Medieval Reiki Revival

Chapter 91 Francett's Civil War

Chapter 91 Francett's Civil War

Ivan looked at these metal birds in amazement, and the tension of not sleeping all night subsided a lot.


These little birds are alive and well, but they are smooth.The steel body reflects the blue luster, and the needle-like down feathers seem to have no edges.

[Symbiotic Bacteria: Can Symbiosis with Metals, Helping Disabled People Walk]

When Persephone got these gray bacteria, she found that the symbiotic metals could not be used to help humans, or they could not be used to help normal humans.

Symbiosis Metal has a certain degree of self-awareness, so when she installs the metal arm on the disabled body, it is difficult to say whether the person controls the arm or the arm controls the person.

It has been said in the system mall.

This bacterium can help disabled people walk, but how to walk needs to be considered.

So Persephone found someone to build some statues of steel birds, and filled the bodies of these steel birds with [symbiotic bacteria].

At the beginning, the steel bird could only move slightly, with polished sticker bumps on its body.

But after a while, it becomes alive and well.

Not only is the shape more and more realistic, but even the sound is exactly the same as the real bird outside the window.

"Need to eat?"

Persephone shook his head: "No need, but if there are steel worms, they will eat them."

Ivan smiled, and took a steel bird into his hands out of thin air.

Looking at this struggling steel life, he suddenly had another inspiration. Under Persephone's strange gaze, Ivan walked to another window, transmitted his spiritual power to the steel bird, and then suddenly turned to the steel bird. Lost before.

Crackling, crackling, crackling.

The steel bird flapped its wings in the air.

It seems to be nostalgic for its original home.

After circling in situ several times, he reluctantly left.

Ivan curled his fingers into a telescope: "Psychic power can't penetrate the body of living things, so it can't control people, but this small animal made of steel is not included. Just transfer part of the mental power to the steel bird, and wait until it is released again. When it is recycled, I can get the information it has seen."

Advisory boards are not normal human beings.

Because it is impossible for normal human beings to be as ruthless as they are.

In Rocroix alone, about 2 people died.

2000 were Protestant workers, and 8000 were Protestants.

The remaining 1 people lost their lives because their conduct was not pious enough, or they had talked to Protestants and received gifts.

In addition, Protestants have no property rights under the new decree, which means that all plunder against Protestants is legal.

"Dead, dead, dead everywhere."

"It is impossible to tell who is the masked bandit and who is the soldier under the advisory group."

The Protestants have a strong influence in the south of Franchite, which is why Mazarin first transferred Prince Condé away.

Because once these senior generals with military literacy and the local nobles in the south are combined, their influence cannot be underestimated.

Now that Prince Condé and the others have left, the local military system in the south is on the verge of collapse due to the invasion of Lusitania.

This made it difficult for them to organize a large-scale armed counterattack for a while.

"This is massacre."

"This is not preaching at all!"

Philip stood in the office and yelled. Everyone in the advisory team seemed not to hear them, and they continued to do their own things. They discussed where to attack next and what crimes they should use to punish those Those who speak falsely of Christ.

When all the dust fell, a member of the advisory group said in a strange manner in Philip's desperate eyes: "Father Philip, my brother. Your work is not done well these days. Good basics."

"The most important thing now is to bring those lost lambs back into the arms of the Lord."

"Otherwise, why did Lord Mazarin send you here?"

Philip seemed to be crushed by a boulder on his chest. He witnessed the tragic wailing of men, women, and children, like weights on the balance of time. The screams of every innocent victim were a heavy burden.

He regretted so much why he came to this place to work with these demons.

"Lord, if I have ever made a mistake, please forgive me."

"These Protestants also believe in you, but the way of belief is wrong. They are believers who can be converted, and there is no need to confront their future brothers with swords."

Philip fell to his knees, groaning weakly.

He couldn't help but think of the miracles he saw in the court before, and that was the only reason why he was willing to come here.

The St. John’s Affiliated Monastery where Philip used to stay is located in the small town of Trump. This gorgeous monastery was built 100 years ago. It has land, property, and even the habit of granting loans. Should be self-sufficient, but actually need to borrow money to get by.

A deacon of a son who happened to be there criticized the manners of the liturgy, and passers-by asserted that they had been robbed by monks in that area, and there were rumors of wrongdoing.
When Philip passed, his austere character changed the Abbey.

In the strict monastery, only one meal is served daily, which is Chinese food.But the St. John's Abbey is obviously not like this. They have a light dinner after vespers. Bread, cheese, salted fish, and eggs are essential for every meal.

From time to time, the smell of barbecue wafts through the kitchen. Most of the livestock and firewood are well-prepared, and the gluttonous monks often add their own meals.

Philip came here, solved the problem of monks' laziness, and used his ingenuity to make the monastery self-sufficient.

In just two years, he was able to provide meat and cheese to the main monastery.

Philip's pious reputation made him gradually famous, which made Mazarin, who was far away in Versailles, hear about him, and summoned him in person to inquire about the situation.

After a brief investigation, Mazarin decided to give the young man a heavy responsibility.

"Brother Philip, you are the most devout priest I have ever seen."

The potbellied Mazarin finally stopped eating. Compared with his huge size, Philip was like a puppet held by a child.

Thanks to Philip's foresight, he didn't talk to Mazarin about the dangers of gluttony. Otherwise, it's still a question of whether he can leave alive.

"Lord Mazarin."

Philip saluted respectfully.

"I want to show you something."

Mazarin waved his hand and pushed something—a corpse.

Philip didn't know why, he looked at others suspiciously, and a strange smile appeared on Mazarin's plump cheeks, which made him show more teeth than before.

Mazarin said in a sad voice: "It is our brother, a monk named Boniface, he is a good man in the true sense, and he wishes to spend all his time praying and helping the poor. But Now he's dead."

Philip was also very sad when he saw this, because the death of Brother Christ made him very sad.

This simple man once treated the farmer, and he knew that the state of pale skin like a wooden plank, without heartbeat and breathing is called death.

To tell the truth, Philip wished that his brother would suffer a little longer, so that he could help himself.

He sighed: "May the glory of the Lord be forever, and may he find rest."

"Do you know how this brother died?"

"How did you die?"

"He was poisoned by Protestants."

Philip was provoked and immediately became angry.

Mazarin continued: "You know that in places such as Rocroix, Saarbourg, and Streiss, there are Protestant churches everywhere, and Protestants everywhere. This war is a good opportunity, I I need a man of high moral character to help me go south and proclaim the glory of the Lord."

"This person belongs to you."

Philip hesitated because he was more used to living in Trump.

Suddenly going to a strange place alone is somewhat daunting.

Seeing this, Mazarin said in a loud voice: "Lord, do you want to watch your lamb die silently? He was framed by a conspiracy. I pray that you will send a miracle to us mortals." Let believers have some spiritual comfort.”

Philip also wanted to comfort the emotional cardinal.

In the next second, his eyes widened.

I saw that the dead body just now really stood up, not only that, he even opened his eyes, and walked down to the ground with his usual expression.And Mazarin also pretended to be surprised and touched the other party, and the skillful questioning and answering made Philip unable to understand.

A miracle is a miracle!

He finally believed in the fact that God appeared.

And there is a great sense of religious responsibility for the south that is about to go.

Later, he discovered the so-called responsibility.

In fact, they were the ones who killed them, and after the killing, it was their turn to appease them.

While the number of Protestants has decreased, the degree of Catholicism has increased in batches.

The naked massacre made Philip have to question whether their behavior was correct, but the guys in the advisory group didn't care about it at all. They didn't even listen to the Lord's teachings, just like a group of demon troops dressed in religion.

Fortunately, the southerners finally organized some effective forces, and they fought guerrillas with the advisory group in the countryside and cities.

There are also some teams that will get together and be stationed in a certain city.

So on a certain night, a troop belonging to the southerners entered Fort Luzpitt.

Their leader was Baron Robespierre.

(End of this chapter)

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