Medieval Reiki Revival

Chapter 61 Success or Failure

Chapter 61 Success or Failure

As more and more Lusitanian soldiers crossed the Francite border, the countryside of the Rocroi countryside became the worst victim of the wreak havoc of this foreign enemy.

The temporarily established military fortress of Mons became the best food supply line for this group of soldiers who walked neatly, and the knights roamed the fertile soil of other countries without any scruples.

Villages and towns were burned to the ground, and innocent girls became playthings for soldiers.

The farmers in the east of Flanders lost their homes and ran towards the nearby cities in panic all day long.

Formy, Cambrai, Saint-Quentin.

The tumult of war spread from the east to other places.

The smog hanging over the country is like antiseptic flowing on the cleaning table. It looks colorless and transparent on the surface, but no one can ignore the strong smell of alcohol.

If someone adds a fire of civilization at the right time, the power of the people at the bottom will be enough to turn this historic country upside down.


But success is failure in another sense.

Ivan was very anxious. He cut a bloody wound on his arm expressionlessly, but he couldn't erase the indescribable sense of emptiness deep in his heart.

It was like maggots dwelling deep in his heart. Once he stopped moving, these tiny creatures would swim freely in his blood vessels.

"Hehe, you bugs."

"Where is he hiding? It bothers me so much." He said to himself.

No bugs.

The heart is extremely healthy, because Ivan dug it out and looked at it himself, and his troubles are just a psychological effect.

Self-experimentation means risking the unknown, and the unknown has unforeseen consequences.

"Soul splitting can improve strength, but it also changes my mental state."

Ivan took out the dagger stuck in his arm and wiped it clean with a damp rag: "Something is talking in my ear, something is spinning in my head, and I can't seem to stop."

There was a knock on the door, but Ivan didn't care. There would be no outsiders during this time period.

The visitor gently opened the door and walked cautiously into the room.

She was like a breast cat that had sneaked into the master's room, standing on tiptoe to let the meat ball touch the ground, without making a sound, doing her own thing quietly.

Jasmine brought the food, and the delicate tray was filled with things such as bread, hoof meat, lettuce, and berry cakes, as well as a pot of warm water. She held a bunch of things in her bamboo shoot-like hands, There is a slight sweat on the temples on both sides.

According to the living habits of the Flansters, a hearty lunch should be accompanied by a glass of wine, but because Ivan once asked them not to bring wine when they were doing experiments so as not to affect their thinking, Jasmine began to bring him warm water to quench his thirst.

On the experimental table was a naked male corpse, the key parts were covered by a white cloth.

Even so, Jasmine didn't dare to look at it. She knew that many people in the hospital were secretly discussing Master Ivan's laboratory, and the orphans brought by the orphanage compared it to a place where demons eat.

Actually pretty much the same.

Jasmine didn't know whether she should explain it to him, but most of the employees in the hospital had bad associations with his deep and simple life.

Especially those construction workers.

They saw the blindfolded man last time when he came to deliver the corpse.

Ivan is currently in Beauxbaton Hospital, and the clinic on the edge of Center Street is now like a haunted house, everything inside has been cleaned up.

In fact, it was quite popular there at first. After the army of ghouls passed by, only the clay spinning top that the child lost was left in the empty house.

"very funny."

"The driving force that drives the ghoul's flesh is these blue fungi."

Ivan took off some living fragments with tweezers and put them in a petri dish for observation.


He licked his lips unexpectedly, his brown pupils aimed at the test subject.

"Is this thing in front of me a fungus? It just looks a bit like a fungus. It's like unprocessed natural coral. Many people think that coral is a plant, but in fact the coral and the blue species in front of me are a kind of lower animal. Belongs to coelenterates with only two germ layers, inner and outer."

"The blue fungus is considered to be parasitic on the ghoul."

"Without it, the body wouldn't move at all."

"Generally speaking, the existing parasites on the earth can be roughly divided into those that invade under the skin or muscles to absorb blood, and those that enter the digestive tract to directly absorb nutrients."

Ivan remembered that in his previous life, he had seen others buy anti-worm medicine, a piece was about the size of a fingernail, and it was said that eating it could pull out the parasites in his stomach.

"The physiological structure of this thing is simpler than that of a parasite. It does not have the function of self-reproduction, and can only undergo body mitosis."

"The strange thing is that it can be combined with the human body. The secretion it produces can not only slowly repair the muscles, but also stiffen the nerve fibers, making them over-excited, and transforming them into a reflection method in another sense. The disadvantage is that it is completely Losing the ability to regulate nerves, I can only do simple and mechanical actions—grasping, eating, and running.”

Ivan tried to transplant blue fungus to living people. Human immune cells have a strong rejection effect on it. Once it enters the blood circulation, it will be wiped out by the immune system, as if it is imprinted deep in the gene.

However, its secretions were collected by Ivan a lot.

After all, the repair ability is very good.

Although it is not as exaggerated as [Meat Zhi Ling Powder], it can be used as a substitute for the degraded version.If one could find a way to undo the ability to stiffen the fibers of the mind and body, it would be of great use.

Jasmine looked at Ivan seriously.

The corners of her brows are raised in a poetic petal shape.

Later, she realized that she had lost her composure, but she felt weak and weak all over, and all kinds of strange dreams always appeared in her mind.

Jasmine looked around a few times with a guilty conscience, and left quietly, leaving behind a happy and happy back.

The wind and clouds moved, and the spring in the room dissipated a lot.

Ivan noticed Jasmine's arrival and departure, but that was only the arrival and departure of one person.

He could realize the wonderful taste bud experience when biscuits and beef entered the mouth, but this feeling could not bring positive emotions to Ivan's brain.

The split soul affects the secretion of dopamine all the time, and the spindle-shaped glands seem to be twisted in one direction by nature.

The second experiment worth talking about is the new tool that Ivan exchanged from the system.

【Dream Maker】—Interesting strange thing.

From the outside, it looks like a small pitch-black umbrella with no pattern on it, no different from the pig iron hammered by the blacksmith Ding Ling, but when Ivan pokes it on the biological cerebral cortex, something inside The energy can change the user's brain waves, making it an illusion that can carry the thoughts of others.

"Illusion, it's not the same."

Ivan is very sure that everything he came into contact with in entering the illusion is real, but the basis for constructing that absurd and weird world is the thinking power inside the brain of the [dream maker], not the different natures in reality. Elements.

【Dream Maker】It has to be poked into the brain to work.

And it must have a high-level mindset.

Frogs, goats, wild dogs.

The brains of these animals are useless.

At the moment of insertion, the illusion created is just a thin layer of fog.

If a user tries to enter the illusion, the fragile mist will completely collapse at the moment of contact. The brain carrying the illusion is like an over-calculated server, and part of the nerve tissue is completely damaged.

Brain death is the best state.

Brain hemorrhages are the result of most illusion breakdowns.

Also, there is one more thing to deal with.

【Dream Maker】The function can only be realized by touching the inside of the brain. That is to say, if Ivan wants to use this kind of thing on human beings, the first thing to consider is the rejection of foreign objects entering the body, as well as the bacterial infection around the wound.

【Meat Zhi Ling Powder】It should be used in moderation.

It is unlikely to encounter such an excellent magic medicine again in the system mall.

Ivan touched the ring on his hand, and turned his attention to a souvenir of killing a werewolf.

"That thing should also have an advanced thinking mode?"

(End of this chapter)

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