Game of Thrones: Holy Sword of Light

Chapter 38 I will pay for all the expenses tonight, Mr. Jon

Chapter 38 I will pay for all the expenses tonight, Mr. Jon

In the evening, Jon invited all the nobles to drink ale and eat gala in the tavern in Winterfell.

The cost of malt wine is high, and the rye and oats in the northern region are only enough for most people's rations. In the cold winter, they even need to eat weirwood seed mush.

This kind of alcohol has a low alcohol content, which is more conducive to talking about things. Unlike vodka made from potatoes, which can be poured in a few glasses, Gala is of course a specialty of Guangming Island, a variety of refreshing mussels.

Every aristocrat has a wine maid sitting next to them, they are chatting and laughing happily, holding a glass of wine, chatting about everything from giants to aliens, and to the legend that wild people will secretly have children with aliens...

"Everyone, I, Jon Wright, will pay for all the expenses tonight!"

Jon raised his glass and said loudly.

"Thank you Lord Jon!"

The nobles in the northern region are counted as one, even the ambitious Roose Bolton is an old alcoholic, his face is red from drinking.

"However, this drink is not for nothing, everyone..."

"We on Guangming Island want to go to your fiefs to open a tavern, specializing in all kinds of drinks produced on Guangming Island. I hope all the adults will make it easier for me."

"We are happy to help!"

"Come on, I want to finish the wine in your tavern!"

"Just you, you poured a glass of malt wine!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The arena was full of cheerful atmosphere, and Jon noticed that Theon had a gloomy face and strange eyes while hugging the bartender, Jon couldn't help but think of the Iron Islands...

He turned his eyes. Theon is a good hostage. I don't know if I can kidnap him. I have no interest in the Iron Islands, but the thousands of warships and mature sailors on the island are what Guangming Island is in short supply now. If you want to sell the products of Guangming Island to the entire Seven Kingdoms, sell them to the other side of the Narrow Sea, and bring back Daenerys, you need a fleet...

Slave smuggling in the north was rampant, and the main catch was the wildlings beyond the Great Wall, Sir Jorah Belmont, who was expelled to the other side of the narrow sea because of smuggling slaves in the north...

"Theon, Theon, you are a little prince of the Iron Islands after all, but you became a reek in your previous life..."

"This time, I, Jon Wright, rescued you from the fire and water. It's not too much to ask your father how many boats he wants!?"

Jon whispered to himself.

Early the next morning.

Jon, who had fought all night, walked out slowly leaning on the wall, rubbed his old waist, and said speechlessly, "Hmph, the Three-Eyed Crow wants to corrupt me like this!?"

Looking back at his limbs, they all stared affectionately at their children of the forest, Mena, and Jon snorted coldly: "Fortunately, I followed my plan and penetrated into the enemy's interior. This wave is not a loss!"

"Unexpectedly, I am an undercover agent!"

"Come on, let the evil spirits in the society blow in, and I, Jon Wright, will definitely make you come and go!"

Jon put his hands on his hips, at this moment, he just wanted to sing a poem.

Suddenly his eyes narrowed.

As a Druid who has received the inheritance of the Three-Eyed Raven Brynden, Jon can not only predict what has happened or is about to happen like Jiu Jian, but also has the ability to manipulate creatures. One of his thoughts instantly captured a certain information ...

The picture rippled like water waves, and then became clear.


King's Landing.

Jon Arryn was sweating on his forehead. He was terrified after looking at the information in his hand. He was just trying to figure out a way to make the Iron Throne recover as much tax as possible.

Now it seems that the Lannister family has been planning for a long time.

The Iron Throne now owes the Iron Bank money, even the interest. The main reason is that most of the tax collectors in King's Landing belong to the Lannister family.

And there is no doubt that most of these collected business taxes fell into the Lannister family.

Because Lannister also lent hundreds of thousands of golden dragons to the Iron Throne after all.

If the Iron Throne wants to achieve financial and tax independence, it must attack the Lannister family with vested interests. The conflict between the deer family and the lion family can no longer be reconciled!

During this period of time, Jon Arryn was looking through the information and found a shocking thing...

King Robert's children, most likely not his own.

He looked through the genealogy of the Robert family and found that all the children of the Deer family had black hair and blue eyes, but the children of Robert and Cersei were all blond...

In order to contain the Lannister family, he specially promoted Baelish, who was born in a small nobleman, as the Minister of Finance, in charge of the customs in Seagull Town, and collected taxes from the king.

He also made some compromises with the nobles of the Riverbend in exchange for the Iron Throne’s financial excesses for more than ten years. Now he is exhausted physically and mentally. The Nestors are in control, which for Robert...

Suddenly, he felt extremely cramped in his abdomen, and then his eyes widened, and blood spurted out of his mouth.


Jon Arryn fell down slowly clutching his body, reached out and knocked over the bottle on the table, he suddenly thought of the wine he drank at noon today...

The poison in Jon Arryn came on very quickly, bleeding from his orifices before he died, holding Robert's hand firmly: "Caste... tenacity..."

He pointed at Cersei and Joffrey with his fingers, a trace of black blood spilled from his mouth, and he fell down suddenly.

And Cersei just stared at him coldly, her beautiful face expressionless.

Hand of the King, Hand of the Seven Kingdoms, Jon Arryn is dead.


Compared with the picture of King's Landing, it is poor.

The Bright Consolation Group on the King's Road was full of joy and happiness. Along the way, soldiers from the Wolf Warriors and the Light Group surrounded Jon and gave candy to the children in castles and villages.

The soldiers fully implemented the bright spirit of coming from the north and going to the north. They were approachable and mingled with the children.

Candy, anytime, is a great way to break into the kiddie crowd.

Along the way, in addition to performing various performances and giving out candy, the Bright Pastors also gave free medical treatment to the villagers.

After these few tricks, Guangming Island's reputation became even more prominent.

"Bran, hurry up!"

Jon turned to Bran and said.

Hearing his urging, Bran, who was playing with the children, trotted along and followed. There are many villages around the King's Road. The villagers grow potatoes, rye, and oats. Potatoes are important raw materials for vodka. Lay the foundation.

When he went to King's Landing this time, Jon took Bran with him.

What happened to Hodor made Jon deeply puzzled. He had obviously changed the fate of Brynden the Three-Eyed Raven, but Hodor still...

Bran was able to manipulate the direwolf and Hodor without becoming the Three-Eyed Raven in the time-space familiarity of his previous life.

After he is possessed by the Three-Eyed Raven, his ability will only become stronger. Jon deeply doubts that many things in his previous life may have something to do with the Three-Eyed Raven, the old Biden manipulated by Bran...

Seeing Bran riding a horse and being led by Hodor, Jon suddenly asked Mena, "Mena, how did the Three-Eyed Crow enlighten your siblings!?"

Mena was dumbfounded.

But Jon changed into a smiling face again, turned his head and said to himself: "The King's Road is such a good road, it seems that it is good to build a tavern, the Bright Tavern!? It can not only inquire about information, but also sell various products of Bright Island. ..."

"What happened to Guangming Island!?"

Jon asked.

This time he asked Jiu Jian.

Jiu Jian also has the vision of green, he can manipulate a few ravens and see very far.

Jiujian was stunned when he heard the words, but Jon has received the inheritance of the Green Prophet. Not only can he use the green vision, but he can also perceive a lot through the weirwood. There are many Jon's visions on Guangming Island. The talking golden-eyed raven talks to others...

So, this is not a white question! ?

"You can see it, Lord Jon!" Jiu Jian said.

He frowned and looked at the light group that was moving slowly, and said: "With all due respect, my lord, the power of the White Walkers outside the Great Wall is growing, you shouldn't waste your time on such things..."

Jiujian refers to the fact that Jon swaggered around the northern border, delivered medicine, condolences to the Night Watchman Legion, and paved the way for the Bright Caravan.

"You do not understand……"

Jon shook his head slightly.

"Dead people don't set fire to your backyard..."

"But the living can!"

"Dead men have no machinations... Of course, the Night King is not dead."

"Although the White Walkers are terrifying, the Great Wall blocks them. Although living people may not be able to beat the White Walkers, they have a way of killing their own people."

The corner of Jon's mouth curled up, Jon Arryn was dead, the power of the Seven Kingdoms was about to lose balance, and the Lannister family, which controlled King's Landing and the financial and taxation power of the Seven Kingdoms, was bound to step onto the stage of power.

As for Guangming Island, this period of time is the best time for development. Take the opportunity to spread the light caravan and the spirit of light, and lay a solid foundation for the masses to control the Seven Kingdoms in the future.


Jiujian still wanted to talk, but Jon interrupted him, stretched out his hand and said, "Wait, why does that kid look so familiar!?"

He pointed to one of the sneaky little boys who was following the Light Consolation team, then, isn't that Arya! ?

Jon couldn't laugh or cry, why did this little girl sneak out again!
At the same time, a raven hovered in the air and landed on Jon's shoulder. It whispered something, and the coldness in Jon's eyes became more and more serious. He gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Look at the light." Attacked by aliens..."



Time back to half a day ago.

Since it was captured by Jon, Difficult Village has been used as Guangming Island's logistics material transfer base outside the Great Wall. After several large-scale renovations, it has initially become a semi-permanent fortress.

The continuous assistance of ships from the Iron Bank gave Guangming Island a strong ability to transfer personnel and materials. Almost someone came, and after screening, they could be transported to Guangming Island by ship.

And Tormund the Giant Killer, as the strongest fighter of the "red-haired tribe" among the free folk, is extremely prestigious among the wildlings, so he became the commander of Bright Hope.

Anytime, anywhere, there are free people who come passively or actively, and are taken away by ships...

Tormund is very strong. He has received the initial training of the Light Corps during this period, and he has lived and died with Jon. Naturally, he is very concerned about the transfer of free people. It is a pity that the wild people have been free outside the Great Wall for thousands of years. They are used to laxity, and it is definitely not something they can order.

He was holding an ax and calling a group of wildlings to speed up, when suddenly the watchtower on the cliff blew the horn.




One is a companion, two is a savage, and three is a strange ghost.


Tormund opened his eyes and quickly shouted at everyone. At the same time, Guangmingwang's defense system started to act. The "moat" that had been piling up with whale oil and seal oil was instantly lit with a torch, and a road suddenly appeared in front of Guangmingwang. In the river of flames hundreds of meters long, there is only a gap at the middle gate.

And there was a rumbling sound in the whole world, the originally clear sky was instantly covered with dark clouds, and then a boundless blizzard enveloped the world, this blizzard was extremely violent, almost in an instant...

An endless white blizzard swept in, and the savages caught in it uttered screams, their limbs and flesh flying around.

In the white blizzard, clusters of red blood mist exploded, and the savages who hadn't been involved in it cried and ran away, but the fence of Guangmingwang was blocked by the Huoyou River, and those who could pass through the narrow passage in the middle very limited...

Tormund calmly beckoned to his warriors to shoot dragonglass arrows, and shouted loudly for them to ignite all the whale oil and seal oil...


On the King's Road, Jon gritted his teeth after seeing this scene.

Bright Hope did not fall this time, but at least 5000 wildlings were killed by the ghouls and became new ghouls.

The Night King put a blizzard around Brightwatch, which prevented the remaining wildlings from escaping through Brightwatch...

Fortunately, I reached an agreement with Mormont, the commander-in-chief of the night watchman, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable, and there are still 10,000+ people outside the Great Wall who will all become ghouls.

"Lack of people, lack of people..."

Gritting his teeth, Jon rolled his eyes. Now there are only a few people in his hands who can be alone. Mance Ray can use it, Tormund is not a general, he can only be a commander, and Maester Qyburn has too many things to worry about.

After Guangming Island's recruitment order was issued, no good talents have been obtained yet.

"Hurry up, let's go directly to King's Landing."

Gritting his teeth, Jon decided to go directly to White Harbor and take a boat to King's Landing to meet King Robert. He has prepared [-] golden dragons, and he must fish out some talents in King's Landing.

The golden dragon came from the father of the gold master, my King Robert...


King's Landing.

In the Red Keep, Robert was furious at the monk who prayed to the corpse of Jon Arryn, and at the same time scolded the maester bloody.

"Trash, a bunch of idiots!"

Robert roared at them.

And Cersei just stood aside calmly.

Varys and Littlefinger looked at each other. One of them was the Minister of Intelligence and the other was the Minister of Finance. On weekdays, they were often cared for by Jon Arryn.

Regarding the death of Jon Arryn, both of them had some thoughts in their hearts.

Littlefinger Baelish's eyes were slightly worried, because Jon Arryn stood behind him, the Minister of Finance, and Jon Arryn also used him to manage the port customs of Seagull Town, collect taxes, and use him to counter Lannister tax collector.

Now that Jon Arryn has fallen, as for the reason for the fall... Littlefinger knows it well, because he was the one who found the genealogy of the Robert family for Jon Arryn. What he is worried about is that King Robert Doesn't seem to suspect Cersei Lannister at all...

This kind of clumsy method of poisoning is obviously done by Cersei!
If Robert and Lannister don't turn their heads, the chaos that Littlefinger wants can't come, he just thinks that Robert is a fat stupid stag...

Glancing at Varys, the two raised their mouths and smiled faintly at the same time...

Chaos is the ladder.

And chaos is also an opportunity. Power is like a floating wall of shadows. With the ladder of chaos, a dwarf can also be projected into a giant.

Only the best hunters can have the last laugh...

"What advice do you have for the new Hand of the King!?" Robert stared at a group of ministers. Cersei was about to speak, but Grand Maester Pycelle stood up.

"My Majesty..."

"Lord Jon Arryn had a last word in his life, and he recommended Duke Eddard Stark, the Guardian of the North."

Grand Maester Pycelle was trembling when he spoke. He dozed off and pretended to be dead most of the time in the imperial meeting. I don't know why he suddenly said these words...

Littlefinger Baelish and Minister of Intelligence Varys' smiles deepened at his words.

Chaos is the ladder...

Power is like a shadow...

And the treacherous conspiracy, like a shadow...

(End of this chapter)

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