savior epic

Chapter 98

Chapter 98
The boy looked at old Figg's body that was gradually stiffening.

His tears kept streaming down, whimpering.

Old Fige's body gradually became unreal. When the boy realized it, he hugged him suddenly. However, old Fige became thinner and thinner, and the boy could only hug himself tightly in the end.

Old Figg's body dissipated.

With all the past, he rests in front of candlelight.

The boy picked up old Figg's clothes, imitated his appearance, folded his hands together, the boy choked up, and pressed his forehead to the candlestick.

".Lord, Lord."

The candle was burning, dripping crystal tears.

"...Lord, Lord." imitating old Figg's tone, the boy begged with tears.

On his forehead, he felt the warmth of the candlelight.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he smelled fragrant honey.

Immediately afterwards, the boy was trembling all over, and he felt the warmth behind him.

There seemed to be an invisible, intangible, but real light there.

He stands there.

He still remembered that when he stepped into hell, he felt that there was nothing worth saving in this hell.

What is worth saving?

God seemed to hear His own answer.

Those faiths have suffered,

Those who have not yet lost hope.

"You, who are you?" The boy choked up, trying to hold back his tears, "Are you the Lord?"

"Perhaps," he said.

"Where are you?" the boy asked tremblingly.

"I am nowhere and I am everywhere," He replied.

"Do you really exist?" the boy asked again, afraid that what he saw was a hallucination.


God remembers that someone asked a similar question.

"I am I am," He said.

The boy didn't understand, but nodded anyway, making it look like he understood.

"where are you from?"

"I come from everywhere."

God said, looking at the boy's tightly hugging clothes.

"I'm here to verify an answer."

"An answer?" The boy was puzzled and surprised, his eye circles were very red, and he stopped crying.

"About Faith and Hope."

Faith and hope.

The boy listened, and took them to heart like old Figg's.

God walked up to the boy.

He gazed at the burning candle.

He was called by old Figg's faith at the time of his death.

"Lord old Figg, he's dead," the boy whimpered.

"Yes," said the god, looking down at the boy, "however, there are things that transcend death."

"Lord, old Figg originally said that after the baptism, he would give me a name." The boy imitated old Figg and knelt down before the candlelight, "Can you baptize me? Can you give me a name?"

"No, not yet," He said.

He has not yet regained his humanity.

Haven't got back the memory of being a human yet.

"But I can make a deal with you."

"A contract?" the boy murmured in confusion.

"An eternal covenant, which began with you and will not end with your death,
Until hope is annihilated, until faith is fragile and cannot withstand hardships. "

God said so, looking at the boy.

He seemed to already know his ending, and he was destined somewhere.

"Faith and hope, you take them with you, and then you save."

The candle was about to go out.

The boy raised his face and summoned up his courage and said, "I promise you, Lord, I make a covenant with you."

"Actually," he stared at the fading candlelight, "hell is not hell, and the world can still be recreated."


The lights were dimly extinguished.

The Lord is gone.

The boy looked into the darkness of the school.

He stood up, picked up the candlestick, and put it away carefully.

The boy opened the cabinet and found a book with an old and dirty cover. When he opened a few pages, he was illiterate, couldn't understand the words, and didn't know that it was old Figg's diary. Very early on, I wrote it when I was still blind.

"I will be able to read and understand these things in the future." The boy secretly made up his mind, "Lord, when I save this place, you have to give me a name."

The boy spread the clothes left by old Figg on the bed.

On the pillow, he still couldn't help crying.

Many days passed after old Figg died.

Disabled Roman is crazy, holding his legs during the day, hiding in the house, at night, screaming all night, running around, and when he sees the statue of the hero Mariel, he will kneel there, non-stop Kissing the toes of the statue, he came to this hell alone, and no one cared about him but the boy.

Roman finally disappeared one day.

When the boy pushed open the door of Roman's residence, it was empty.

He asked about half of the slave dens, but no one knew where he had gone.

Everyone quickly forgot about him.

The boy was still doing the job of stealing bread. Without stealing bread, they would not be able to live, but the boy learned to be smart. He no longer gave out the bread selflessly, but exchanged some useful items from the slaves.

Since old Figg's death, the place the boy went to the most was Rebecca's clinic. Because she was literate, the boy went to Rebecca after selling those items, and begged her for money to teach him how to read.

Rebecca sympathized with the boy, and she said to the boy: "If you want, you can come to my clinic to help from time to time, and it will be used as a fee for literacy."

The boy happily agreed.

And every night, the boy tried to take over the task of telling the scriptures of old Fig, and he began to retell the scriptures and stories that old Fig had told in the past.

A child's memory is always limited, though, and the boy couldn't remember that much, and of course, inadvertently fell into old Figg's way of making up scriptures.

Fortunately, none of the slaves who stayed here to die was literate, and they didn't care so much. They just listened to what they had, and they still listened with gusto.

One night, a slave mentioned it.

"Master Halimu, it seems that someone was beaten to death."

"It's not surprising at all," said a slave.

It is true that slaves were beaten to death by their masters. As long as they are not high-class slaves, according to the law, they only need to pay a sum of money to the relatives of slaves.

"It's not just that, his wife and daughter starved to death before that, and Master Halimu didn't even need to pay for it, just killed a slave for nothing."

Hearing this, the boy's nerves trembled.

Although he didn't know the name, he seemed to know who it was.

The slaves present sighed a few words, and did not discuss this topic in depth. For these people waiting to die, even if the people around them died, it could be regarded as a numb habit, which would not cause much trouble. Turn a blind eye, and turn a blind eye to yourself. .

Only the boy clenched his fist and beat his heart hard.

Let it pump, not so calm.

The boy squeezed his eyes, struggling to well up tears.

He doesn't want to make this a habit.

The boy must always remember this feeling, this sadness, as if he remembered his mother's words that he must always be kind, as if every night, he had to repeat to himself all the words that old Fige said.

The boy finally burst into tears, and they burst into tears all at once.

From the ground full of mud and sand, the boy grabbed a palm-sized stone and threw it viciously towards the statue that oppressed everyone.

The stone hit the head of the Mariel statue, grinding a mark.

 Should be able to add a chapter tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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