savior epic

Chapter 16 Existence

Chapter 16 Existence
Saying goodbye to Serena, Chen Yi slowly sat back on the throne.

Looking up, you can see the bronze door hanging high in the sky.

He fiddled with Resurrection Town, and finally saw Kasim standing quietly in the dark room, facing countless magical puppets that were exactly like him.

Bee candles flickered.

"I want to have humanity. My king, please respond to me."

Chen Yi suspended Resurrection Town.

I never thought that the Kasim I saw was actually a magic puppet.

"Let's deduce it again." Chen Yi murmured.

I have to deduce it again before making a decision.

The phantom of Resurrection Town condensed out, and Chen Yi supported her head, watching the phantom of Resurrection Town revolving at an unimaginable speed.

"Kasim, who yearned for humanity, rejected the King of Our Kings after his last prayer, joined a heretical order, and converted to evil gods."

Chen Yi pressed her hand between her eyebrows.

The so-called last prayer was Kasim's present time.

Soon, Chen Yi saw the manuscript that must appear, which was handed over to Kasim by the cultivator of the cult.

"The academy was disbanded, and Kasim, Idle, and Roman jointly formed a three-person association, during which they also invited themselves."

"I didn't join the association, the three of them formed an association to decipher the manuscript, and Idle and Roman were bewitched by it, and they all converted to heretical gods."

"A year later, the descendant of the pagan king passed through the town of Resurrection for a pilgrimage, and inadvertently broke into the baron to pray to the Lord God of the true religion."

"A month later, the Inquisition Institute from the Holy Land arrested the baron and charged him with blasphemy. The baron was brutally executed."

"Almost at the same time, the manuscript was deciphered again, and it was still the first half of the sentence: The baron will die of faith."

Chen Yi saw Kasim holding up the manuscript, marveling at the power of heresy and evil gods.

"After the death of the baron, the pagans took over Resurrection Town. Ronald was kicked out of the castle and lived on the streets. Kasim took him in and invited him to help decipher the manuscript with mathematics."

"True believers did not escape the fate of being forced to convert. Wang Yi set up a scripture inspection institute here to try all charges of unbelief. A large number of true believers were demoted to slavery and had their eyes gouged out. Resurrection Town became a pagan town overnight."

The process was still the same, Chen Yi held her breath, watching the human tragedy that had happened countless times.

"Kasim and Ronald, two fanatics, are obsessed with summoning the evil god. The other two were inspired by it. The four cut their wrists and sacrificed blood in an attempt to establish contact with the evil god."

Chen Yi's pupils shrank, this kind of evil ritual was more serious than what Lucius did.

If he succeeds, the Resurrection Town may be burned down in an instant.

Chen Yi gradually had murderous thoughts in her heart.

The time flow of the deduction was very fast, and Chen Yi saw that the contact ceremony was interrupted in the blink of an eye, and the communication seal of the evil god's arrival was completely broken.

That's what I did in this deduction.

"Kasim was not killed by 'I'. He seemed to have received some enlightenment, and quickly cut off contact with the Heretic Order and re-converted to the Giant King Cult."

Chen Yi looked at all this in surprise.

"The three-person association didn't understand Kassim's approach. After a heated debate, Idle and Ronald stood by Kassim's side, and Roman, who firmly believed in the evil god, was expelled from the secret association."

"Under the leadership of Kassim, the three of Idle and Ronald devoted all their efforts to deciphering the second half of the witchcraft manuscript. At this time, the uprising of the true believers broke out. When Ronald deduced the formula Killed by the mob, Idle was not spared, and Kasim took advantage of the chaos to take away the key manuscripts summed up in the past few years and escaped."

"This time, the heretics and the true believers slaughtered each other. In the night of blood and fire, everyone was immersed in the fight. In the end, the true believers won with difficulty. When the army of truth came again, the living people in Resurrection Town had died. Not much left."

"The last heretic, Kasim, locked himself in a dark basement, flipped through ancient books day and night, and deciphered the second half of the witchcraft manuscript."

Chen Yi couldn't help leaning forward.

Qasim, the key to deciphering the manuscript?

"However, when Kassim was about to deduce the first syllable, the Truth Army broke into the basement during the looting process, and Kassim died under the butcher knife without trial."

"After that, Resurrection Town was destroyed again."

Chen Yi frowned.

In this deduction, I made myself sure of one thing.

Qasim, with his trio, is the key to deciphering the manuscript.

And the deduction told himself that, almost, Kasim was able to decipher the words in the second half of the manuscript.

This is the turning point to save Resurrection Town.

After Muran grasped this key information, Chen Yi put down the phantom.

Chen Yi turned her head to look at the dark room, where Kasim was holding the holy picture pendant and praying for the last time.

Originally hesitant to take away Kasim's life, he quietly put it down.

Time is back on track in Resurrection Town.

With his eyes closed, Kasim could still feel how many "selves" were lying there.

As if they were abandoned, there were still resentful spirits on them, and they stared at him who was still alive with hatred.

"My king. They say this is a town favored by gods. Please listen to the prayers of your humble believers." Kasim clenched the pendant in his hand, "They are looking at me, they are asking me, why I survived, not like them, dying here forever. Let them forgive me, because I am more perfect than them, so I survive and exist."

Perfect character, perfect obsession, perfect leprosy, Kasim caressed the peeling and festering skin on his body.

"I am exactly the same Qasim my father remembers."

"Tell me, my lord, should I die like them?"

"If this is the case, it would be too unfair."

Kasim murmured words, accompanied only by the silent night.

Surrounded by silence for a long time, there was no echo.

He sighed, and suddenly, his expression was ferocious: "The king of my king, because I am a puppet, am I not worthy of being called a believer?!"

"In this so-called god-favored town, why can't you hear my prayers all night!"

"Are you deaf?!"

"Damn it! Damn it!" Kasim pulled off the pendant on his neck, twisted and resentful, "The scriptures say that you are the perfect god, Lucius went to hell! If this is what you did, Why don't you go any further and save me?!"

"You're not deaf because you don't exist!"

"You don't exist, there never was a god like you! You're nothing more than a hypocrisy compiled by the whores of Yavin, a man-made tyrant!"

Kasim cursed in disgust, his throat hoarse and his voice trembling.

"I reject you! You non-existent false god!"

"I'm here."

The bell-like solemn voice knocked in his mind instantly, and Kasim's expression froze instantly.

"Where are you, come out to me! You're pretending to be a ghost!" Came back to his senses, Kasim scolded angrily.

"I am everywhere and I am nowhere."

Kasim suddenly felt that his eyes were closed by something, unable to open a crack.

The aroma of honey, he smelled the strong aroma of honey, burning a bee candle in his hand, the flame was extremely warm, and the candle oil dripped into his hand without burning.

Only one word can clearly express Kasim's complex emotions that are difficult to describe.


"No, he doesn't exist, you're just a pretender, I know, you're a wizard too! Or the one who killed Lucius! He doesn't exist, if he exists, why can't he hear my prayers, why can't he exist?!"

"To be is to be perceived."

In an instant, Kasim's body trembled and he froze in place.

How profound is this sentence.

"Cogito ergo sum."

Kasim felt as if struck by lightning, he opened his throat, trying to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

Existence perception, cogito. I said it once, twice. Thousands of times, and Kasim kept repeating those two sentences in his mind.

"Your soul is already in your thoughts. How can people pursue what they already have?"

The noble and holy voice fell on my ears.

Kasim's face froze, his thoughts roiled and roared.

He felt something shaking inside him, something descending, something he'd been longing for.

human nature.

"I surrender to you."

"My one and only God."

(End of this chapter)

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