Classic revival of infinite games

Chapter 61 417 Secret Talk

Chapter 61 4.17 Secret Talk
"My question will be more direct. My first question," Yeager slowly put down his glass, asked, "What is your opinion on the products of Grouse Perfume Factory?"

Opfon and Zwitter did not expect Yeager to ask such a straightforward question.The two were stunned for a moment, and Zwitter replied: "Glaus's perfume is more popular in the market than ours. I did a survey and found that there are differences in consumers' perceptions."

Opfon was silent for a long time, then replied tremblingly: "That's magic, or witchcraft..."

"How do you understand this sentence?" Yeager asked while cutting up the steak.

Mr. Opfon frowned and replied: "All the formulas of their perfume factory are strictly confidential. It's not that we didn't try to get them, but it didn't help. But we suspect that hallucinogens are added to the perfume..."

"It must have been secretly added hallucinogens!" Ms. Zweit said angrily, she took out a bottle of rose red bottle of small perfume from her pocket, and put it heavily on the table, "If you don't believe me, you can smell it?"

Yege opened the bottle cap and leaned over to smell it. A strange fragrance came from him. He felt a little dizzy, but there was no further reaction.

"No hallucinogens." Yeager said affirmatively after closing the bottle cap.

"What?" Zwitt and Opfang couldn't believe it, "Did you really not see or hear anything?"

"It's a little dizzy, but it's really a high-end perfume." Yege said.

Miss Linton was curious, and she took the bottle: "Let me smell it."

She opened the bottle, and there was a strange fragrance, which seemed to be layer upon layer of complex floral fragrance.

The left nasal cavity and the right nasal cavity seemed to smell different floral fragrances, a large green shadow suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and then all kinds of flowers were blooming faintly in the green shadow, swaying their stems and The petals seem to be able to hear light laughter and soft singing from the forest.

On the one hand, she felt unbelievable, on the other hand, she felt that her sanity was extremely clear, every sway of a flower fell into her eyelids, and every whisper was clear to her ears, it was the fairy of flowers in the fairyland.

"Miss...Miss Linton...Miss Linton!"

After a while, the fairyland gradually blurred, and the dark green box and the three people in the restaurant were in front of me again.

"What's wrong with you?" Yeager frowned and asked her.

He had just seen Linton staring forward in a daze, no matter how much he called out, he couldn't come back to his senses.

After a while, Linton's eyes seemed to refocus. She looked at Yege firmly and said, "I did enter the fairyland just now."

"What do you see?"

Linton spoke of her vision.

Opfon and Zwitt nodded after hearing this: "That's right! What we saw is the same!"

After hearing this, Yege asked, "Are the details you saw the same?"

Opufang scratched his head: "It's basically the same. After all, it smells like the same fragrance..."

Yeager nodded and said, "Understood."

Zweit frowned: "But I don't understand, Mr. Yeager, why are you okay? Everyone I've seen will have hallucinations after smelling it?"

Yeager shrugged: "Maybe because I have rhinitis."

After hearing this, Tsvet and Opufang were skeptical, but they didn't pursue it anymore.

"My second question." Yege finished eating the beef, wiped his mouth gracefully, and said, "When did the two of you compete?"

"The perfume factory that Grouse started about a year ago was originally just a down-and-out aristocrat, but it suddenly became successful..." Opfon muttered, "I don't know why he suddenly had an inspiration. gone."

"This person is really suspicious!" Tsvet also echoed, "I have investigated, this person majored in media at university, and it is impossible for him to have studied fragrance. But he insisted that it was his own sudden inspiration, and he spoke to the media. Said that the entire research and development process was completed by him alone.”

"In fact, he really did it himself. Otherwise, there is no way to explain it. If there are other such outstanding talents in this city, they will definitely be discovered soon or come to work in our factory." Mr. Opufang rubbed his chin. Hair, "Our factory has always paid very generously, so even people with a little bit of talent will come to work, let alone geniuses."

"Are you familiar with Mrs. Gross?" Yeager asked, "It seems that they got married a year ago, when they started the factory."

"Oh, that lady is the daughter of a wealthy businessman. She grew up in a girls' school, so she probably doesn't have much resources to get in touch with the fragrance industry." Ms. Zwitter replied, "Because Gross indeed founded the factory after marriage, let's go to After investigating the woman's family, it turns out that their family has nothing to do with incense, but more like Gross asked the woman's family to borrow a large sum of money to set up a factory after getting married, and then owned the capital to set up the factory. "

Yeager nodded, and asked the third question: "When did the circus exist?"

Opfon said, "I've had it since I was born. But it wasn't so evil before."

"The circus in the past was just an ordinary circus, with some ordinary animals and acrobatic performances, so it has never been very popular. That is, half a year ago, it suddenly changed to this look." Zweit said, "I heard it was a circus. The leader of the regiment has changed, but we are not familiar with it."

"As you can see, the circus is very mysterious, and has a strong attraction and deterrence to the nobles, so it is difficult for us to explore the mysteries in it." Opufang said, spreading his hands.

Yege thought for a while, and asked the fourth question: "This question may be rather sharp. How did you make such an unpleasant perfume?"

After hearing this, the two of them turned pale.

After a long silence, Mr. Opufang bit the bullet and responded: "Now that I think about it, it should be after watching a circus performance for a while. Of course, I don't know if it is accurate. I just have this feeling..."

Zwitter nodded: "I have the same feeling. It seems that the performance..."

The eyes of the two met, and suddenly realized.

"That scene?"

"I remember a woman with gray hair and green eyes, with a very thin waist."

(End of this chapter)

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