Game of Thrones: Holy Sword of Light

Chapter 5 Jon's White Wolf

Chapter 5 Jon's White Wolf

A huge direwolf with snow-white fur and the height of a person is walking slowly.

It is huge in stature, it looks as big as a horse, and even its fluffy hair makes it look bigger than a horse. The snow-white wolf fur on its neck is hunting and flying in the cold wind, and its pair of blue eyes have wild brilliance. He stared at Jon intently.


Jon stood up slowly.

The little squirrels and the direwolves are fleeing one after another, and the direwolves are their natural enemies.

"I am not your enemy."

Jon whispered, exuding kindness, he slowly stretched out his hand, and walked towards the direwolf. This direwolf should be the wolf king, and its body is much bigger than the average direwolf. And exudes a unique "kingly breath".

However, it has injuries.

On the hind legs, there were several bite wounds with tooth marks.

It seems that he should have lost the battle for the wolf king and was expelled from the wolf pack.

"Are you hungry?"

Feeling the vague hostility of the direwolf, Jon smiled. He couldn't help but think of the six wolf cubs in the original book, and thought that it couldn't be such a coincidence that he actually met him?
While he was getting close to the direwolf.

The direwolf was also slowly approaching him.

Finally, the direwolf's forehead hair was touched by Jon's warm hand, and the prickly hair on its neck instantly fell off, turning into a docile dog, its tail also wagging, its eyes no longer sharp, and its eyes lowered. whined loudly at Jon.

"You're hurt and hungry..."

Jon moved the pure white direwolf, feeling that it had the willingness to recognize itself as the master, and said in his heart that in Westeros, the druids are really good at nature, they are born to make animals and plants close.

"Go, hunting is your instinct, under the light, darkness coexists."

"Everything has a life, these little animals helped me, you can't catch a pregnancy, a hatchling..."

The direwolf and the direwolf have extremely strong reproductive ability and reproduce very quickly, and Jon did not forget the help of these small animals. He stopped the direwolf and let the small animals run away to a safe distance and became pregnant. , larvae, are all protected by him...

A few minutes later, the sheltered animals ran to a safe distance, and Jon patted the direwolf to understand its hunting needs. Jon stood up, and was unable to hunt the hungry white wolf long ago because of injuries. In an instant, he rushed behind Jon...

Soon, the white wolf came back after eating and drinking, shaking his head and tail at Jon.

The old individuals among the icefield rabbits and icefield rats donate their own flesh and blood. A pair of male and female can reproduce tens of thousands of them a year, and they can even break [-] if there is enough food. , larvae, it didn't touch...

And Jon stood where he was, praying for the little animal that had just died.

"Thank you for your dedication. Your skin and flesh have nourished new life and obtained an alternative continuation. The light has been manifested in you. You will enjoy the glory of light forever. The gods will bless you forever."

Jon didn't know where he was talking so much.

But it is a law of nature that small animals donate their fur and flesh to stronger carnivorous animals, and he cannot interfere.

Life will continue in another form. Small animals eat plants, wolves eat small animals, and the excrement of wolves will nourish plants, and the cycle will last forever.

Direwolves are very important to the ecological regulation of the northern border, which is also the law of the natural creator...

Jon held out his hand, feeling as though his natural powers could be used to heal.

He stroked the white wolf's wound lightly, and found to his dismay that he didn't have enough mana.

However, he was able to find herbs.

The druid's knowledge seemed to be instilled into his mind all of a sudden. There are some herbs here that can be used to stop bleeding. He found them after wandering around in the ruins. After chewing them up, he smeared the juice on the white wolf. on the wound...

Waiting for him to return to camp again.

Booker and Shita have led the people to build a campsite, and Jon is also carrying a few hares in his hand. This kind of ice field rabbit is very abundant in the northern border, and their reproductive ability is extremely strong. If they are not controlled, they will affect the ecology. good food.

"Go and peel these hares, and eat roasted rabbits tonight."

Throwing the hare to Booker, everyone found the dog-like white wolf beside him, and they all came to look at it strangely. The white wolf was the king of the direwolves before, but he was expelled because of defeat. Make threatening noises.

I, the White Wolf King, am the kind of dog that can be petted casually!
However, after being slapped on the head by Jon, it obeyed.

With its tail drooping and a whimper, the white wolf obediently crawled beside Jon, letting everyone caress him.

"My lord, this is a direwolf!"

Shita has a lot of knowledge. After all, he once fought with the army of the Northern Territory. After touching the white wolf, he asked, "You conquered it!?"

"It's my partner."

Jon smiled lightly.

"From now on, it will be called Xiaobai."


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. As citizens of the northern border, they knew exactly what this direwolf was.

"My lord, what shall we do next?"

Shita asked again.

Jon also frowned. He felt very intuitively that the force of nature on his body became stronger the closer he was to the Great Wall. This was undoubtedly related to ancient trees such as weirwood and sentinel tree, especially those in the Nightfort. A weirwood, or heart tree.

If you want to build your own castle in the new land, it is necessary to enrich yourself first and turn yourself into a powerful "mage", because the power of nature is not affected by Jedi Tiantong, he is better than any fire mage, or wizard What mana must be strong.

"With our little manpower, whether it is farming or building fortresses, it will take some time. I need to recruit some manpower."

"But before that, let's go to the Long Nightfort to live for a while."

said Jon.

"The Nightfort?"

Shita asked, he is a citizen, so there is no need to ask more questions. After learning where he was going, he also went to help roast hares. Jon would bring back some meat every day. The northern border is bitterly cold, so meat and wine are necessary. Wine is for commoners. It is more expensive, but meat, Jon can make them eat enough.

Life is endless, reincarnation is endless.

Who knows that now they eat the meat of hares and rats, and after they die, whether the crops and plants nourished by their ashes will support those hares and rats?
Everyone slept relatively peacefully that night.

But in the middle of the night, Jon felt that the night owl who helped him keep watch at night, that is, the owl, called several times, and a group of malicious humans were peeping from a distance, but he didn't know if it was the wildlings or the mountain clan.

The Night's Watch is scarce and unlikely.

It seemed that a fierce battle was inevitable. Maybe it was because they saw that their group was heavily defended, so they didn't attack. The northern border was short of medicine and medicine. If they were injured in the battle, they would almost die.

The level of medical care in this continent is too poor...

Early the next morning, when it was dawn, Jon told everyone to pack up and rush to the Long Nightfort immediately.

Although the Long Night Fort is dilapidated, the headquarters of the Night Watchman, which existed when Brandon the builder, is very spacious and can accommodate 3000 people. There are houses, fireplaces, and stone walls to avoid the cold wind and arrows. It is better than being in this barren place. The land is well spied by savages.

The Nightfort is not far from here, and it can be reached in half a day by driving a carriage.

After everyone tidied up, the white wolf also followed on the road. At this time, Jon found that Xiaobai's leg injury was basically healed, and the bleeding leg that hadn't been scarred yesterday had grown thick hair at this moment. Rubbing his head against Jon's shoulders and cheeks, he squatted forward, wagging his tail and wiggling his hips slightly.

"What are you doing?"

Jon froze.


The white wolf turned his head and winked to express his meaning, Jon opened his mouth instantly, no, no, Xiaobai, you mean that I can ride you! ?

This is not good, I don't ride everything!

Am I the kind of person who is greedy for your body?
I, Jon, even if I walk or run, I can't ride a wolf...

(End of this chapter)

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