Classic revival of infinite games

Chapter 106 534 Cloud and Mist Library

become a copy?What does it mean?
Why does Baby Baiyun want to drop the cloud when it comes to this?

While thinking, Ye Man picked up the fallen Baiyun and stuck it on Baby Baiyun's flattened buttocks.

It seems that this information involves the core secrets of this station.

"Okay, thank you." Baby Baiyun said, looking at his restored body.

"No, thank you. But, why did you insist on telling me when you fell off the cloud?"

Baby Baiyun tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "Because, I think you are very good."

They walked back to the castle.

Ye Man decided to explore the interior of the castle.

In addition to the rooms of the people, the castle is surrounded by a group of misty clouds in the middle.

"What's in here?" Ye Man asked.

Baby Baiyun's chubby finger pointed at the cloud.

"It's a library inside. There are a lot of fairy tale books and other books."

Ye Man nodded and said, "Let's go in and have a look."

The books inside are roughly divided into fairy tale books and the queen's diary.

Ye Man read the queen's diary directly.

It turns out that when the post station was built, the city above the clouds floated above the clouds, and there were many white cloud babies and a colorful rainbow queen.

The rainbow queen's hair and pupils have seven colors of the rainbow, unpredictable and extremely beautiful.

The Baiyun babies take care of the daily life of the people in the station, and the Rainbow Queen welcomes and sends off the players in the station.

She would hand them a key, which would open the garden gate and enter the next posting station.

However, because this inn is too beautiful, the guests who come here are reluctant to leave.

Indeed, one side is a cruel game where life and death are uncertain, and the other side is a lovely post like a fairyland.

People come here, and all the comfort and ease keep them here.

The castle is huge and magical, and can have infinite rooms, including travelers who stop by.

But in this way, the existence of the Queen appears to be useless.

"What is the meaning of my existence?"

"There are no guests leaving here today."

"Is this still a station?"

"In eternity, I can no longer feel the meaning of myself, and I want to leave."

So the queen left the copy.

"Then where did she go?"

Baby Baiyun dragged Ye Man out of the clouds and floated beside a tall and large window in the atrium.

Ye Man was not used to flying to such a high place, but she felt Baby Baiyun tugging at her sleeve.

It points to the far end of the cloud—

"Look, that rainbow is her."

There is a neon in the clouds, very far away, very beautiful.

Ye Man even suspected that it was rendering the sky into colorful colors.

"Then is she still alive?" Ye Man asked, "Does she have her own consciousness?"

Baby Baiyun shook his head: "I don't know. I'm just a baby Baiyun."

"Where's your consciousness?" Ye Man suddenly asked, "Have you ever thought about the Queen's question?"

Baby Baiyun froze for a moment.

It doesn't, it doesn't think about anything.

There are only two things in its pure heart - to serve the people here, and to be an exclusive butler.

Everything else has nothing to do with it.

Even when the Queen left, all the Baiyun babies were doing their own things as usual.

"I don't know..." Baby Baiyun's Doudou eyes were full of clear confusion.

Ye Man knew that he couldn't continue asking this question.

"Is the color of the exclusive butler red orange yellow green blue blue purple?" Ye Man changed the question.

"Ah!" Baby Baiyun was stunned for a moment, "Yes, that's right. Ah, they are the colors of the rainbow!"

Indeed, the cloud stewards are all one of the seven colors of the rainbow.

It has never been found, and thought about this problem.

By the way, think.

It turns out that human beings not only have emotions, but also need to think.

Wait, it just kept thinking.

It seems to be thinking a little bit now!
Baby Baiyun felt a little bit of joy and satisfaction rise in its heart.

It's a comforting emotion, and it's an amazing feeling.

Ye Man was unaware of Baby Baiyun's mental activities, she was immersed in her own thoughts.

She was thinking, what are the conditions for a post station to become a copy.

She glanced at Xiao Baiyun with a faint blush on her face, and swallowed back her own question.

Confidential questions will hurt it, and this white cloud baby lacks a sense of fear and will find a way to answer her.

"Since it's a classical revival game..." Ye Man mused softly to himself while thinking, "The key point is a key word of a classic."

Although keywords of classics and keywords of science and technology are equally important, since this game is called a "classical revival game", keywords of classics are obviously more critical.

When a post station has a famous keyword, it will gradually evolve towards the direction of the copy.

Baby Baiyun said, "Not now, but it will be soon."

This state shows that it still lacks a technological keyword, and once it has it, it will become a copy.

So what are the key words?

Ye Man continued to think.

——The key point may be on the queen.

——The opportunity to evolve into a copy may be her departure.

The name of a famous book hovered in Ye Man's mind.

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