Medieval Reiki Revival

Chapter 54 Burning Heretics

Chapter 54 Burning Heretics
The residents of Center Street and the slums were much more injured than the nobles who attended the wedding. They lost almost 2000 people, while the nobles only lost more than [-] people, some of whom were only servants.

The ghouls raged in the city for a day and a night, and wherever the tide of corpses surged, death and bones were left behind.

Seeing the dead bodies on the ground, people embraced each other mournfully, decorating the entire block with tears and wailing.

Grief and pain caused the moss on the walls to begin to take on a different color—some say it was because the moss drank blood, which changed the luster of the leaves.

The city council hastily held an emergency meeting. They decided to suspend the construction of the clock tower and reward the warriors who killed the ghouls with excess funds. They also sent out a message to hope that the black knight who saved the mayor in the monastery could come forward to help.


"What knight?"

The Luzburger Zeitung saw the right moment and reported what happened at the wedding venue that day.

The townspeople soon learned that a knight with a sword of fire had come to the city, who could slay demons, and that there was a hidden wizard who drove corpses and made deals with the devil.

"It's scary, there are wizards around."

"Those ghouls were summoned by him."

"I heard that wizards are afraid of fire. We'd better prepare torches."

"Sweeping with a wild dog's tail keeps witches away."

As a result, wild dogs in the streets and alleys became the targets of people chasing them. They were often held in the arms of men or women, their tails were pinched forcibly, and then they hung down on the open space at the door and swept gently.

People sweep and sprinkle holy water.

Urine can be used without holy water.

According to the old man, this way can drive away evil.

To the disappointment of the mayor and his aldermen, the Knight of the Burning Sword did not come to the government, and there is no sign of showing up elsewhere.

Some people think that the Knight of the Burning Sword was probably killed in the process of fighting the wizard, and gave signs that seemed quite reasonable.

For example, the ghouls have all left the city.

It didn't disappear.

Reports of ghouls attacking livestock can be heard in many rural towns.

But Ivan simply disinfected his wound, and then applied medicine to heal the wound.

He didn't want to use [Meat Mushroom Ling Powder], this thing can no longer be exchanged in the system, and he lost a lot in the overturned carriage before, and the wounds caused by these ghouls can heal naturally.

Outside the clinic, residents pass by every day.

The voices of their conversation can be heard even if they live upstairs.

Knights, ghouls.

The resulting storm was bigger than he had imagined.

Ivan had already inquired, and all the ghouls in the city had left—when most people hid, they ran to the countryside with several cows.

Maybe there are still a few left in some corners, but the courageous residents will cut off their heads and take them to the government for money.

As long as the number of such creatures decreases and people's thinking changes, it will not have much impact.

Ivan felt that people in the country would definitely panic for a while, but most farmers were a little more courageous than those in the city.

They are more willing to contribute in order to protect their harvest and wealth, so the ghouls may be extinct if they are scattered.

Fortunately, I also caught a few.

for experimentation.

For three days in a row, everyone in the city seemed to be crazy.

Newspapers are selling well.

They're willing to believe in any outlandish way to drive away demons.

After a while, someone said that cats would inform, and those who had cats at home would kill or drive away the cats, and those who did not have cats would drive away the nearby cats.

After a while, someone said that wheat and chalk can be used to draw exorcism circles, so the price of wheat and chalk suddenly increased to an unimaginable level.

The good news is that the extra tax has been temporarily outlawed.

No firewood was collected.

The adults are not in the mood to take care of these trivial matters.

The penitential rolls sold even better.

Sheriff Hua Ke tore the former sheriff's letter into pieces in a bad mood. The former sheriff Henry sent a letter to find out what happened to the "demon attack" rumors. He thought that the city government questioned the ability of the security team today.

Hua Ke stood in front of the congressmen and was ridiculed for a while, which made him feel very angry.

Indeed, as they said, Hua Ke has not accomplished a single thing since he took office. Even when he patted his chest and said that he wanted to solve the Bandit Gang, it disappeared after he officially took office.

Compared with before, the former sheriff Henry.

Not only did he make great achievements in public security management, but he also killed a werewolf that attacked residents.

Although the parade could not be held because of the conflict between Catholicism and Protestantism, the city government still rewarded him with a large sum of money for his outstanding performance.

And Henry used the money to buy the position of executive judge from a nearby city.In a few years, maybe he will be a formal judge.

"Werewolf, it's just luck."

Hua Ke has always had his eyes high and his hands low. He looked vertically at the ground, and when an ant passed through the cracks in the ground, he quickly grabbed it with his feet: "I have to think of a way, so that I can use my ability."

"The ghouls have fled elsewhere."

"If you let the security team go and arrest him, I'm afraid you won't be able to come back for a while."

Hua Ke glanced out the window, and some residents bought some holy water from the church to take home.His eyes suddenly lit up, as if someone who had been starving for several days suddenly saw a large piece of cream cake.

This is peerless deliciousness.

Although the hand mixer of this era has improved the efficiency of milk to cream, the lack of refrigeration makes cream still an expensive commodity.

Hua Ke clapped his hands, and the hair on his forehead exploded like a poisonous snake.


He was overjoyed, his eyes gleaming with viciousness: "There may still be wizards or witches hidden in this city, as long as I can find them, so that these people will not harm the residents, and the master of the city government can rest assured .”

Hua Ke thinks this is a clever plan.

He took off the rare green leaves of the public security department and used them to wipe the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

The other soldiers in red didn't say anything when they saw it. Maybe the new sheriff is not a good person, but the benefits of being an idiot are more than being a good person.

On this spring afternoon, it was more comfortable to listen to the sheriff babble about his plans than to listen to the city council patrolling the streets.

"We will act tomorrow."

Hua Ke thought that everyone else agreed with his opinion, so he was very proud to set an example.

Early the next morning.

The mighty team of red-clothed soldiers attracted the attention of the residents of Central Street. Hua Ke walked in the front of the team with his head held high, and waved to the surprised peddlers and shopkeepers from time to time, as if he had just come down from the palace to show favor. official.

A group of them came to the door of the Rasputin Medical Museum, and the country doctor named Rasputin ran outside immediately, wanting to entertain them warmly.

It's a pity that a hot face has a cold butt.

Hua Ke's eyes rolled around, and he ordered his men to rush into the medical hall to look for anything suspicious.

Sure enough, in the dark cabinet.

A baby's skull was found, along with a woman's turban.

"Rasput, you." Hua Ke said loudly.

The subordinate quickly reminded: "It's Rasputin."

"Oh," he nodded, pretending to be angry again: "Rasputin, you have committed a crime, and you have committed a serious witch crime. Because you used witchcraft to disturb the lives of residents, and threatened people to extract their money, Now that the evidence is solid, I will arrest you and put you in prison."

Several soldiers secretly put valuables into their pockets, and the doctor collapsed on the floor.

"That shouldn't be the case, I'm just a doctor."

"Here are all my medicines, and I use these things to treat illnesses."

Hua Ke didn't talk nonsense with him, and asked his subordinates to drive him directly, preparing to take him to the prison next to the Public Security Department and lock him up.

"Help, I'm innocent."

If it ends here, it's over.

But the proud and arrogant Huake walked all the way, announcing to passers-by that he had arrested a wizard and found evidence of his use of witchcraft.

The more he talked, the more excited he was, and he even fabricated many things that did not exist, so that others gradually believed that Rasputin was a witchcraft liar.

His very existence is a blasphemy against God.

So when many people came around with grass targets, torches, shovels, and wooden forks, Hua Ke was also dumbfounded. He didn't realize that his words made the residents' anger in their hearts explode.

"Burn him to death, don't be fooled by his pitiful appearance."

"Send him back to hell."

"Use flames to burn this villain to death."

"It's time to avenge the flame knight."

The country doctor was extremely desperate. He stared blankly at the sky, his eyes were expressionless, and defended himself with extremely thin words. Unfortunately, the angry residents did not want any of his words.

Hua Ke scratched his head, is it really going to burn?
(End of this chapter)

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