savior epic

Chapter 5 God's Numbers

Chapter 5 God's Numbers
Ronald has an amazing talent for mathematics.

To be precise, it is a strong memory ability and a talent for mathematics that complement each other.

After enlightenment, his memory is almost unforgettable, and he can repeat exactly what he just said, and his spatial ability is even more amazing.

After teaching him ninety-nine multiplication, division, and basic geometry such as squares and triangles for three to ten minutes, Ronald tried to calculate the multiplication of four-digit numbers. Like a new toy, I am happy to calculate repeatedly, just because the results are novel and endless.

"3261 multiplied by 6121 is equal to 19960581." When he calculated the four-digit multiplication for the first time, the other four-digit calculations suddenly increased several times.

Soon, he discovered a new way to play, "Halve 100 points into 50 points, halve 50 points into 25 points, and halve 25 points."

Ronald's face showed confusion.

After a while, just as she was about to answer, Chen Yi heard Ronald suddenly say: "It becomes half of 12 and 1."

Chen Yi was startled, this kid wants to figure out the score by himself?

Is it the power of self-enlightenment, or is it due to talent?
Or both.

Soon, Ronald continued to divide, half of 1 became half of 1 and half of 1, half of [-] and half of [-], and his mouth was dry.But Chen Yi's surprise didn't stop there.

Because Ronald thought of another thing.

"A pie can be divided into three parts, one for me, one for father, one for mother, but how can one be divided into three?"

The lights of the bell tower gradually went out, and Chen Yi realized that there was not much time, so she taught him fractions: "Divide 1 into three equals one-third"

After Chen Yi clarified the concept of fractions, the lights of the Bell Tower of Misery had been exhausted to only one floor, and Chen Yi narrowed her perspective to end the manifestation.

"What an amazing mathematical talent" Chen Yi sighed in her heart, because in the end, Ronald was actually thinking about the Pythagorean Theorem.

He immediately thought mockingly: "I wouldn't have accidentally cultivated the Ramanujan of this world, would I?"

Looking away from the castle, Chen Yi glanced at the pagan lecture hall, and thought of Lomea, the girl she admired.


The inexplicable sound of rolling clouds interrupted Chen Yi's train of thought, and he raised his head in doubt.

Chen Yi stared closely at the source of the sound. It seemed to come from a position opposite to the Bell Tower of Misery. The Bell Tower of Misery was not far to her left, and the sound came from the right.


You heard it right, the rolling sea of ​​clouds was accompanied by faint thunder.

"What is that?" Chen Yi stared curiously.

However, there was only thunder and nothing else changed for a long time.

"Maybe I have to continue to show my holiness to promote the change of Qianzhu Yunhai?" Chen Yi made a guess, and couldn't help being excited. You know, this is the first time in five years that the sea of ​​clouds has changed in a different way.

Chen Yi was about to take her thoughts back to think, and was about to leave, when she finally looked at the town of Resurrection, she accidentally caught sight of a familiar figure.

Idle knelt in front of the icon, holding a scripture in his hand, and prayed sternly.

"My one and only true Lord, Father of the gods, please... hear the devout prayers of your humble servant."

"You are the lord of my lord, my... father of my father, thank you... for giving me wisdom and throwing me into heaven."

He closed his eyes and tried to recite the awkward scriptures.

"It seems that it's exactly what he said, and I believe in another god." Chen Yi thought it was funny, and didn't intend to answer his prayer.

Early the next morning, Chen Yi soaked slices of bran bread in wine, and slowly waited for it to soften. This bread made of bran, germ, aleurone, and endosperm mixed with large wheat is commonly eaten by commoners. The staple food is rarely meat. Unless it is a festival, the civilians in Easter Town will stew some lamb or chicken after a long time.

"Brother, the mourning day for the heretics has passed for a long time, and it seems that it is almost time to go to the market." During the dinner, Hedwig reminded.

Since Easter Town was ruled by pagans, it has acted according to pagan customs. According to their calendar, once the mourning day is over, it will be a pilgrimage day for the market a few weeks later. The market lasts for 30 to 45 days. There will be no curfew for the first and last week.

Due to the proximity to the Holy Land, quite a number of pilgrims or merchants from the pagan countries will pass through this place, and the scale of the market at that time can be described as a sea of ​​people.

Chen Yi took a bite of the finally soaked bread, and the sour taste filled her mouth. Counting the days, it was indeed almost the same.

"Well, I'll go to the countryside the day after tomorrow. The hunters there should have fresh animal skins."

The income of the leather shop at home depends on this market for half a year. As long as the leather is fresh, it can often be sold at a good price.

This grand bazaar is a good thing only after the pagan rule, and even the most pious priest in the town can't refute it.

Baron Artest, who was deprived of sleep due to excitement, carefully pushed open the door of his son's bedroom, and saw Ronald slumped on the table head-on, still holding a quill in his hand. He stood on tiptoe and saw the densely packed paper Linen paper, a surprised smile on the face, the smell of dried ink is even more sweet than the sweetness of tulips in the morning.

"My lord, I praise you!" The foolish son in his memory calculated complex numbers that he couldn't understand in one night, and Baron Artest's admiration was beyond words.

Ronald seemed to be woken up. He got up from the table in a daze, pulled out the linen paper full of numbers and graphics, and wrote on the paper for a few seconds before he realized that the ink had dried. Ink, he calculated the math problems he had solved on his own, without even noticing that his father was behind him.

"Ronald, my dear Ronald, you wrote these?" Baron Artest asked excitedly when his son woke up.

"Two times two equals four, three times three equals nine, and they are all multiplied by themselves. What times itself equals two? What times itself equals three?" Ronald muttered, writing non-stop.

Baron Artest, who was left out in the cold, was not discouraged. Instead, he was happy that his son was concentrating on his studies. His son had already started to study mathematics. Afterwards, he would study architecture, study theology, and manage an entire barony. Low, you know, he is a child favored by God!

My Lord has done enough to hire a math teacher.Baron Artest no longer asks for anything else, "should not expect more from God", this is a teaching that every true believer knows.

"A pie can be divided into three, two cows can give birth to six cows, papa once brought three deer out of the woods, there are numbers everywhere, numbers are everywhere."

Baron Artest realized that while he was immersed in the excitement, Ronald was already thinking about mathematics from another direction.

Immediately afterwards, he heard a blasphemy that trembled all over his body.

"So... what is God's number?"

(End of this chapter)

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