Medieval Reiki Revival

Chapter 78 Mother's Advice

Chapter 78 Mother's Advice

Mrs. Hudson held her daughter's hand. She started to walk quickly from the southwest side of Center Street, passed by several carriages and vendors, and walked to the other side of the bakery. Only then did Jasmine break free from her mother and use firm Eyes meet her.

"Jasmine, you have to get out of here with me."


Mrs. Hudson, not in the habit of following her daughter's words, immediately wanted to take Molly's hand and hurry out of the place, filling her philistine mouth with nasty comments about the other bearded tenant.

She walked quickly, but the people behind her were like tree stumps.

No matter how you pull it, it won't move.

Only then did Mrs. Hudson realize that Molly was really rejecting herself.

She suddenly thought of her husband who had passed away for a long time. Perhaps it was some kind of trace left by that whimsical man that made her daughter rebellious.

Mrs. Hudson had a stern face, lowering her voice as if scolding a young child.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

Jasmine was a little hesitant at first, but she quickly strengthened her belief.

"I can't leave Boothbass Hospital at this time. This is where I work. There are many friends and a smart apprentice-Tong Niya. We use the knowledge we have learned to save other people's lives in the hospital. I I like this kind of life."

Mrs. Hudson couldn't believe her ears. She didn't understand what kind of ecstasy potion the hospital had given Molly to turn a lady into an uneducated country bumpkin.

Who would contradict his own mother in the street?
There must be a problem.

Mrs. Hudson suppressed her anger and tried to salvage the situation as best she could.

"Jasmine, you didn't hear that news."


"The owner of Beauxbatons Hospital is a wizard."

When the original normal narrative tone said this sentence, it almost seemed to be roaring.People passing by were startled, but were quickly driven away by Mrs. Hudson's mean eyes.

"I do not mind."


This time it was the turn of the mother to speak.

There was mist in Jasmine's eyes: "I thought I liked Master Ivan because you let me do it, but I soon discovered that I like him because he is always unique and full of vitality."

"Such deep eyes will not appear in the eyes of other people, only Master Ivan is different."

Jasmine's face was flushed, and her pink skin was surrounded by a circle of red apple flesh.

When she said these words, there were tears in her eyes, and the smooth semi-moist slides on both sides of her nose hesitated, but at the same time, her fresh and tender lips lifted up from time to time.

She is smiling, and her voice is like bells and flowers in the wind.

Although vague, it is surprisingly pleasant.

"Staying in the hospital these days, I am Master Ivan's assistant. I try my best to learn new knowledge, and I keep getting closer to him in life and work. I am really happy. I am happy to become independent, and I even feel that I have reached the end of my life." By Master Ivan's side."

"No, you don't understand me."

Mrs. Hudson's tone was a little softer: "If he is a wizard, most of Luz Pittburgh will hate him, and no one in the city has been harmed, bread sellers, cart carts, stone and brick pickers, everyone I’ve seen scenes where ghouls cannibalize people.”

"Once they decide that Ivan is a wizard, then the whole city will unite, and then you won't be able to run even if you want to."

"I won't run away, I will always stay by his side."

Molly backed away, away from Mrs. Hudson.

"Silly girl."

Mrs. Hudson sighed and watched Molly leave helplessly.

She knew that it was impossible for her to stop her no matter what, but watching her daughter jump into the fire pit, she couldn't do it.

In this way, I can only find a way to meet with Ivan and ask him to save himself and his daughter by the way.

Hudson couldn't change Jasmine's thoughts every day, and she couldn't do anything about Ivan's thoughts.

Just as the visionary landlord thought, when the people were pushed by the mastermind behind the scenes and really believed that Ivan was the mastermind behind manipulating the ghouls, the flames of anger completely burned out the last bit of rationality in their minds.

Even the place where Ivan used to work was affected by Chiyu.

Citizens rushed into hatters and glove shops, and the furniture was all in tatters.

The money in the cash register was looted, the employees were pushed and shoved like street rats, and the edge of Center Street, which had recovered a little, was now deserted again.

It stands to reason that the residents of Fort Luzpitt burned many people to death before.

You should be much more sensible now.

The problem is that some things about the circus have been exposed by interested people.

Lord Robespierre's papers have been fanning the flames, while the Dorians' papers have been hamstrung by the manor attack.

As a result, the city has almost become a powder keg filled with explosives, and it only needs a slight sound to make a shocking explosion.

Hospital staff struggled under the hostile gaze of townspeople.

As long as we are human, we have to eat.

But in this case, no one is willing to sell them.

Jasmine begged a lot of people, and in the end she had to walk ten miles to a small farm in the countryside to buy food. However, after the farmers learned about the situation in the city, they were unwilling to continue selling food.

That's all, the citizens of the city who believe in Christ will rush over and speak ill at each other from time to time.

Friends and acquaintances were all cut off.

Tom, who has always loved freedom, rarely stayed in the hospital room to rest. He went out several times in the morning, and every time he came back with a bruised nose and a swollen face.This is because he escaped quickly, not to mention the orphans in the orphanage, and there are no fewer injured.

The last day of May.

A rumor became the fuse of the city.

At first I didn't know who said it: "I saw a wizard catching children."

Before the residents had time to ask, which family's child it was and where he was caught.Large groups of people have already put on their weapons and are moving aggressively towards Beauxbaton Hospital.

There is no limit to the fanatical crowd.

The terrible destructive power is hidden on the pitchfork. People without a pitchfork pick up the torch in their hands, or break the mop or branch they see on the road, and aim the sharp end at the sky. Those who know a little knowledge will take it with them. Pick up rope, holy water, bible, cross.

Mrs. Hudson tried to stop her, but she was hanged in front of her house.

A sprig of old ivy had climbed high on the brick wall, its base twisted in knots and dead.

"It's not good, it's not good—someone's coming."

Who's coming?how many people?
Just as Jasmine was about to ask this question, she heard dense footsteps flocking to her ears.

She could barely stand, but fortunately Tong Niya supported her.

People, a lot of people.

More and more people surrounded the hospital.

Hongda's semi-modern buildings seem to be wrapped with layers of black gauze, gradually creating a sense of suffocation in the chaotic years, which can destroy everything related to humanities at any time.

The pure white wall has become mottled, fresh seeds have already broken through the ground from the base of the wall, and the Zhaohua of the era begins today.

"Ivan, where did Ivan go?"

Jasmine woke up like a dream, she grabbed Tong Niya's hand.

Tong Niya pointed outside the gate: "Master Ivan. He has already gone out."

Ivan watched the countless crowds slowly flocking towards him, and he shrugged his shoulders expressionlessly, as if what he saw in front of him were not human beings, but rows of ants.

The fiery flames reflected his statue-like nose bridge, and above that was a pair of jet-black eyes.

There is no fear in his eyes, but ambition.

And the thrill of self-subversion.

"This is the beginning of an experiment involving everyone in Fort Luz Pitt."

(End of this chapter)

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