Chapter 5
Ivan came to the Hippocrates Humor Museum.

After saying hello to the doctor, he took advantage of the opportunity to ask for a teacher to learn art, but he didn't expect that the old man opposite was up for sale.

"Our place is not an ordinary place. No matter how people outside rumour, our work is really serious about saving lives."

The old doctor Crake held his glasses, his wrinkles were as deep as if they had been carved by a knife.

The nose was very large and had a mole on it.

He shook his head: "Boccaccio's "Ten Days Talk" describes the terrible plague that Florence experienced..."

"I didn't mean to exaggerate. I want you to be intimidated. Medicine is a very serious matter, and it is closely related to the lives of patients. It should not be too frivolous."

Ivan was still smiling, and he nodded slightly, expressing his agreement with the old doctor Crake.

The flies didn't want to disturb them, they were covered with a layer of golden ash under the sun, and hid quietly on the shelf behind.

The place where the old doctor Crake is sitting is the west side of the entire "Hippocratic Body Fluid Research House".

There is a half-person-high window in the front right. If you can poke your head out, you can see the small clock tower in the north corner of the square.

Why do you say that this old man is up for sale.

Because although he repeatedly emphasized in his words that the work of curing diseases needs to be taken seriously.

Regarding whether or not to accept him as an apprentice, he always talks about him from left to right.

Crake probably wanted to accept it, but he still wanted to put on airs as a master.

After all, the harder it is to get, the more cherished it will be.

Thinking of this, Ivan is not in a hurry anymore.

After getting the other party's permission, he observed the equipment on the shelf so contentedly.

In the yellow-gray walnut box, there were a lot of medicinal materials wrapped in papyrus and string. A metal handle on the side broke through the turbid air and rubbed against Ivan's arm, who was observing within a safe range.

He touched it with his hand, and the spindle-shaped handle was extremely smooth, and he didn't know what it was for.

Ivan's casual behavior in the medical hall did not make Dr. Krek feel rude, but he admired this young man who dared to break the rules from the bottom of his heart—not because of his aristocratic status.


Old Doctor Crake convinced himself.

Today's medical research is like stagnant water, and young people are needed to join in.

In particular, the Minister of Purchasing Medicines of the court and the high-ranking people of the church who are defiant are not willing to accept the medical methods of folk doctors.

This unwelcome attitude can lead to unnecessary sacrifices.

What's more, Ivan's aristocratic status is easier to attract everyone's attention.

The old doctor Crake's eyes shone with astonishing brilliance, and the posture of holding the quill had already changed.

He thought that he could use Ivan's noble status to expand his fame in various cities.

"It's time. Hehe"

He licked his lips, the red light almost overflowing his face.

But even so, the old doctor Crake still didn't open his mouth to take Ivan under his door.

The refusal just now was too serious, if he retracted it now, wouldn't he be slapping himself in the face.

But what if I don't agree, and Ivan feels disheartened and decides to leave?
He began to regret that he shouldn't have spoken so harshly, wasting a great opportunity for no reason.

In an instant, "Face Changing in Sichuan Opera" also traveled across the world and came to the old man's face.

Ivan was still thinking, what is the use of this thing in front of him?

I heard that there was no anesthetic in ancient times, and the doctor would knock the patient unconscious with a hammer.

"But the thing doesn't quite look like a hammer—"

He simply pulled out the grip and waved it in his hand, demonstrating his unforgotten swordsmanship well.

Ivan thinks it feels good in the hand: "This thing must be a weapon. There are neither pistols nor phones these days. If you are really in danger in the wild, it is better to choose to save yourself than to ask others for help."

"Although the opposite end is dull, it is quite powerful when used to swing."

The old doctor Crake saw the object in his hand and was about to explain it, but three young men came in unexpectedly.

The door opened, and the young people who squeezed in raced forward with each other, so much so that they were sweating profusely in just a few hundred steps from the bakery to here.

The young man at the head had such a loud voice that everyone in the next room could hear him yelling.

"Mr. Crake, your lunch has been bought."

The old doctor Crake blushed again. He saw that the bread his disciple put on the table was not white bread, but the kind of cheap stale bread that ordinary citizens eat for dinner.

"You, who are you?"

A young man with a broad chin asked.

Ivan noticed that the eyes of the guy opposite were full of the flattery of the second devil.

"Have we met?"

"Master Ivan—" He immediately pretended to have just remembered, and rushed over to shake hands.

"We met in the inn before. If there were not too many people around you at that time, I would have known you a long time ago."

Ivan has heard this kind of words a lot since he was a child, but he didn't show boredom, he just smiled politely.

The young man seemed to have been greatly encouraged, and now he didn't even want to let go of his hand.

His back nimbly and naturally blocked the other two people, and at the same time asked what he could do for him.

When he heard that Ivan wanted to learn medical skills from his teacher, the young man spit out words of praise from his mouth.

Not to be outdone, the other two young men searched their brains for words of agreement.

"Mr. Crake, I am willing to swear with my future career that Master Ivan definitely has a unique talent in this regard."

"Yes, Mr. Crake—you must let Master Ivan join."

The old doctor Crake was deeply moved, and he quickly held Ivan's hand: "I swear in the name of the most respected person in my life——Hippocrates, if you are really as my three disciples said, Yan is an outstanding talent, then I will definitely pass on what I have learned all my life to you."

"Thank you for your expectation, I will study hard."

Ivan smiled, and the other party's thoughts were always in his eyes.

Both parties felt happy about the meeting and got what they wanted.

The old doctor Crake invited Ivan to sit in the back room, where there are many classics and tools for medical study.

At this time, a Chuvash man with high cheekbones passed by the gate of the medical hall. He winked his eyes into the window, drew circles on the wall with a piece of yellow chalk, and left quietly.

They came to the back room together, and Dr. Crake introduced the most advanced medical knowledge to him.

"Just like the anal stick in your hand, the most advanced medical knowledge tells us that enema therapy can restore the balance of body fluids by cleaning up the toxic substances in the human body, and then restore physical health and mental rationality."

"Wait, what is this?"

"Anal stick, the end you are holding is where we insert the patient's lower body."


(End of this chapter)

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