savior epic

Chapter 8 Human Nature

Chapter 8 Human Nature

Early the next morning, the college had classes, and Chen Yi went there early in the morning.

Among the students stood a figure in a sackcloth, a leper, the youngest son of the sorcerer Lucius.

His name was Casim, and when the sorcerer Lucius Jupius occupied the chapel and defiled the holy seat with witchcraft, the true believers of the town were happy to explain it as the gods' curse on the evil spirit.Kasim's shaved eyebrows, festered face, and wide linen robe are always the best proof.

Even Kasim's wife can only be a magic puppet that is not infected with leprosy.

The town's true believers always speculated that maybe his son died and Lucius would make a puppet to cover up his god-sent evil.

In the secular understanding constructed by the true religion, wizards are regarded as the representatives of the devil, and they can be related to harvest failure, floods, and plagues. They are often spurned, despised, dirty, and feared by others. Exile and expulsion are their most experiences. In some fundamentalist countries, countless wizards were holyly executed in the name of the Lord and the gods.

In Resurrection Town, the vast majority of people are true believers.

Qasim's temper was well-known among the apprentices.

For example: For the classics that his father did not want to lend to his apprentices, he often asked the apprentices to come and read them in the name of entrusting them to copy the books.

His relationship with Chen Yi is actually not bad, after all, Chen Yi also entrusts him to borrow the classics of the academy.

Kasim was surrounded by several people, discussing an academic issue.

Chen Yi listened attentively for a while, they discussed issues about human nature.

"Do you think puppets can have humanity?" Kasim asked a formal apprentice.

"No, I don't think, they don't even have souls, my lord, how can puppets have humanity?" the apprentice replied.

Chen Yi noticed that Kasim's face turned gloomy.

Then, Kasim asked several apprentices one after another, and the answers he got were all the same.

"I said, maybe." Facing several apprentices, Kasim asked tentatively, "Maybe the King of Kings can give a puppet humanity?"

"How is this possible? We have never heard such a statement." A student said directly.

Another student continued, "...I'm not sure, but... I've seen some magic books mention that certain... pagan evil gods can do it. I don't believe this kind of thing, it's undoubtedly true The blasphemy of the king of my king."

The student's words fell into his ears, and Kasim's face tensed instantly.

After a while, Kassim said: "I've heard this too, but I think differently. Maybe our gods can't do it, but...the evil gods of paganism...we can't easily deny it."

These words fell into the ears of several students, and they looked at each other, not daring to respond to the blasphemous words.

After a while, the discussion ended, and Kasim shook his head. He turned around and saw Chen Yi.

"Were you listening to our discussion just now?" Qasim asked, his arm wrapped in bandages.

"About human nature?" Chen Yi shrugged and said, "Of course I heard it."

"My friend, I have to ask, what is your opinion?" Kasim asked after taking a deep breath.

He wanted to hear if true believers would have any different views.

When Chen Yi heard Kasim's question, she lowered her head and thought about how to answer.

Before coming to this world, out of interest, I often came into contact with philosophy, whether it was Aristotle in ancient Greece, Eckhart in medieval Germany, or Nietzsche and Hegel in recent times, etc. Chen Yi dabbled in both.

After organizing the language, Chen Yi slowly said: "As for human nature, I really can't say you know that as long as there are enough superb skills, puppets seem to be able to think and organize language like humans."

"You're right." Kasim nodded.

"I've read it in a certain scripture, it's your scripture." Chen Yi paused, and fabricated it in the name of a pagan scripture: "A man said that if he closes his eyes and covers his ears, then he himself It doesn't exist anymore."

"It's the first time I've heard it. Maybe I haven't read that scripture. However, it's a very interesting thought. And then?" Kasim said nervously, the holy painting pendant around his neck swaying.

"Then a saint proved to him that he himself existed, convincing that man."

"How to persuade? How to prove?" Kasim asked one after another, his expression tense.

"The saint said: 'When you think, you exist.'" Chen Yi said slowly.

Kasim froze for a moment, trying to chew on the words.

After a long time, Kasim scratched his head, he didn't fully understand, but understood a lot.

Finally, he took a deep breath and thanked him: "It's very philosophical. I have to read our scriptures later. I'm really ashamed. My understanding of our scriptures is not as good as yours. Thank you, Chen Yi."

"You're welcome, you've helped me a lot." Chen Yi said.

After the morning class, Chen Yi plans to go back home, the day of the market is getting closer, and she will be busy.

Lucius wants to keep everyone.

"Stay here, everyone." In the hall, Lucius said so, and he waved his hand towards the door.

Chen Yi turned her head and saw a student coming out pushing a wooden cart with a wooden box on it, and the muffled sound of bottles colliding could be heard.

Lucius said loudly: "Everyone, I have newly prepared a leprosy potion to cure my youngest son. You know, his illness has been tormenting him. As a teacher, I implore you, try Try taking this bottle of leprosy potion. The previous leprosy potion is no longer effective.

You don't have to worry, I guarantee with my reputation, it is just a leprosy medicine, it will make your stomach hurt a little, it is absolutely harmless. "

Hearing this, Chen Yi was startled, and glanced at Lucius in disbelief. This wizard actually asked his student to try the potion
Then Chen Yi looked around at the students.

He thought that many people would leave immediately, or bid farewell to Lucius tactfully.Because trying to take the potion, even if the maker can guarantee it, it is still unknown whether it is harmless.

However... none.

Chen Yi widened her eyes.

The students in front of them nodded their heads one after another and spit out courteous words. Several of them rushed forward and took out the potion from the wooden box.

This is really too weird.

They are too weird.

It's like being manipulated.

Standing in the corner, Chen Yi watched the students around her step forward one after another, and couldn't help but think of how they didn't respond to that scary word before.

Kasim, who was wearing a sackcloth, walked to the wooden box and began to actively distribute potions to the students who came forward.

After a while, Kasim's eyes fell on Chen Yi.

Chen Yi was slightly taken aback.

Kasim seemed to notice the difference in himself.

He turned his face slightly, glanced at Lucius, and when he confirmed that the wizard did not look away, he walked straight to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi looked at him straight, without acting rashly.

When he came to Chen Yi, before Chen Yi could say anything, he spoke first.

"Take it, go quickly, get out of here." Kasim's voice was very low and extremely urgent, "Don't drink it, don't touch it."


"Hurry up! Yesterday's words, that's an evil ritual he did" Kasim urged, and glanced at Lucius again, Chen Yi could hear his gnashing of teeth, "I'll come to you tonight .”

When Chen Yi took the wooden bottle, she could hear a slight sound, and the potion inside was bubbling.

(End of this chapter)

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