savior epic

Chapter 54

Chapter 54
Under the dim light, in the study, Chen Yi was flipping through the "Spiritual Night" in her hand, quietly waiting for the phase of the moon to change, calculating the time, there is no need to wait too long.

At night, the cold wind blows through the streets and alleys, the lights in front of you crawl and sway, the second floor and the attic, the rustling sound from the wooden stairs seems to be too old.

"I'm a dwarven traveler, and I've been to a strange dwarven society. They call themselves Chur dwarves. Their skin is drow-like, smooth dark blue, and the women don't grow beards. They worship a strange pagan god. .There, I saw that they possessed strange sewing techniques.

They will sew human skins for corpses! "

The light is very dark, and the cursive Yawen characters in the book are obviously printed, and the outline of the figure has an inexplicable distortion when you look closely. Lower your head and keep reading.

"They said that it was their God who gave them power. Each of them thus received eternal life.

And the corpses whose human skin was sewn up by them will come back to life strangely, some only for a few days, some for several months.

They were very enthusiastic and invited me to their festival."

Weird one chapter story.

The entire "Spiritual Night" records what the author saw and heard when he traveled in the spirit world. Chen Yi looked back at the beginning, and the author said that he himself heard it from a certain dwarf spirit.

And in so many stories, every one is downright weird.

Chen Yi didn't think about it, and was about to put her mind aside, twisted the footer of the page with her fingers, turned to the next page gently, and continued reading.At this time, he suddenly heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

What's the matter? It's too windy?
Chen Yi turned her head and stared at the closed door. The cold wind in the autumn night continued, and the old wooden stairs were faintly shaking.

He must have misheard, Hedwig walked around silently, and there was no one else at home.

Chen Yi moved the rush lamp and moved it away from the place facing the window to prevent it from being blown out by the wind.

He continued to flip through "Spiritual Night", with a rustling sound, his Adam's apple was slightly raised.

"I've seen them sew a living person into a corpse, peel the corpse open first, and put the pumping guts in there one by one.

The dead came to life like this, and they laughed and sang songs around him, roasted the flesh of the living, and drank wine made from the blood of the living.They made me eat it, but I threw it away, they made me drink it, but I threw it away.

I pretended not to care about their horrific behavior.

This place is too weird, I have to go, I have to go, I just want to leave this weird place and return to my warm hometown.

They said, this is my home.

I couldn't understand it, but a sudden chill rushed to every part of my body.

I stroked my body, from the center of my chest to my navel, I touched the silk threads sewn one by one.

So I just came back to life."

After reading the last word, the whole treacherous story was vividly remembered, Chen Yi's heart started beating uncontrollably, and her Adam's apple trembled.

He put his hand on his left chest, trying to calm his beating heart.

dong dong.

Chen Yi froze all of a sudden, unable to tell whether it was the wind hitting the door or someone knocking on it.

Standing up, Chen Yi held up the rush lamp, wisps of thick smoke floated out of the window, and were blown away by the cold wind.

Pushing open the door, the empty living room, the gray icon under the window due to the shadow, the wooden staircase swaying gently in Chen Yi's eyes, everything is very quiet.

After a rough inspection, Chen Yi didn't find any movement from the wind blowing into the house.

Slightly relieved, Chen Yi turned around, walked back to the room, and closed the door without looking back, it seemed that it was just an illusion.

Walking to the desk, Chen Yi gently put down the rush lamp, raised her head and prepared to close some windows.

Putting both hands on the wooden handle, Chen Yi suddenly stopped.

He felt something tap his shoulder suddenly.

Chen Yi slowly turned her head.
A leaden face, lips that looked like they were smeared with blood, the corners of the mouth were upturned, an absurd and treacherous clown face.

"Hi, how about I show you a trick first?"

With her heart almost reaching her throat, Chen Yi held her breath physiologically, staring straight at the somewhat familiar bard.

The whole study fell into deathly silence.

Oude twisted the silver needle, and pulled out the silk thread centimeter by centimeter without haste.

"Who are you?" After a long time, Chen Yi suppressed her trembling voice and asked.

"As you can see, I'm a bard." Ode's stiff smile remained unchanged, and the words seemed to escape from the air between his teeth.

"Why did you come here?" Chen Yi took a step back and asked.

Ode glanced at Chen Yi playfully, and calmly let out fanatical and resentful words: "You shameless thief who stole my authority, why did you exercise authority that does not belong to you as a matter of course?"

The minstrel's words fell into his ears, and Chen Yi was shocked. He didn't have time to think carefully about Ode's words, but saw the minstrel carrying the lute slowly lift the silver needle to his eyebrows, and grinned.The eyes of spiritual vision on the cheeks slowly opened, and the eyelids of flesh and blood were closed.

Seeing this movement, Chen Yi trembled all over, and goosebumps appeared layer after layer on her skin.

Intuitively, the eye of spiritual vision with a defective palm opened suddenly.


Ode's eyes of spiritual vision were bloodshot in an instant, and his dilated pupils converged extremely quickly.

Immediately, he stabbed the silver needle hard on his forehead, about to pierce his skull.


Chen Yi uttered the old saying, the eyes of spiritual vision on the palm, the small golden flames jumped suddenly, and her thoughts turned quickly.

He spoke extremely fast, uttering short sentences: "It is said in the scriptures that you cannot kill me."

Ode's hand stopped, and the long and narrow needle tip was only half a centimeter away from the center of his eyebrows, and was about to touch it and pierce his forehead.However, his eyes were devout, and he slowly put them down.

"really interesting."

As soon as the words finished, Chen Yi punched him hard in the face, and Ode's body fell back a few steps, the corner of his mouth still grinning.Chen Yi's face suddenly felt a huge pain, as if the punch not only hit Ode's face, but also hit her own face.

Crack, the sound of cheekbones breaking, resounded clearly in my mind through bone conduction.

At that moment, Chen Yi understood that it was the old saying of the minstrel in front of her.

Time delay, time delay. Chen Yi murmured in her heart.

The corners of Ode's mouth were still curled up, and the bloodshot eyes on his cheeks soared at a speed visible to the naked eye.In less than half a second, Chen Yi's spiritual eyes couldn't help trembling, and a feeling of dizziness rushed into his mind.

My own "fraud" can no longer continue.

In just two seconds, Chen Yi felt that the eyes of the spiritual vision could not hold on, so she closed them abruptly, and barely opened them a second later.

However, at this very second, Ode broke away from the "fraud".

Ode raised the silver needle and stabbed at the naked eye!
Chen Yi's eyes burst open suddenly, and blood spurted out.

The inexhaustible panic spread to every inch of skin.

"Don't worry, sew your mouth up first." Ode grinned.

So next second.

Chen Yi tried to cover the blood gushing Adam's apple.

(End of this chapter)

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