savior epic

Chapter 22 The Patron Saint

Chapter 22 The Patron Saint
Getting up in a hurry, facing the sun, Chen Yi lit a fire on the wood-and-clay stove, and cooked cheese early in the morning.

The cheese is bought at Amy's grocery store, and their taste has always been good.

Hedwig tends to go to bed later, and usually in knight families, women wake up later than men, which is a customary Khi rule. When I saw her tidy up and walk out of the room, she blinked her tired thin eyelids.

"Brother, well, it's Monday, it's time for morning prayer." She counted the days with her fingers and exclaimed.

According to the law of true religion, every Monday after the autumn wind blows is a day for routine morning prayers. After the cock crows, one prays to the holy image, praises the Lord God and its angels, and then chant the name of the local patron saint, humbly Invite them to pray together and offer blessings, and then have a half-day cold fast, during which no food or slaughter of warm-blooded animals is allowed.This is called the Little Morning Prayer, also known as the Little Fast.

Knowing that her brother was not very religious, Hedwig hurriedly paced to the long table of icons, facing the wooden icons, and bent down to pray, begging the saint and the main god to forgive their slack.

"The scriptures say that it is more pious to kneel when praying." Chen Yi still took her time and teased her.

"Lord, please forgive him," Hedwig said quickly, turning her head and muttering, "Only priests are allowed to kneel, brother, you are not pious."

"Of course I'm devout to myself." Chen Yi said casually.

Unexpectedly, her face changed, "That will be punished by the saint."

"The Lord will forgive you." Hedwig quickly added.

"Then you will?" Chen Yi casually replied.

Hedwig didn't answer, but urged him with her eyes.

It won't be any slower.He read her meaning.

Chen Yi speeded up her hand, put the melted cheese into a bowl, and under her pretty eyes stared intently, picked out the communion bread from the dry cabinet.

The priest in the town asked believers not to dress casually during morning prayers.It just so happened that there were no expensive clothes at home, so Chen Yi didn't have to change the linen tunica on her body.

Hedwig had changed before leaving the room. She had an undyed gray-white long skirt and a short-sleeved tunica. The collar was buttoned properly, and half a pocket was exposed at the junction of the skirt and tunica.

The round pancakes are like ivory, white and yellowish.

"My dear brother, do you have anything to accuse the Lord?" Hedwig picked up the real Awen and read the prayer without looking sideways.


"My dear brother, has there ever been a time when you were not grateful to my Lord?"

"Nor ever."

This is usually a routine prayer question between husband and wife. The wife asks the husband. If there is no partner, the youngest in the family asks the elder. If there is only one person in the family, the question is answered by itself.

After the questioning, Hedwig tried to keep his voice as clear as possible, pious and holy: "The patron saint of the Kesi people, St. Venacana who is next to the bright moon: I wish you to play in the moonside bay for the rest of your life. My Lord is pious. And humble believer—Hedwig of Punye, I hope you will lead the divine light to shine on the secular world constructed by this term, and I hope you will pray with me.”

Chen Yi closed her eyes, quietly waiting for the so-called saint to come down.

The patron saint, that is, the guardian saint who is in charge of the place, occupation, knowledge, etc., who was appointed by the true religion. According to the scriptures, the saints are the most favored and loved by the Lord for thousands of living beings.

When the saint prays, the miracle will fall like spring rain in an instant, and it will be more effective to ask the saint to convey the prayer.

If Chen Yi remembered correctly,

The patron saint of Kexi, St. Venakana, who is next to the bright moon, is the last living saint in the world recorded in the scriptures.

Since then, the True Sect has never consecrated living saints again.

"Saint Vina Cana, wash away the mud on our bodies with the moon, and anoint our souls with oil. Even in the most lonely night, there is your voice that pours out to speak to the heart. St. Vina Cana, flow all A saint of silver blood." The younger sister was so devout, and Chen Yi tried to empty her mind as much as possible.

Chen Yi didn't even believe in the doctrine they said, it was nothing more than a habit of thinking.

Because I myself am the Lord of Resurrection Town.Chen Yi laughed at herself.

Then, it was the routine prayers. Hedwig forced her brother to close her eyes tightly, and she closed her eyes too, but narrowed the gap slightly, checked the ungodly brother, and then confessed to the gods in a low voice, and recited The prestige of the omnipotent god: salvation in the sky, master of destiny, life three times, death three times. The voice is silent, only the small and thin lips are moving.

Chen Yi didn't know what she was praying for, as for herself, she had nothing to pray for.

After waiting for a long time, Chen Yi opened her eyes, while Hedwig still closed her illusory eyelids, her lips moved slightly.

She was humming a hymn, probably "Where is the Lord?"

She finally opened her eyes and directed herself to pick up the communion bread.

Chen Yi broke the communion wafer as usual.

According to etiquette requirements, Hedwig put her little hand on top of Chen Yi's palm, trying her best not to touch him, if she bumped into him and passed through, it would be embarrassing.

As she prayed, the communion bread was finally placed on plates flanking the icon.

The boring but holy morning prayer was over, and Hedwig felt much more energetic. She said that her voice would teach the saint to reach the ears of the gods.

"Yeah, maybe God can hear you without a saint." Chen Yi echoed.

"What did you pray, brother?" Hedwig asked after hearing his indifferent tone.

"Ask him if the old man can create a stone that he can't move." Chen Yi nonsense.

Hedwig twisted her lovely eyebrows, and said, "Say something strange."

Chen Yi came up with the idea of ​​teasing her sister, and said, "Ask him if he needs believers to help him wield swords and guns. After all, the knights in the west have been providing military service to the omniscient and omnipotent Lord."

"If you are so dishonest, you will be punished by the saint angel." Hedwig said worriedly.

Under the holy image on the table is the soil that my uncle brought back from the pilgrimage, the soil from the pilgrimage.

She is afraid that prayers will be extraordinarily effective.

However, the ungodly elder brother still kept talking, and Chen Yi said nonsense: "Perhaps being insincere will attract God's attention more. There are many stories in the scriptures where the wicked were able to hear the words of the angels, correct their evil ways, and become saints."

Hedwig stared at him.

"Think about it, there are tens of thousands of devout believers. My Lord is tired of listening to you. If you don't listen, you may not be able to notice you. Instead of doing this, it would be better to say that you are a pagan believer in front of the icon. , to arouse the rebellious psychology of the gods." Chen Yi challenged her younger sister's piety.

Such behaviors, in analogy, are like shouting Allah is greatest in front of the Tathagata Buddha.

Maybe when you get angry and accidentally get angry, the two parties will fight for a believer.

Hedwig's face turned cold, she hated her brother's impiety, and even made fun of the gods.

She "hummed", feeling uneasy again, and opened her mouth to refute, but she was afraid that she would be brought in if she couldn't argue.This kind of sibling debate has happened many times in the past, and it is not uncommon for the elder brother to get involved, and it is not uncommon for him to lose or even cry.Her own hateful and ungodly brother, she rolled her blue eyes under the eyelashes, not wanting to show her discouragement, and folded her fingertips together, Hedwig didn't speak, she simply pretended not to care and said: "I don't want you to say these things. "

Chen Yi was startled, she didn't expect that she would say such a thing, it was useless to go around when she was ready.

In the end, she was still allowed to find a way to win by mistake.

Brothers and sisters who quarrel are better than brothers who don't quarrel.In Chen Yi's understanding, it is normal for an older brother to bully a younger sister, and if there is no argument for a while, it is the same as the relationship being left out in the cold.

Chen Yi shrugged her shoulders, and said a little aggressively: "I know you will agree with my words, but now you are angry and don't listen, maybe you want to practice a little next time."

"What nonsense, I pray for you every time, thousands of times." In the end, she still slapped her head and covered her face.

It's just an exaggeration.Chen Yi was stunned for a moment, suppressing her inexplicable guilt, and muttered to herself.

Without looking at her younger sister whose cheeks were flushed with anger, Chen Yi turned around.

(End of this chapter)

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