savior epic

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

There was no need for Chen Yi to be on duty tonight, and he returned home before curfew.

A narrow house perpendicular to the street. Facing the street is a leather shop, which is also a book stand. The leather that is going to be sold in the market is delivered to the treasurer of the castle. The latter and Chen Yi guarantee that every foot of leather during the market Sell ​​it at a price not lower than five copper dills. If it is not enough, the treasury of the barony will buy it on its behalf.

This price is actually a bit higher than the average price of the leather shop in the market in recent years, but it is not much higher. I think the chief financial officer has calculated carefully beforehand.

Behind the leather shop is the living room and dining room. The living room is connected to the study room, the master bedroom, and there is a guest room upstairs, which was where Chen Yi used to sleep. After her uncle and aunt passed away, Chen Yi moved to the master bedroom downstairs. , the original guest room was vacant, and became a utility room for storing materials, and a little higher was the small attic, where the ritual vessels and holy images used in the big prayer were all stored there, including Hedwig's mysterious Material.

"Are you back?" Hedwig closed the book in her hand, stroked the cover with her fingertips, and stood up to greet her.

"Of course, my sister." Chen Yi responded casually, spread dry wood on the wooden stove, lit it with the scythe on the shelf, and poured water from the water tank into the iron pot.

When the water boiled, Chen Yi sliced ​​the dried bacon and poured the washed and shelled wheat kernels into the pot. For balanced nutrition, dried fruit and salt were indispensable.

The soup spoon evenly mixed the dark-colored wheat paste in the iron pot. Although it was not good in appearance, it was not bad in nutrition, not to mention that it didn't need much effort.

After the dinner was cooked, Chen Yi took out the oatmeal, turned out the coarse bread at home, sliced ​​it and put the oatmeal on it, the sweet oatmeal with a light meaty aroma fell down several times, and the bread was almost soft.

Hedwig watched his brother eat and chatted with him: "How was the night watch in the prison yesterday?"

"Actually, it's okay, even if you stay up all night, you can read a book to pass the time, but overall it's quite boring." Chen Yi said.

Saying that, Chen Yi paused, and said, "Father Christopher, he is a believer."

Hedwig didn't understand why, so she said strangely: "What's the matter, the priest has to believe in the Lord, and the priest doesn't believe and has bad morals, that's rare and strange."

"No, I mean," Chen Yi put down the bread in her hand, "my patriotism has been shaken by him. I even wanted to praise the gods before eating."

"That's good," Hedwig said with coke and disgust, "I hope you will be moved to make a vow."

Chen Yi glanced at Hedwig, and said with a smile, "If I become a priest, I will definitely lead everyone to pretend to convert to heresy, and I will regret it every day."

The younger sister shuddered, her slender neck held high.

"What stupid words?" the devout Hedwig said annoyed, then folded her hands together, begging the angel not to convey this to the gods in a low voice.

Then, Hedwig, she held her ears and cheeks, and touched the pale blond hair with her fingertips into peach petals, staring up and down at him.

Swallowing the bread, Chen Yi felt hairy.

"what happened?"

"Are you bewitched by that pepper girl?" She asked abruptly.


"Brother with the idea of ​​false conversion." Hedwig asked in an uneasy soft voice: "Pagans always call us stupid, stupid or even stupid. You and that pagan girl know how close you are. You Are you bewitched by her?"

Chen Yi didn't expect her sister to think of this, so she had to say innocently: "It's nothing, it's just nonsense."

Hedwig nodded dubiously.

Er, she took a deep look at her brother, and then asked in a strange tone: "I heard Grandma Amy said that you want to marry her?"

Chen Yi was stunned, her sister's question seemed to hit her head, she was silent for a while, her fingertips couldn't help trembling, feeling the heat rushing up her cheeks, he grinned and took a deep breath with his lips, it was a kind of instinctive sensitivity.

This is the first time her family has revealed her love affair, and Chen Yi has no experience.

"Listen to me, Hedwig, it's not that far yet. Well, I do have an idea." Chen Yi said frankly.

"Oh." Upon hearing this, Hedwig responded somewhat discouraged, and immediately cheered up and said, "I heard that she is the granddaughter of the chief priest."

Even though the memory projection cast by the magic circle couldn't set foot in the leather shop, Hedwig could still see Lomea's appearance not too far away through the wooden window lattice.

"Well what are you worried about?"

"I" kicked her, and Hedwig said slowly, "I'm worried about your belief."

It turned out to be like this, Chen Yi calmed down, Wen Sheng promised her sister: "I swear, I will not betray our god?"

"Really? To whom?" Hedwig asked, holding her face.

" our God."

Seeing Chen Yi swearing, Hedwig lowered her eyelids, and said again: "No, it's more than that, brother, you have to swear to yourself. And me, you don't believe me."

"Okay, I swear to you." Chen Yi said with a smile.

The dinner episode passed quickly, and Chen Yi climbed up to the attic, picking out the mysterious materials for maintaining memory projections.

Chen Yi picked out a dozen or so pieces of sesame oil refined from Moongrass and Lingshui flowers, salt, pure water, a small piece of cardamom, and small knots of sandalwood, and Chen Yi squeezed out of the small attic.

Counting the days, probably in the early morning of tomorrow, at midnight, you will be able to climb above the Sea of ​​Thousand Pillars of Clouds.

However, these days are unremarkable and without many twists and turns, and the savings of lights in the two bell towers are probably not much.

In the lecture hall.

The sky that is slowly pressing down is like falling under the stars.

Sitting on the silk cushion, Lomea twirled the rosary with her fingertips.

Why. The holy object can sense the pale shower from Chen Yi.
Even if you think about the path of mystical exploration, more or less contact with pale showers is inevitable. However, in this resurrection town dominated by souls, there is no room for Lomea to not be worried.

"If you want to ask him, first go to his house secretly." Luo Mea thought.

Glancing at the front of the icon painting, he silently asked for the reclining reading of the prophecy of the sacred object. Lomea did not tell him about the resurrection town, because so far, he has not received instructions from the chief priest.

"Officer." At some point, the lying-haired leader stood up slowly, dipped the holy water in the pool and smeared his forehead.

"What's the matter? What did you predict?" Lomea, whose thoughts were interrupted, turned around and asked.

"The clown who attacked the temple and caused the holy relic to go out of control, the person from the Temple of Suffering, he came to Resurrection Town." Wofa led the reader in a serious tone.

Lomea frowned and asked, "His target is Christopher?"

The lying-haired leader nodded and said, "The angels told me that his destiny is leading to the prison in Resurrection Town."

Lomea narrowed his eyes.

"Officer, absolutely don't let him attack Christopher." The lying-haired leader said solemnly.

Lomea nodded.

"Salvation", that is the ancient Zhen-Arab language mastered by Christopher, who presides over the Holy Silver Cathedral.

(End of this chapter)

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