savior epic

Chapter 56

Chapter 56
Oude's body was limp in the study, Chen Yi breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back in the chair.

The minstrel died instantly, the long needle pierced the temple, not the artery or vein, not much blood spilled out, and the face with tears in the smile before death really made people shudder.

Chen Yi didn't know his name, nor could he figure out his origin, but she understood the Yavinian appellation in his mouth: "Lord of Suffering". heard.

The Temple of Suffering, this is a belief that spreads all over the south, especially on the southern islands.At the market in Resurrection Town, apart from the giant believers and true believers, there were also many merchants and artists of various ethnic groups passing through this area. They followed the pilgrimage road to Baiyinkana. At that time, Chen Yi could also meet all kinds of believers. People from the Temple of Suffering The ascetic monks are also one of them. They advocate that the main god has not died, but suffered for the world, and that those who follow the example of the main god can enter the kingdom of heaven after death.

According to what I have seen from various commentary collections of scriptures, they are equal to each other, and do not set up or recognize the pope or other human representatives. Their internal organizational structure is quite like a civil assembly.

Recalling this, Chen Yi sighed. Apart from these rough knowledge, she knew nothing about the Temple of Suffering.

Chen Yi observed the illusory bell tower that appeared not long ago, and she was not wrong in her observation just now, when she manifested the saint with the old saying, the lights of the bell tower would go out a little.

Standing up and approaching the bell tower, Chen Yi scratched her head, the lights of the imaginary bell tower did not increase but decreased during this time, and the platinum inscription motto behind the bell tower was impressively "show divinity".

Does this mean that he has not yet demonstrated divinity.

"Divinity." Chen Yi murmured.

With such a broad proposition, coupled with my own lack of theological attainments, I tried my best to find clues, but my work was in vain and I got nothing.

Chen Yi walked around the illusory bell tower for a while, then returned to the throne.

"This bell tower appeared because I glanced at it in the historical corridor. Does that mean that I showed my divinity at that time?" Suddenly, Chen Yi caught the key point.

"Go to the historical corridor again?"

As soon as she thought about it, Chen Yi shook her head.

Not to mention the need to wait for the astrology before entering the corridor of history, and then use rituals to open the gap in the celestial kingdom. Even if the ritual materials and other problems can be solved, Chen Yi does not think that she can cross the spiritual torrent safely by herself.

Moreover, it is a well-known fact that a person can only step into the historical corridor once in his life.

It is a historical summary of what a person knows and has learned, and once this summary is set, it is extremely difficult to change. It is like the customs and concepts on which a nation and a race depend, which have undergone countless accumulations.

And the stars of history will not open the door to those who intend to step into the corridor of history again.

From this point of view, wouldn't it be impossible for me to reproduce the feeling of the Trinity again?

Unless you can reincarnate into the next life.
But Chen Yi remembered that this was the belief of the elves, not the belief of the true religion.

The beliefs of elves, whether they are wandering elves or mountain elves, in their belief, life is a cycle from one world to another.

And the so-called relying on faith.

Chen Yi had seen this word in an ancient book.

Notwithstanding the claims of the arrogant, gods are born by faith and can perish by unbelief.

However, this is just nonsense. Everything in this world is determined by the gods. The gods do not ask people to believe, because He existed before, and the gods do not ask people not to believe, because He will also live forever.

The kingdom of heaven and hell in the scriptures of the true teachings do exist. After death, they either fall into the underworld, or their souls return to the kingdom of heaven.

And this is the belief of the true believers.Therefore, true believers will not have a next life after death, but go to heaven or hell.

"It seems that I can't walk into the corridor of history again." Chen Yi murmured, "Then how should I show my divinity?"

This is an extremely difficult topic, and no matter how many saints have spent their entire lives exploring it, it is difficult to find out its mysteries.

Chen Yi recalled the theological works he had read.

It is often said that philosophy is the handmaiden of theology.

Why do you say this?
Chen Yi remembered the famous line in the pagan scriptures:
"In this world, apart from God's revelation, what is more supreme?"

Both the True Sect and the Juwang Sect generally agree with one point of view.

Philosophy only studies what human reason can relate to, while theology studies the supreme being beyond reason.

Human rationality is limited.

Man is only a part of God, and God's rationality is not endless.

"Man is only a part of God"

Chen Yi suddenly captured the thought of this moment.

"It is also said in the works of the philosophers of scholasticism: 'Divinity exists in the world.'"

 Thank you for the reward of 500 starting coins when life is good, and thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins for Curve Circle

(End of this chapter)

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