Chapter 67
The frenzy for brown rock pearl oysters may last for quite a while. Next, it depends on how these families along the coast carve up the brown rock oyster farms and then establish resource points. The end of fertile soil relocation may be inevitable.

After leaving the city of Turin, Li Wei continued to walk inland. Next, he was going to the city of Urielle. The Bathory family who ruled the city of Urielle had maintained a cooperative relationship with him for ten years.

The Bathory family is a family of blood wizards with a second-level bloodline of the Raven, but the bloodline of the Bathory family has come to an end, and the negative effects of the bloodline have been fully exposed. Currently, there is only one official wizard struggling to support it.

Li Wei transformed into a handsome man, and strode towards the castle of the Bathory family. This is the vest he used when contacting the Bathory family: Joseph.

"Master Joseph, please come inside!"

A graceful third-class apprentice appeared to entertain Li Wei. Jasmine, who had dealt with Li Wei for ten years, was very aware of the value of this first-class pharmacist in front of her.

The Bathory family's business has improved in recent years, and a large part of it is due to the first-class medicine that Li Wei sold them.

"Master Barbara went to Crescent Castle Academy to negotiate with the patriarchs of the major families on the distribution of brown rock shellfish. She is not currently in the family."

Li Wei asked about the whereabouts of the official wizard of the Bathory family, and Jasmine answered truthfully.

"We're still negotiating! Other pirates are almost digging up the brown rock pearl oysters in the brown rock shell field. After the negotiation is over, we will leave you with an empty shell." Li Wei cursed inwardly.

However, after all, this involves the distribution of the interests of all the family forces along the entire coast of the Confused Sea, and he can't get involved at all. There must be a second-level wizard behind the pirates digging the brown rock shellfish.

"Brown Rock Heart, I wonder if the Bathory family has the ability to get one for me."

Without Barbara, Li Wei could only discuss with Jasmine in front of him.

"I really can't be the master of this, I can only wait for the master to come back to decide."

The heart of the brown rock is the life-prolonging potion that makes the entire Confused Sea boil, and Jasmine is very aware of the attraction of such a potion to a pharmacist.

If the negotiations go well, the Bathory family will indeed be able to obtain a certain share of the Brown Rock Heart potion.

Levi nodded: "I hope you can relay my words to Ms. Barbara."

Judging from Jasmine's performance, it seems that there is really something going on.

According to Aurora City, the best medicinal effect of taking a potion of Brown Rock Heart should be five years, and if you take it again, you will have to discount it in half. After taking three or five potions, you will develop drug resistance.

Barbara is still very young, and her longevity is not in danger. If she can come up with enough bargaining chips to make the other party's heart beat, she will definitely be willing to trade with herself.


In the confused sea, pirates are still salvaging brown rock pearl oysters in full swing.

In addition to the original Gale King, the ships of the Fire King and the Rage King also joined the ranks of the search.

The five kings of the Confused Sea were turned into the Six Kings after the Keller family escaped into the Confused Sea. However, not long ago, the Iron Mountain King's forces were wiped out by the fleet of the Molten Fire Fort, and they turned back into the Five Kings.

After returning to Fertile Land, Li Wei began preparations for moving.

Although he has decided to leave, Li Wei doesn't want these pirates to evacuate the brown rock shellfish so easily.

"I'll add some food to you first."

Li Wei pulled out a row of pink potions from the space ring, which was the result of his research on various potions refined by Wuweishi.

Level [-] potion, passion potion!

As the medicine passed through the drainage pipes of the fertile soil and flowed into the sea water, the pirates who came and went in the sea water did not know what kind of situation they would face next.

A quarter of an hour passed, and the three captains sitting in the captain's room received reports from their subordinates.

The marine life under the sea surface of the brown rock shellfish has exploded!And the number is still rising, and many of these fierce creatures have begun to actively attack the apprentice wizards working underwater.

"what's the situation?"

It was rare for the three official wizards to stand together in peace.

"It looks like someone didn't want us to ship the brown rock perl."

"There are too many! Other dangerous creatures in the depths of the confused sea may also be attracted here!"

They are not afraid of a third-class apprentice-level sea beast at all, even under the pressure of the Confused Sea, they can still handle it with ease.

But the situation is different now. There are countless wizard apprentice-level creatures hidden in the turbulent fish school, and they also need to guard against people who are obstructing them secretly.

"Stop work!"

The Gale King, who was the first to do it, had almost completed the task, and he began to direct his men to retreat.

The sea beasts under the surface of the sea are constantly attacking the defensive witch array of the demonized ship, and sooner or later it will be unable to withstand it if it continues like this.

In history, there is no shortage of sea beast riots and the sinking of ships.

The Raging Fire King and the Raging Wave King frowned slightly. Their men had suffered casualties at this time, and now they had no choice but to retreat.

Judging from the current situation, it is the wisest choice to wait until the sea beasts gathered for unknown reasons recede before continuing to search for the brown rock shellfish.


The two worked together to disperse the sea beasts, and opened up a safe passage, allowing the apprentice wizard under the sea to float up.

Watching the three fleets retreat in different directions, Li Wei dived underwater and followed behind the fleet of the Gale Pirates.

Li Wei was not ready to attack until the three pirate groups were separated by a certain distance.

Li Wei, who was taking the shielding potion, was hiding among the fish, holding a magic bamboo slip in his palm. This was the first time he took out the magic bamboo slip to fight against the enemy.

"Blast technique!"

A cyan bamboo slip engraved with complicated runes was thrown by Li Wei, and directly hit the weak position of the Gale Pirates' flagship protective witch array.

Accompanied by a muffled sound, the keel of the demonized ship let out a mournful cry.

"who is it!"

The strong wind swept across, blowing away the schools of fish below the surface of the sea.

The Gale King wears Powu, and his mental power perception is maximized, but he still can't find out who is sneaking up on his car.

It is very unfavorable for him to keep the enemy in the dark.

Seeing his flagship sinking slowly, and the apprentice wizards under him were urgently transferring the supplies on board, the Gale King's heart was bleeding.

The Gale King asked the boatman: "What broke through the protective witch array?"

"It should be a one-time magic item."

Just finished checking the ship's damage, the boatman who got out of the water replied.

The Gale King frowned. This fighting style doesn't need to consume too much mental power. It is most suitable in this chaotic sea where it is difficult to dispatch energy particles. The opponent is obviously coming prepared.

The Gale Pirates also have similar means, but they are useless at all.

Just as the Gale King was still thinking about how to deal with the enemy, the ships of the Gale Pirates began to be blasted one after another.

The chaotic sea that once sheltered these pirates has now become their talisman!

(End of this chapter)

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