77 Chapter 5.5

In the middle of the night, Lin Xiaomei woke up suddenly.

This was the third time she woke up that night.

She woke up from the nightmare again, her body was a little cold, and she couldn't stop shaking.

She came to the window uncontrollably, and secretly opened the curtains to go outside.

Outside the window, a wild cat jumped over with a "meow".

"Another illusion." She said to herself.

Since Ye Man came back, she fell into unreasonable fear.

There were no new murders yesterday and today. She sorted out the items in the room, trying to find new clues and antidotes.

Yes, that's right, find an antidote.

Because yesterday's sleep did not bring any help to Ye Man's state.

Today, Lin Xiaomei still feels that Ye Man seems to have drunk fake wine, mumbling and impatient.

Compared with the agile state of secretly observing and waiting for opportunities before, there is definitely something wrong with Ye Man at this moment.

Lin Xiaomei panicked all of a sudden.

She had been hugging her reliable teammate's thigh before, but her thigh suddenly went offline, and she had to rely on herself for everything.

There must be something wrong with Medusa that day.

She took out the picture frame that Ye Man brought back.

On the portrait in front of him, the strokes of the sketch draw a lifelike, coquettish and fertile woman.

She took off the painting, put a new white drawing paper in the frame, and put the portrait in a bag to prevent the light from producing new patterns.

Then she took the drawing paper she took off and looked at it silently.

Lin Xiaomei quickly felt the weirdness of the portrait.

Each strand of fluttering hair faces in a different direction, and even the turbulent wind cannot blow such a hairstyle.

If you look closely, the hair on your head is all in locks, a bit too regular, without a single strand of broken hair.

Combining the message left by Ye Man - Medusa.

Those so-called strange hairs should be snakes.

And they had already heard of this circus woman before.

Lin Xiaomei turned to her notes, Mia's testimony - flowing hair, soft waist, pale face.

This is the woman Mr. Grouse has moved on to.

The testimonies of Opfon and Zwitt—gray hair, green eyes, thin waist, extremely pale, bendable joints, pale skin, very pointed and long teeth, never spoke.

Looking at it now, it is undoubtedly a beautiful big snake that cannot speak.

Stone sculptures, human faces, and snake hair, aren't they Medusa in mythology?
It's just that Medusa's skill in mythology is that people who look at her will turn into stone statues.

But in this dungeon, it's not the same.

She has performed in public, and countless people have seen her, but no one has been turned to stone.

"What exactly is Medusa's skill?"

Lin Xiaomei's eyes fell on her notebook again.

Mr. Grouse had met Medusa before and was later killed.

Opfon and Zwitt met Medusa, and later made garbage perfume, became a gold card sacrifice, and almost died on the stage.

Later, it was Ye Man, after seeing Medusa, he showed hallucinatory behavior like drinking fake wine.

From this point of view, Medusa's skill is to make certain people crazy.

"What kind of person?"

Lin Xiaomei opened Ye Man's notes, which contained a lot of information she deduced, guiding Lin Xiaomei step by step.

"This guy seems to have thought that he would be crazy."

Lin Xiaomei smiled wryly. She didn't expect her ex-roommate to play so big, and she didn't expect Ye Man to pin her hopes on her.

[In the masterpiece of "Perfume", the formula is human, and the perfume in the copy is also human. 】——Ye Man's notes
"So, Ye Man is one of the recipes?!"

Lin Xiaomei immediately felt a sense of crisis, like the feeling of ants climbing up her back, which gave her goose bumps all over her body.

Her hands and feet were a little cold, she forced herself to take a deep breath, and then read on.

[Mia's husband is greedy for a new beauty, Opfon said that he was once jealous of his opponent, and Zweitt couldn't contain his anger.But the most obvious should be the fat killer, the glutton. 】——Ye Man's notes
"Seven deadly sins?"

Lin Xiaomei had an epiphany, and changed to a blue pen and wrote in Ye Man's notebook: [There should be a total of 7 people who can form the final perfume. 】

Lust, jealousy, anger, and gluttony have already appeared, but jealousy and anger are saved by them, and they may find alternatives, such as pink clowns.

There are three more, namely Arrogance, Greed and Laziness.

First of all, get rid of greed, Ye Man's appearance is completely different, and Lin Xiaomei can't tell the difference between laziness and arrogance for the time being.

She needs to test Ye Man.

Ye Man sat lazily at the dining table, with the sun shining on her body, she stirred the tea bag carelessly, watching the dark brown color swell in the hot water.

Is it lazy?And try again.

"Ye Man, what do you think Mia and the head of the circus should do..."

"Isn't it enough to kill them?" Ye Man was absent-minded, "It's always a 2v2 match anyway. We have the inventor's weapon and my props, what's so difficult about it?"

Lin Xiaomei was silent for a while, Ye Man, who was sober at that time, was far from her at this time.

"Then shall we kill it together? When will we do it?" Lin Xiaomei asked.

"Anytime is fine." Ye Man got up as he spoke, and smiled confidently at her, "I am enough alone. You don't have to go, just sit down."

"Oh wait a minute. I've sorted out some questions for you, can you go after you answer them?"

"Okay, I really can't do anything about you." Ye Man sat down again, drinking tea casually.

Lin Xiaomei went back to her study and wrote [Ye Man: Arrogance] in Ye Man's and her own notes.

"Next, what do I need to do?"

Lin Xiaomei sat back in the living room, facing Ye Man who was casually reading the newspaper and drinking tea.

She looked at Ye Man for a while, but couldn't see anything more, so she looked out the window.

Outside the window, a wild cat made another "meow" and jumped over again.

is another one.

Last night it was a gray cat, today it is a half gray and half white cat.

However, the successive wild cats gave Lin Xiaomei a bad feeling.

She didn't forget that their opponent was a circus.

After thinking about it, she simply closed the curtains, keeping them closed might prevent peeping.

"Those guys are watching me, right?" Lin Xiaomei heard Ye Man chuckle, "Just pull the curtains and let them watch. I don't believe they can make a name for themselves."

"Ah, I think the light is a bit harsh today."

Although the lie was crude, but fortunately Ye Man who drank the fake wine did not go into it.

Lin Xiaomei breathed a sigh of relief.

The safest way at present is to control Ye Man in the house. This is the inventor's fortress, and it is not easy for them to attack.

"I'll just live here until Ye Man wakes up." Lin Xiaomei made up her mind.

But will she wake up?Or will it be just like this?

"So what question do you ask me?" Ye Man suddenly asked, interrupting Lin Xiaomei's train of thought, "I'm short on time and need to go out immediately."

"Oh, that's the medicine." Lin Xiaomei hurriedly took out the medicine she had on the bathroom counter, which didn't look like a label, "I don't know what these medicines are for."

What Lin Xiaomei took out was sleeping pills, and she had already searched for the labeling methods of those bottles.But Ye Man didn't search for evidence as carefully as she did during this time, and she didn't exchange this information with Ye Man.

For now, this is her last hope.

Come on, arrogance, if you were really arrogant you would swallow these pills without a care, right?
Ye Man picked up the bottle and looked at it carefully, then smiled: "It's just sleeping pills, didn't you notice it? If there are no other problems, I'll go out."

(End of this chapter)

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