is this order? It sounds like a variant of Lamashtu."

The king looked at the Duke's son in surprise: "You actually have a certain understanding of religion?"

"I understand that it was forced. In the battle against the cavemen, we found that the cavemen gave up their long-standing shaman magic and began to believe in Lamashtu, the protector of all disgusting monsters. But considering Considering the caveman's appearance, I'm not surprised that they believe in Lamashtu."

Wang frowned: "Did this conversion of belief happen at the same time as they started attacking the ground?"

Ralph: "The cavemen don't look like they have just converted. The Lamashtu symbol painted with blood is often found on their armor and shields. Obviously, Lamashtu followers are widely distributed throughout the caveman tribe. .”

Wang glanced at Xiaobai, and then asked Ralph, "Did you see any unusual monsters when you were fighting the cavemen?"

This is the information Xiaobai got from the animals.

Ralph: "Yes, we killed some."

"Is there a corpse?" Wang immediately asked excitedly.

"Come with me." Ralph immediately stepped out of the way and made a gesture of invitation.

When entering the morgue, Xiao Bai immediately vomited.

Wang didn't ask Xiaobai, and he knew why she vomited suddenly: the stench in the air was so terrible that he felt like throwing up.For Xiao Bai, who has a more sensitive nose, standing in this room is probably a kind of torture.

The werewolf druid turned to run, but was grabbed by Wang and pulled back.

Xiaobai: "I'll bite you!"

Wang: "You have to help me identify what these creatures originally were. If it's the same as the situation in Langdon's Land, these creatures must have become like this from some ready-made animals."

Xiaobai let out a scream of unknown meaning: "Wooah!"

Elizabeth obviously softened her heart, and patted Wang on the shoulder: "You can identify it."

"Although I am good at anatomy, I am definitely not as good as a Druid. Let professional people do professional things. Don't look at her in misery now, as long as she stays in the stench for a long time, her brain will actively ignore the smell smell, which is called 'getting used to the stink'."

Xiaobai burst into tears: "I don't want to get used to this!"

Wang: "Gotrick, grab her, don't let her get away."

Gotrick looked perplexed, but finally came over and grabbed Xiaobai.

Xiaobai made that "wow" sound that a dog would make after being wronged.

Wang suggested with a serious face: "You can become an animal with a bad nose."

Xiaobai immediately stopped screaming: "That's right."

The next moment she was a hen.

Xiaobai: "Cuckoo. Cuckoo!"

While calling, she flapped her wings, looking very happy, probably with the chicken's sense of smell, she was not afraid of the stench in the room.

Wang Momo took out the lancet he had used before from the dimension bag, and then took out the spell-casting material leather glove used when casting Bigby's Disturbing Palm, put it on his hand, and then dragged out a monster from a pile of corpses. , start the dissection.

As the lancet pierced the cyst on the monster's body, a more tragic stench filled the room.

Elizabeth covered her mouth and turned around and ran, but couldn't hold on when she ran to the door, and vomited wildly while holding the door frame.

The dwarf took out his pipe and covered the stench with a thick smoke.

The barbarian also took a few steps back silently.

Only the drow stood by the side with a normal expression, carefully observing the monster dissected by the mage.

"It doesn't look like a known creature," she said, "at least not like any beast or magical beast I've hunted."

Wang: "Indeed. From a taxonomic point of view, this thing is different from most of the known beasts. I personally feel that this is more like the product of a failed magical experiment to create creatures."

Malika: "Then it matches what you said just now, isn't it? There is a terrible mage underground who is conducting magic experiments and creating terrible monsters."

"No, these things came to the surface with the cavemen." Wang continued to dissect them as he said, "To be honest, these things don't look like the existing magical beasts."

The dwarf nodded: "It's different from most of the underground residents I know. His eyes don't look very developed, but look here!"

The dwarf pointed to the organ that Wang had just removed: "I bet this is some kind of auditory organ, and this guy can't hear well. Is it like the worms raised by dwarves, which detect enemies by vibration?"

As soon as Malika heard about the "dwarf worm", she immediately showed a disgusted expression: "Forget about those disgusting things, the gnomes actually domesticated it into a mount, and the dwarf worm cavalry is the funniest thing I have ever seen Son."

Wang: "As far as I know, the gnome's worm cavalry has achieved brilliant results."

"Hmph, it's just a glorious victory for the dwarf. You should know that the dwarf is not good at fighting." Malika said disdainfully.

At this time, Wang finally dismembered the last piece of rotten meat. He stood up and examined his masterpiece from an overall perspective.

Wang: "This thing seems to have completely failed as a living thing, and it shouldn't be able to survive by itself in the natural world. Xiaobai, what do you think?"

Xiaobai: "Cuckoo."

Wang: "If you don't want to change back, just do this: you recognize what kind of creature it is, just goo-goo, if you haven't seen it, goo-goo five times."

Elizabeth, who had just returned from vomiting, was shocked: "Why five times?"

"Prevent misjudgment." Wang replied, "Xiaobai, let's start!"

Xiaobai: "Guguda X5"

Wang: "She hasn't seen it either. This explains the problem very well."

The mage turned to the son of the local lord who had been hiding outside the house and looked quietly, "Sir Ralph, how did the cavemen use this monster when they attacked?"

Ralph: "They threw foul-smelling carrion at us, and the thing came by the scent. By the way, it's hard to kill, because you don't know where to cut it, and finally poisoned them with poison. We started from Munro. Poisons for rogues ordered by the White City of Via, for which our family's fortune has been spent."

Wang: "Isn't this thing resistant to poison? When I was in Langdon, I didn't catch a few mutated cats to test whether they could tolerate poison."

He stood up, put away the lancet, took off his gloves and threw it directly on the ground, and said, "Okay, I probably know the situation. We're going to try to catch a live one tonight, and I'm going to test his alignment." energy response."

(End of this chapter)

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