savior epic

Chapter 76 Complex

Chapter 76 Complex
Chen Yi saw Biaoyin on the note.

That syllable is. "Nuo"

"Nora Rich?" Chen Yi popped out the word subconsciously, and continued to look at Resurrection Town.

Qasim is dead, killed by the Truth Army in the name of the Lord.

Easter Town is still moving towards its due ending.

Chen Yi still didn't know if "No" meant "Nora Rich" or something else.

Even for "Nora Rich", the second half of the sentence is much longer than the first half, more than one word.

"But there is still a turning point, there is still hope. Kasim, he deciphered the first syllable of the second half of the sentence."

Chen Yi let out a long sigh.

"The butterfly effect of canonization has such a great influence."

Chen Yi couldn't help thinking that because of Christopher's ascension, the descendants of pagan kings came to thoroughly investigate Resurrection Town, and the Army of Truth intended to restore the Holy Land set foot here ahead of time.
"However, the deduction also gave me a framework," Chen Yi held his chin, thinking, "Wang Yi...he was replaced by a person from the Temple of Suffering, and the elf assassin, she came to investigate the soul Soul? It is related to Isa's officiant? But...she seems to believe in the true religion. Could it be a double agent."

No matter what, Chen Yi clearly understood the urgency of time.

"We can't let her kill the baron, because after she killed the baron, Ronald succeeded to the throne in a hurry, and the resurrection town was evacuated so quickly. She must be stopped in advance. However, she has extremely high camouflage skills." Chen Yi's heart was full. cloudy.

"No. The key point is not necessarily on her. The manuscript says that the baron will die because of his faith. Every deduction, even if it is not her, the baron will die in various ways."

The baron will die of faith, just like the lingering haze, it seems that no matter what, the baron will die of faith.

"If Baron Artest is replaced, will another baron die? For example, the pagans deposed the baron and then elected him. No, there is no baron in Yavin's teaching law."

Baron Atai retained the title of "Baron" because he surrendered to the heretics in time. However, in the teaching law of the Yavin people, nobles are not allowed to appear.

Although only in name.

But still can't match the content in the "Baron" manuscript.

The title of "Baron" will only be retained when his son ascends the throne.

If he personally kills the baron, it will allow Ronald to ascend the throne ahead of schedule. Chen Yi has a bold idea.

No, this also fulfills the words in the manuscript.

Thinking of this, Chen Yi hurriedly suppressed the thought, feeling a little guilty.

"...Maybe the baron will die anyway, but... as long as the delay is longer within the framework of this deduction, Ronald, he may be able to leave more notes for Kassim." Chen Yi couldn't think of a result, It can only be speculated in a reasonable and favorable direction.

"The elf assassin must be stopped, damn it, this month and a half has been a fair."

During the bazaar, there were not many people traveling to and from Resurrection Town.

"There is also the Temple of Suffering. They also set their sights on Resurrection Town, and Ronald's death was also hindered by them."

Chen Yi sorted out her thoughts in her mind.

I am obsessed with deciphering the manuscript, because the manuscript is too weird, it will appear every time, and every time, only the first sentence is completely deciphered.

So he thought that the secret of the doomed destruction of Resurrection Town might be in it.

Chen Yi felt an unprecedented sense of urgency.

Ancient sayings, occultism, deduction, elves, temple of suffering, manuscripts, baron, Qassim, possession of faith.
Those key points popped out of my mind one by one.

I can only try to connect them to each other, to form a line, and then to form a plane, or even a three-dimensional.

Chen Yi felt a headache.

The future of Resurrection Town is more complicated than I imagined.

It's like standing in the present, and trying to bring the future and the past together, one-to-one correspondence between the three, considering sequence, inclusion and intersection, and getting rid of linear thinking.

But during this period, it is easy to lose sight of the other, or get stuck in a certain point.

"I can only take one step at a time. Do the things at hand first." Chen Yi murmured.

Now the key points at hand are:
Take on Elven Assassins and Temples of Misery.

After her mind stabilized, Chen Yi looked down from the Sea of ​​Thousand Pillars of Clouds, ready to return to her body after a glance.

His eyes swept over his home.

By the way, Hedwig.

Chen Yi patted her head violently.

"I almost forgot. There is also the point of Hedwig, the blood of the saint. It fell into Hedwig's tomb." Thinking of this, another thought popped into Chen Yi's mind, "Maybe Serena I don’t know if it will be useful to ask her for secrets, but I still have to try.”

There are also the origins of the elves, and information about the Temple of Suffering, all of which may be within the scope of obtaining secrets.

After thinking for a while, Chen Yi felt that it was feasible, and immediately called the real name of the secret society in platinum inscriptions, and then sat quietly on the throne.

Didn't have to wait long.

In the distant sky, Serena's carriage was lifted by a huge vertical-eyed monster.

When the carriage landed steadily on the sea of ​​clouds, Rao lowered his eyes as usual and put the carriage down.

"My distinguished guest, hello." Serena greeted concisely.

Chen Yi smiled and exchanged some pleasantries.

Serena is almost on call like no other customer.

"Excuse me, are you calling me here again because you want to trade secrets?"

Having traded several times and getting to know each other well, Serena has lost a lot of restraint and speaks casually.

"That's right, I hope to trade secrets." Chen Yi didn't hesitate, and said bluntly: "For that secret, I can pay Ziguang Secret for it."

Upon hearing this, Serena leaned over and said, "Oh, that's really curious."

She was ready to listen.

Chen Yi took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Please do a fortune-telling for me: did the precious blood of St. Venacana choose Hedwig, and if so, why did Hedwig be chosen?"

I thought Serena would simply agree.

But Chen Yi seems to have heard Serena's stagnation.

She trembled, not from fear or fear.

It's a kind of soft tremor that hammers the heart.

This is what Chen Yi heard.

"What's wrong with you, Serena?"

After the words fell for a long time, the woman in the carriage finally came to her senses, "Saint Vina Cana. It's such a long-standing name. When I was young, I had heard of her silver blood."

When Chen Yi heard it, Serena lowered her face, clenched her chin, and pondered for a long time.

"My spirituality tells me that this is a purple light secret, and it's extremely secretive. Mmm." She hummed for a long time, "it's barely within my ability, so please pay the chip."

Chen Yi already had an idea.

"However," Serena turned around: "I have to tell you, to obtain the secret of the purple light, I have to prepare a specific and complicated ceremony, which will take days or even months."

"Okay, Serena." Chen Yi nodded slightly, asking Serena would be more accurate than her guess, and said as usual, "I have made an appointment with Father Christopher."

On the crystal clear sphere, the blue light just flickered away, and the subsequent crimson didn't stay too long. The cyan light group was slightly sluggish, and the soft and beautiful light groups superimposed and merged together like a dream, until the noble purple was outlined.

There is no doubt about Ziguang's secret.

 I'm too tired today, I have to take a break, maybe only one chapter

(End of this chapter)

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