Medieval Reiki Revival

Chapter 13 Deaths in the Lower City

Chapter 13 Deaths in the Lower City
These days, Ivan has been using [Corrosion Concoction] to treat illnesses.

It's a drug test.

This medicine not only heals injuries, but also removes toxins from the body.

I haven't seen any side effects so far, it's really a miracle drug.

Of course, the other drug worked just as well.

This tiny amount of liquid was infected by the nature of the powder, and turned into another magical potion with viscous properties.

The physical body is like being conscious.

It will grow up by itself.

If believers see their fearful death disappear like this, I don’t know if they will directly fall into heresy.

Or arouse fear and tie him up and burn him to death.

Although Franchite is inclined to Protestantism, there are no shortage of places with strong religious atmosphere in the vast territory.

For example, the city of Bavaria, which is located in the inland area, has burned many witches to death in recent years.


Surrounded by the shadow of Ivan leaning down, the small mammals ran around in panic.

The black pupils are illuminated by the candlelight, and the red spots are connected with the yellow sparks, which are finally reflected on the metal blade.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi."

The moment the blade touched the skin, it let out a scream.

Ivan cut off a mouse's hind leg expressionlessly, and with the luminescent metal tweezers, held a piece of cotton stained with the potion, and wiped the mouse's wound.

Cotton is not a common material.

The overall latitude of Europa is higher and the temperature is lower, which is not suitable for the growth of cotton.

The one in Ivan's hand was brought by Sir Dorian from another place.

It has changed, there has been a change!
The rough, long-haired hind limb was growing rapidly, and it didn't take long for it to return to what it was before the injury.

This living claw swayed from side to side, and it was impossible to tell that it had just grown.

Ivan didn't dare to move his eyes, for fear of missing a wonderful moment.

It wasn't until the mouse started scratching the metal tray with its new claws that he withdrew his gaze and brought the water-soluble Rouzhi Ling powder in front of him.

【Red sesame powder: can give new life to the body and heal wounds quickly】

He smiled: "Compared with the corrosive medicinal juice, although this medicinal powder is a bit more expensive, it is also more effective."

Ivan pulled the glove upwards, pondered for a moment, and looked like a professional researcher.

He shook the beaker: "It's not that I don't want to believe that this medicine contains advanced scientific principles, but it still exceeds my imagination."

"I remember it was written in a magazine that humans can extract a substance that can heal wounds quickly from cockroaches, but they still need to rely on the energy of the human body to restore the wounds."

"The Rouzhi powder can be recovered without consuming energy. This effect is really against the sky."

"There has been no human experimentation yet. If it can achieve the same effect as in mice, it will be a miracle medicine."

Ivan was so absorbed in his thoughts that he suddenly heard a "knock knock" knock on the door from outside.

He took off his experimental clothes, arranged all the materials neatly, and left the basement with a bang.

Opening the door, a brown-haired girl holding a plate was in front of her.

Ivan recognized the other party, who was the landlady's daughter, Miss Jasmine.

Compared with the snobbish landlady who likes to swear with her hips on her hips, Miss Molly is a little shy.

Mrs. Hudson was a lean, strong woman.

But Jasmine was the opposite.

Small nose, small face, small neck, small arms.

I don't want the plump women that people of this era prefer, but more like the loli that people of later generations like.

Jasmine was a little unconfident, and always dared not speak directly to people.

However, in those dull eyes, occasionally, a weak emotion like water can appear.


The blunt and cold sentence immediately made the girl shiver.

She paused, and said in a low voice: "Dorian, Master Dorian, these are the biscuits I baked. My mother asked me to bring them to you. She saw that you didn't go out at noon, and she probably felt hungry. gone."

The tray is very hot.

Simply, the bottom of the plate is made of wood, so as not to burn the hands of the person who takes it.

Even so, standing at the door holding a plate is quite strenuous for the little girl.

Seeing that there was no response from the other party, Jasmine gritted her teeth: "Where should I put it for you? Put it on the dining table inside, okay? And my mother roasted a goose today."

Ivan is not rare for this kind of food, he has eaten better and more delicious dim sum in the family manor.

What's more, behind this girl is a middle-aged woman who wants to please the rich, which means trouble.

He doesn't like trouble.

"My mother roasted a .goose today. She .she wants you to come."

After Jasmine stumbled and finished speaking, her cheeks turned red from nervousness.

She is only 17 years old, it is a good time for youth, she has both yearning for men and women, and also worries about being a girl alone.

Because of Mrs. Hudson's strict control, Molly has never had many friends.

Although the arrival this time was at the mother's request, there was no lack of girl Huaichun's thoughts.

Being liked by such a girl is like walking among the last few roses at the end of autumn. Although the fragrance has faded and it doesn’t look so gorgeous, as long as you can bend down, you will find that the stamens are still so pleasing to the eye, and the petals and dew Swinging together, there is an indescribable cool color.

Ivan turned around and saw that there were security officers patrolling the street. He couldn't help but wonder when the security officer of Luzpittburg became so serious.

"How is this going?"

Jasmine turned her head quickly, and after observing back and forth several times, she realized that Ivan was referring to a security officer.

"Master Dorian, I heard that some Lifus in the lower city died."

"Downtown area?"

After thinking about it, Ivan realized that the lower city refers to the people in the city of Mostele.

He frowned. Do the people who died in the slums need security guards?

It's strange that no one will die in that place someday.

To be able to alert the sheriff, something unusual must have happened.


Thinking of the workers who worked for him before, Ivan suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Jasmine, please help me find out what happened. Some of my friends also live in the city of Mosteller, so it's best to inquire about what happened in detail."

"Happy to oblige, Master Dorian, but these biscuits"

"Put it on the table."


The girl took one last look at him, as if inspired, she went to inquire about him seriously.

As mentioned above, wandering poets are quite popular in Luzpittburg.

The poet jumped up and down in the crowd, and when he saw someone paying attention, he began to perform his own works.

The crowd began to gather.

Fortunately, wandering poets can play a kind of military chant.

Under his command, the audience began to switch positions unconsciously.

After asking several people with her clumsy language, Miss Jasmine finally got the answer she wanted. This murder case is different from the previous ones, so many people understand part of the content.

She strode away from the crowd and hurried back to the house.

In her opinion, if she has successfully completed the task of Master Ivan, she may get a compliment or a nod. If she can also add a look of approval, she can shrink into her coat and smile "hehehe" all afternoon. .

"Master Ivan, Ivan"

She felt that she was a little noisy, and her voice became small again.

People in the upper class should pay attention to etiquette.


Jasmine started walking again, and she looked very quiet, as if a cat was pacing gracefully.

Not long after, I saw a carriage parked in front of my house, and the handsome young man was instructing the groom to carry his luggage.

Her heart suddenly turned cold, and she couldn't even move her tongue in a panic.

"Master Ivan"

Ivan's eyes looked at her, and there was nothing in his eyes except asking.

Jasmine didn't know where to look for a while, and she didn't hide any embroidered handkerchief as a souvenir, and the handkerchief in her arms was just an old and worn-out gingham.

He is leaving soon.

But haven't said - goodbye.

A black veil was added to the emerald green eyes, and the eyelids drooped silently.

Ivan nodded, which gave Jasmine some courage, and she pursed her lips: "I got some news. It was in the lower city. A few moving workers——died. It seems that some wild beasts broke in. Here it comes, someone heard the howling of wolves."

"They all say downtown is dangerous. So what if."

"I see."

"Tell your mother that the room is reserved for me."

"After a while, the steward of the Dorian family will send someone to bring the money."

"Goodbye then."

The hooves of the nanny bumped against the ground clumsily, even so, it was still difficult for the girl to catch up.

Jasmine just stayed where she was.
Various traveling merchants came and went repeatedly, but they never left the slightest trace under her emerald pupils.

When she came back to her senses and was about to tidy up the room for him, she found that there was one piece of snack missing on the kitchen table.

The girl finally showed a bright smile.

"very nice."

And Ivan decided to pack everything up and go back to the manor tonight.

What happened in the city of Mostele is unlikely to affect him, and the initial meeting between the city managers and the secretary of the cardinal will end tomorrow.

According to the usual procedure, they will hold a grand party to entertain the king's representative.

To this party, Sir Dorian made himself present.

(End of this chapter)

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