Classic revival of infinite games

Chapter 161 653 Final Copy

Chapter 161 6.53 Final Copy

"True Ending?" The operator was stunned for a moment, glanced at the man behind him, searched quickly, and then said, "Captain, our ending seems to be very rare."

The captain looked deeply at the screen, stood up and prepared to leave, saying vaguely: "This is the branch of the final selection."

"Captain, I don't quite understand." The operator thought for a while, and when he saw that the captain was about to leave, he decided to ask honestly.

"THE and True Ending are neither good nor bad for us. It depends on whether she decides to go to the truth at the expense of everything, or whether she decides to avoid sacrificing to save everyone."

After hearing this, the operator was still confused and wanted to ask again, but saw that the captain had already left in a daze after leaving those vague words.

Ye Man and his party kept walking forward, seemingly surrounded by a vast expanse of white, until a simple counter suddenly appeared at the end.

Standing at the counter was a receptionist who always smiled professionally: "Hello."

"Hello, is this the entrance of the inn?" Xie Yunche asked.

"Hello. You are right, this is the entrance to the world of multi-dimensional stations." The front desk continued to smile and said, "The next dungeon is the final dungeon, a two-player open points match copy, Spartacus. Entering the world of stations for the first time, Your station will be randomly assigned, and the station will determine the unit you are about to enter."

There was an extremely simple computer in front of the smiling front desk. After a series of smooth typing, he said in an orderly manner: "Mr. .Ms. Ye, have a game team reservation, and your reserved teammates have already come to pick you up."

In the white void behind the counter, a tall figure slowly walked away.

A blond foreign boy wearing a baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants approached them, his hands in his pockets and chewing gum, very uninhibited.

"Hey, Ye Man, we meet again." A low-pitched young man's voice, a handsome smile.

"Huh? Who is this?" Xie Yunche and Jiang You were startled almost at the same time. They turned to Ye Man and then to the young man, their eyes half wary and half unbelievable.

The young man looked at the two people next to Ye Man, a thoughtful expression gradually appeared on his face, and then smiled and said: "We met in the game. I was chosen by Miss Ye."

After saying that, he took Ye Man's hand and gave it a gentlemanly kiss.

This act caused thousands of waves.

Xie Yunzhe said sourly: "You are really popular..."    "Sure enough, there will be problems if I am not by my senior sister's side." Jiang You said with certainty.

Ye Man sighed helplessly: "Nighthawk, are you happy?"

The naughty smile he originally wore disappeared instantly, and Nighthawk said calmly: "I still can't hide it from you. I don't want to team up with you, but I have no choice."

Ye Man heard something between the words, and turned to the smiling front desk: "Can you briefly introduce the general rules of the final copy?"

"Of course," the front desk said. "The Spartacus dungeon is designed to provide you with a happy platform for the strongest points competition. A set of experiential stations and extremely challenging and exciting games alternate in turns. Next, your gaming experience will reach its peak..."

"In other words, the inn and the dungeon are in the same set, and the points are used to rank them?" Xie Yunche heard the main line from a bunch of advertisements and interrupted, "Is the inn and the dungeon related?"

"That's right. But the purpose of the station is to let you relax and be fully prepared for the next points match. In the dungeon, the winner will gain points and the loser will lose points. At the same time, in the dungeon... there is also no resurrection. Oh~" The semi-permanent smile on the front desk's face looked a little weird at the moment.

"How many games do I need to play before I can get a copy?" Ye Man asked the question that concerned her the most.

"Well... you can go out after winning a game~ But... after you go out, it will be the real world. Reality is not as fun as here, don't you think?"

"You can get out if you win one game..." Xie Yunche said thoughtfully, "So the next dungeon is very important?"

Ye Man nodded and turned to the front desk: "Last question, what are the conditions for team formation?"

"Black plus white team up, gray plus gray team up." The front desk replied slowly, "Black players refer to killer players whose TE value reaches a certain amount, white players refer to players without TE symbols, and gray players refer to players with a TE symbol on their necks. Players with light TE symbols."

"So we all... team up with killer players?" Jiang You frowned slightly, "Then can teammates hurt each other or even kill each other?"

"Of course~ you can~" the smile at the front desk seemed to be even more exaggerated, "I wish you all a happy game~~"

(End of this volume)

(End of this chapter)

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