Classic revival of infinite games

Chapter 10 19 Deke's decision

Chapter 10 1.9 Deke's decision

Grandpa Liang pulled them aside and muttered softly, "You can't say that!"

It turned out that after Grandpa Liang came to this inn, he witnessed someone wanting to reveal the content of the copy to others.

After saying a few words, his mouth disappeared out of thin air.

Unable to eat, drink, or speak, the man ran around in panic, crying bitterly.

Fortunately, after a whole day and night, the mouth appeared again.

However, it has become the consensus of this canyon not to disclose the secrets of any copies.

Grandpa Liang looked at the two of them with complicated emotions, and sighed, "Forget it, I'll take you to meet someone."

They passed one baobab tree after another, and at last they stopped by the last baobab tree, where a man sat.

It was a scarred man, his left eye was bandaged and his right leg disappeared at the knee.

He is obviously disabled, but his sitting posture is upright, leaning against the tree, looking at the sunset, he is extraordinarily free and easy.

"This is Uncle Yang, a retired veteran. He should be the first person to come here." Uncle Liang said softly, "It's a pity, if it wasn't for the fact that he got disabled while supporting the disaster, he would definitely be able to continue to enter the game. You can ask him, He knew what to say and what not to say."

After finishing speaking, Master Liang turned and left, and sat back among the chattering crowd.Everyone on the other side continued to chat happily.

"Uncle Yang?" Ye Man called softly.

Uncle Yang turned his head, with the sharpness unique to a soldier.He glanced majestically at Ye Man and Di Ke, and said, "You just came out of the game." His voice was deep and powerful.

"Yes, we came to ask you about the game." Ye Man said.

Uncle Yang signaled them to sit down, and they sat on the floor.

Uncle Yang said: "In this game, the content of the dungeon cannot be communicated, and you can only experience it yourself. Every time the game is over, points will be given, and you can exchange things there."

He pointed to the end of the canyon closer to the sunset. There was a vending machine: "10 points can be exchanged for rare items, and 5 points can be exchanged for common items. There will be a station like this at the end of each game."

"Uncle Yang, how long can you rest at the station?" Di Ke asked timidly, she was a little afraid of Uncle Yang's aura.

"How long is optional. I've been here for two years..." Uncle Yang glanced at the sunset, "You can stay as long as you want. But you are young and strong, so you shouldn't belong here."

Dike lowered his head slightly.Ye Man asked: "Do all the people here have only played one game?"

"Yes. No matter what game, this is the first station."

"How do you earn points?" Ye Man asked again.

"You get 10 points for leaving the dungeon, and you get 5 points for each keyword you answered correctly. If it's the best ending, or TE—— Tragic Ending, an extra 10 points will be added." Uncle Yang was silent for a while, and said slowly, " But TE needs to be obtained by killing other players, so I don’t recommend you to take it. Someone has taken it before, and there will be a very faint TE tattoo here. No one knows what the consequences will be.” Uncle Yang pointed to the side of his neck, indicating that the tattoo Location.

"Thank you."

The two didn't have any more questions for the time being, so they walked to the vending machine together.

Not only were the product names and points marked on several products, but they were also marked with a slogan.The level of points was indeed divided into two levels.

5 points file/common props:
[Scissors Set] A complete set of super sharp scissors in three sizes, if you can't afford it, you can't be fooled.

[Needle and Thread Gift Pack] A full set of needle and thread, buttons, Velcro, and elastic bands.

10 points file/rare props:
[Baobab Seeds] Plant a seed today, and harvest a big loaf of bread and a secret small tree hole tomorrow!

【Self-Healing Cloth】Super strong, small tears in the cloth will heal itself.Large quantity, can be cut into various styles.

[Mashed Potato Shovel] It doesn't matter if you have little strength, everything you shovel is like mashed potatoes!

[Post-it note light] Wherever the sticker is on, it will be dark when it is torn off. It is powered by nuclear energy and can be adjusted steplessly.

[Unlimited backpack] It doesn't matter, you seem to need me.

Ye Man looked at these props: Except for the infinite backpack, they are basically commodities that can be used in the station.

Dig the soil with a potato masher shovel, plant baobab trees to provide three meals and accommodation, scissors, cloth, needles and threads can be made into clothes and bedding, and if possible, a post-it lamp can be installed in the tree hole.

When the first dungeon comes out, there are 10 points for leaving the dungeon and 5 points for the famous keywords "gifted" by the system. At least 15 points are enough to buy a baobab tree.

Before they could figure out how to use the points, Grandpa Liang came over to greet them again.

"It's almost time for us to rest. You guys, go with everyone and go to rest first."

Di Ke asked, "Grandpa Liang, hasn't the sun set yet?"

Grandpa Liang shook his head with a smile: "In this canyon, it is always the sunset. We have to think about rest!"

An Aunt Li gave up her baobab tree to Di Ke and Ye Man: "I will sleep with my wife today. You can sleep with me."

According to Grandpa Liang, this Aunt Li and her wife, Uncle Wang, are temperamental people, and they quarrel every three days and quarrel every five days.When there is no quarrel, they sleep together as if in love; when they quarrel, they sleep separately in anger.

Luckily for the two new girls, there was just a time when there was no fight.

The tree hole is small, just enough for two people to lie down, and the mattress inside has a sweet fragrance after being exposed to the sun.

On the wall of the cave, there are post-it lamps the size of A4 paper, which are as soft and foldable as a layer of cowhide pasted on them.Swipe right to brighten, the small tree hole is as bright as day when it is at its brightest, and slide left to dim it to emit a faint, dim light.

Ye Man tore off the sticky note light, and the sticky note light went off immediately, but it was still very sticky.She glimpsed a transparent film of the same size next to it, which should be a film for storing stickers.Ye Man put the film on the back of the post-it light, and when the post-it light came close to the film, the film seemed to be magnetically attracted.

"Lend me to play!" Di Ke took the post-it lamp, she stuck it to the wall several times, and sure enough, the whole lamp turned on as soon as it was pasted on the wall.

Playing with it, she gradually came up with tricks, such as sticking half of the light to the wall and the other half on the film, and then found that the light would only shine if the whole light was stuck to the wall.

After playing for a while, Di Ke tore off the post-it note, and the whole tree hole fell into darkness, with only a glimmer of light seeping in from outside the tree hole.

In the dark, the two chatted one after another, and then slowly fell silent.

Just when Ye Man thought Di Ke fell asleep, Di Ke suddenly said, "Ye Man, I decided to stay here."

(End of this chapter)

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