Chapter 29

Under the rough reprimand of the guards, the old man at the gate came and was driven to another place.

The guard naturally knew that this place was owned by the owner, and he also knew that there was no need for him to put on a frightening appearance.

But the donor and the superiors were watching behind them. The red coats were not in the mood to politely ask whose property it was, and then follow the rules to produce a search warrant. They had to show a positive attitude of obeying their superiors.

The first few people opened the door.

As soon as the rusty iron door was opened, a rusty smell of mud came over the face.

Piles of rubbish piled up one after another.

If he squinted his eyes a little, he would have thought that he was in a livestock pen at the moment.

"My God, it really stinks in here."

"It smells worse than the gutter near my house. It's full of dung. Jeromyka, get away from the bucket, it's full of cow urine."

Ivan covered his nose, he finally knew why there was no decent vegetation nearby.

The ammonia smell is too strong.

"Nephew Ivan, are we really looking for a werewolf here? I mean, even a demon from hell is unlikely to stay here."

Sheriff Henry had a bitter expression on his face, and the horse under his crotch snorted several times.

They are indeed brave.

These dark horses will not escape until the master gives the order.

"Mr. Henry, take your precious horse outside first."

Seeing Ivan's firm attitude, Sheriff Henry couldn't refuse, so he had to ask someone to take the horse outside.

The boots stepped on the ground, and each of them grew a few centimeters taller.

The high-grade cowhide has changed colors, and now everyone's boots look the same.

Ivan looked around. This place is not so much a workshop as a warehouse.

Both urine and vegetable fibers are essential materials for tanning fur.

Ivan observed the surroundings carefully, and found that the place was generally bulky and dirty, and it was useless for ordinary people to take it away.

It's no wonder that the old man who is the doorman can work here.

There is a saying that the world needs only three insignificant things: milk squeezed from cows into barrels; green patches of grain growing from the earth; silk threads drawn by skilled women.

Luz Pittburgh is Francit's largest fur producer.

Prussian animal skins are sent here to be processed and then sold back.

Many nobles in the city will open fur factories.

It's just that their manufacturing processes are different, and the quality of the fur produced is often quite different.

Generally speaking, in addition to using animal urine and plant alkali as raw materials, there is another tanning method that can use alkali from hardwood, chestnut wood, oak, and lacquer leaves, and the price will naturally be higher.

Ivan once fought a werewolf, and he smelled a smell from the opponent's hair.

A stench that is hard to get rid of - it's a combination of animal smells and plant alkaloids.

After that, he sent people to investigate the scene of the crime, and only then delineated the scope of the werewolf attack.

"Be careful, maybe the beast is hiding in here, look carefully."

"If you hear a strange sound, report it loudly immediately."

As the team slowly deepened, they all tacitly reduced the frequency of speaking.

The guards concentrated their minds, they had come to a relatively open place.

Before setting off, in the name of Sir Dorian, Ivan told how he hired detectives to track the cunning beast, and also exaggerated the size of the werewolf, in order to let everyone Go all out from the start.

Don't be careless and capsize in the gutter.

Mrs. Rabe, who was tied with a rope, was still insulting Ivan, spitting like she didn't want money.

I really don't know how there are so many nasty obscenities coming out of that small, pod-like voice.

Ivan glanced back at her, and immediately received that vicious gaze that was comparable to a curse
With deep eye sockets and a pointed chin, Mrs. Rabe looked like a dwarf skeleton in human skin.

Of course, this is not a lack of nutrition.

Her wolf son would bring his murderer's purse to his mother to help her improve her life.

Her thinness was chiefly caused by sorrow.

Although Mrs. Rabe still has the confidence to say that "her own children were originally kind".

But she really didn't have the guts to go to the church and let the priest listen to her confession while watching the tyrannical appearance of the werewolf son.

Perhaps before the "Gospel of Matthew" was recited, the angel's sword flew out of heaven.

Mrs. Rabe believed in the Lord.

But she loves her son more.

Ivan turned his face sideways, frowning like a goldsmith's carving knife, and the guard next to him immediately took out a short whip from his waist as if he understood it, and slapped the woman hard. .

"Ah—little Creard."

The woman screamed, the color of her gums was exactly the same as the welt on her shoulder.

Maybe her scream played a role, and Ivan and others could only run when they heard a kind of jungle animal.

It's easy for new hunters to make misjudgments.

One of them might be a fawn jubilantly looking for its mother.

Experienced hunters will realize that a ferocious beast is coming towards this place with a speed that can bend the bark of the sumac tree.

Swish Swish Swish - Tread!

When Ivan turned his head and looked back, the whip guard's neck had been bitten off by the brutal beast.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Sheriff Henry completely forgot the bold words before, and loosened and clenched the hand holding the long sword.

The others were dumbfounded by the brutal sight.

The beast has almost no white eyes, and no thinking will related to kindness and compassion. Its black hair is like a porcupine's spikes, and it will pierce its own skin with a slight movement.

The eyes are even more terrifying, and the chest seems to be torn apart by the eyes.

It. It's looking at me.

Ivan's back was completely soaked, and his scalp was numb.

"It has become so powerful."

"Fortunately, there are many people calling."

"Otherwise, it's really free."

Before things got worse, Ivan finally regained his composure, and he seized command of the guards before the sheriff could speak.

(End of this chapter)

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