Classic revival of infinite games

Chapter 81 Nerve conduction failure

Chapter 81 Nerve conduction failure
This is roughly how a day in a mental hospital goes.

Line up at 7 o'clock in the morning and start doing exercises.

The exercises for the patients are about turning their heads and moving their arms, which is relatively gentle.

Then line up for breakfast.

After breakfast at 8 o'clock, start the physical examination.

After the physical examination at 9:[-], free activities began.

Free activities are the reading room and the movie screening room. There are few optional items for reading, drawing, and watching movies.

Ye Man chose the movie screening room.

A dimly lit room with a crude projector projecting light onto a white wall with mediocre light and sound effects.

Dozens of ordinary chairs serve as seating.Several people were already sitting inside, and their sitting postures were extremely regular.

Ye Man sat in the middle of the penultimate row.

The video shows a collection of children's movies. It seems that the piglet went out to play and lost the balloon. Later, the bird brought it back to him, similar to this kind of story.

Ye Man observed the behavior of the people in the front row by the projected light.

Strictly speaking, their sitting posture is like a dumb robot, which is still very unintelligent.

No scratching or making any noise, very quiet and well behaved.

But from their eyes, Ye Man can clearly see the difference.

Some people are deeply attracted by the plot, their eyes are eager when the piggy loses the balloon, and they are relieved when the bird comes back.

Some people seem to be caught in their own thinking, and their eyes gradually drift away.

Some people seem to regard the sound of the movie as some kind of white noise, emptying themselves, staring at a certain place.

Ye Man took out a cotton swab and touched the back necks of the three people sitting in front of her.

They didn't even have the flexibility to shrink their necks or dodge!
Ye Man became more and more firm in his thoughts - there seemed to be a clear separation between the physical representation and actual thinking of these people.

Everyone's human body includes receptors, afferent nerves, nerve centers, efferent nerves and effectors, so that a complete reflex arc can be completed.

From Ye Man's own feelings and observations of the people around him, from the receptors to the nerve center, there is no problem with these people, but there is a problem with the efferent nerve and the effector.

In other words, in this copy of this hospital, you can feel everything that happens in the world and experience all emotions, but you cannot express it in words or respond with actions smoothly.

When your efferent nerves and effectors are added with factors that strengthen language and movement, that is called "crazy".

When your efferent nerves and effectors are blurred and blocked, only mechanical behavior can be done, that is called, successfully treated by the drugs here.

While Ye Man was thinking, she found that she was also sitting in her own brain, and started the mode of "manipulating the flesh mecha" again.

—her period of sickness had begun.

The clock on the left wall is pointing to 10:[-].

She simply had to sit still.

That's why she chose the screening room.

In this dimly lit little room, she didn't need to turn the pages of the book or wave the ink, she just had to sit.

Even, since her senses are not affected, she can sit in this body and continue to watch movies or observe people around her.

She found some people with scars, visible on the neck and arms, but only scars, in other words, not new injuries.

Two hours passed quietly.

"Twelve hours during the day, that means six hours of madness." Ye Man calculated in her heart that she would not be able to get out of this crazy state until 12:6.

But the projector in the screening room was turned off at 12:[-], the lights were turned on, and everyone started walking towards the door.

A nurse came in and began to urge everyone impatiently: "Go, go! The lights are going to be turned off. You! Get up!"

The nurse pointed at Ye Man.

Ye Man still sat still.

The nurse impatiently took out the list, looked at Ye Man's face, and said, "Haput? Is it? If you don't obey, go take your medicine! Get up...hey? Hey, hey, what's wrong with you?"


Ye Man fell straight on the ground, closing his eyes in a dazed state.

Pain came from various parts of the body, as if begging Ye Man to struggle. Ye Man, who was sitting in the "central control", did not output any commands to shout or struggle.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Man's instructions were only to fall to the ground and close his eyes.

——Of course, because the body is a "bumper car", the behavior is a little exaggerated, and the fall hurts a lot.This is also impossible.

She heard the voice of the orderly yelling.

"What's the matter with this guy?! Oh, he's still breathing! Is this guy completely stupid because he can't take medicine? Come on!...Damn it, no one else here can understand me."

The man approached him and yelled.

"You wait here for a while! I'll call someone!"

Then he walked away muttering, saying as he walked, "No, what am I talking about with this lunatic..."

After a while, two nurses came out and turned her over.

There seemed to be a doctor next to him. He listened with a stethoscope for a while, checked again, and said: "The signs are all right, he should be asleep. Let him rest in his room."

"... Oh, good doctor." Two nurses lifted him up and put him back in the room.

In the next room, the inventor is resting with his eyes closed.

"Hey! You have bad legs and feet. You live next door to him. Just watch him. If you have any problems, press the emergency button in the room to call us! I put lunch and dinner here for him! And your medicine at night!"

The nurse put her hands on her hips and said to the inventor.

The inventor was expressionless, but nodded mechanically.

Another nurse asked uncomfortably, "Is it okay to put it here? Both of them are patients."

The first nurse said nonchalantly: "They are all patients, so there is no problem. They will become stupid after taking that medicine. It doesn't matter if they eat or not, they can't have any problems in their own room."

The two turned around and left.

"It's really you." The inventor opened the round window for communication and said to Ye Man.

Ye Man buried his head in the pillow, neither making a sound nor moving.

"You are very cautious." The inventor put on dark anti-glare glasses and stopped talking.

Ye Man heard the sound of metal cutting coming from the side, thinking that the inventor was indeed rushing to work, so he fell asleep in a daze with peace of mind.

It was 5pm when I woke up.

Ye Man regained his sanity and control over his body, and got up from the bed.

It should be dinner time at this time, the patients receive their meals, and then go to listen to the preaching of the people sent by the church at night.

She doesn't intend to go there.

From the round window, she could see the inventors on the side making inventions in an orderly manner, and every tentacle was busy.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" the inventor asked as he worked on his invention.

"Of course. I will tell you two things." Ye Man replied, "I will tell you what I discovered today, maybe it will help your invention. The second point is..."

She looked at the inventor and showed an intriguing smile: "The reason why I came to the mental hospital to see you again."

(End of this chapter)

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