Scroll of Witchcraft

Chapter 39 Extinction

Chapter 39 Extinction
"It's not right."

Levi holds a telescope and observes Azco Island not far away.

At this time, the Black Pearl was under the protection of hidden witchcraft, mooring quietly on the sea, and the Black Pearl had been in this state for a whole week.

"Is this fishing ground abandoned?"

Looking at the deserted beach in the distance, Black couldn't help asking.

Unexpected changes must have occurred on Azco Island, otherwise the indigenous tribe would never have given up on this extremely important fishing ground for them.

Before that, the Black Pearl had circled around Azco Island, and found no signs of living people.

Blake volunteered: "Why don't I go to the island to see it myself!"

Li Wei did not agree, and he must not be sloppy at this time.

"Don't worry, my Earthquake Detection technique is slow to take effect on the sea, but there should be a result in a week."

"Could it be that Azco Island has already been boarded by other wizards?"

This thought came to Levi's mind.

At three poles in the sun, a familiar spiritual force returned from the direction of Azco Island, and Li Wei, who was standing on the observation deck, finally got the feedback of the reconnaissance technique.

Inside the captain's cabin, an emergency meeting was held.

"There is no sign of living people on Azco Island!"

Li Wei announced a shocking news, and everyone below was taken aback.

After the last meeting, they were still privately guessing what method Li Wei would use to conquer the [-] indigenous tribes. They didn't expect their imaginary enemy to play GG in advance before Li Wei could make a move.

"Maybe that's really my problem."

The chip has given some guesses. If the possibility of interference by other wizards is ruled out, Levi himself is very likely to be the culprit of this mass extinction.

After Li Wei discovered Azco Island, he stayed on the island for a while to conduct a simple investigation.

It is inevitable to come into contact with the aborigines on the island during the investigation, and Li Wei, who is equipped with transformation techniques and chip translation, easily integrated into the aborigines.

It may be during this process that some of the viruses carried by Levi were transmitted to the natives on Azco Island.

Wizards themselves are walking biochemical reactors, and their physical fitness is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people. A virus that is harmless to wizards is a deadly poison to these natives.

"It's a pity that one hundred thousand experimental materials are gone like this."

"It's really a pity."

Black and Kevin didn't have such a strong reaction, but secretly rejoiced in their hearts.

The indigenous tribes simply disappeared, which saved them a lot of trouble.

Now they are all thinking about how to increase the production of magic rice. The existence of indigenous tribes will only delay the two of them from farming.

"It cannot be ruled out that it is the handwriting of other wizards. The specific situation needs to be reconnaissance."

After the meeting, the Black Pearl began to slowly approach Azco Island. This time, Levi planned to change to a reconnaissance witchcraft with a relatively short distance and a greater amount of information.


Levi released a zero-level witchcraft targeting the sea-exploring bird in the sky.

The caster can intercept the perspective of the cast target through the shadow technique, which is why many wizards like to raise familiars.

Li Wei once tried to make magic in his spare time, and the homing pigeons in the manor were his training targets.

After a simple attempt, Li Wei gave up the idea of ​​cultivating familiars.

There is a lack of wizard inheritance in the Eastern Continent, and the lack of the most core familiar contract for cultivating familiars can only be made up by cultivating familiar feelings from an early age. The whole process is time-consuming and laborious, and the income is not stable.

"It's like a pair of invisible big hands, pulling away all the information related to the soul, and preventing anyone from touching it."

The chip has always been Li Wei's biggest trump card since he traveled. He has always wanted to understand the principle of the chip's attachment to the soul, and began to collect data for this.

The ancient wizards had the discipline of soulology, but this discipline seems to have died out in modern times, and there is very little information about souls.

If Maisel hadn't taken out the crystal ball that could cleanse memories, he would have thought that spirituality did not exist.

Going back to the sea-exploring bird who was given the shadow technique by Li Wei, all possible flight trajectories of this sea-exploring bird have been calculated by the chip.

Seabirds like to build their nests on the cliffs, and the cliff closest to the fishing ground also spans half of Azco Island. If this seabird wants to go home, it is inevitable to show Levi a look at the island on the scenery.

The village was completely deserted, the fields were covered with weeds, and the scenery on the entire Azco Island was compared with the appearance in memory.

"According to the climate of Azco Island, combined with the analysis of the rise of the fur grass and the degree of decay of the wooden houses, calculate the time when the village will be abandoned."


Soon the chip gave a reply.

Four years!

It happened to coincide with the time when Li Wei left the island.

In Levi's mind, the chip began to replay all his actions on Azco Island to him at 16x speed.


"Back up a bit."

This is a celebration held to celebrate the safe return of men who have returned from fishing at sea.

Li Wei, who was among the ordinary villagers, took a grilled fish from a beautiful woman with an unusually hot figure. Because the seasoning on the grilled fish was so pungent, Li Wei couldn't help but sneezed.

"I need to find a skeleton to prove my guess."

Li Wei is now basically sure that there are no traces of other wizard apprentices on the island, and formal wizards will not come to such a barren place with nothing to do.

After disabling the photography technique, Li Wei ordered: "Get ready to land!"

Around evening, Li Wei and his party went deep into the deepest palace on Azco Island. However, due to the tragic technology of the natives, the so-called palace can only be called a spacious earthen house.

"Colorful stickleback? This is why the indigenous tribes were destroyed!"

Among the islands, they found a large number of human and fish bones.

The color stickleback is a carnivorous fish with extremely delicious meat, but it contains chronic toxins in the body, and it can also make the eater addicted and produce hallucinations. It needs to be cooked with a variety of medicinal materials to avoid this hidden danger.

The aborigines living on Azco Island obviously did not know this knowledge, and it is reasonable to go to extinction in the end.

Thinking of this step, Li Wei fell into silence. It was obvious that the surroundings of Azco Island did not have the living conditions for the colorful stickleback.

Before he left four years ago, he deployed some witchcraft to hide the location of Azco Island, slightly changed the location of the reef, and moved a group of colorful stickleback fish to attract fish that like to attack passing ships. to Azco Island.

It was precisely because of this move that the aborigines on Azco Island were wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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